

Responses from elberoth2

Anyone heard the Bel Canto EOne REF1000's?
I didn't have a chance to hear in my system the Ref1000, but I've heard other ICEpower amps and have owned the eVo 4 mk II for almost two years.In my system and to my ears, the ICEpower amps are MUCH better than eVo 4. The highs are better resolve... 
Bel Canto eOne amps - Is this the future?
Denf,I strongly disagree. In my system I MUCH prefer the Capitole run through BAT VK-51SE preamp than direct to my Lamms. It sounds so much better this way.On the other hand, BAT is $9000, add to that another pair of ICs and a power cord, and we a... 
Dartzeel or Audio Research VTM200???
Here are some interesting comments on dart vs ARC 200.http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?aamps&1134143410&openfrom&1&4#1 
Nagra VPA versus Lamm ML1.1
I haven't heard the Lamm ML1.1, but I own Lamm M1.2 Reference hybrid and I have had the Nagra VPAs on dealer loan for over two weeks, and I have to agree with Rcprince. 
What preamp for Lamm M1.2 ?
From your description, both LL2 and L2 sound very tempting ... if only they were equipped with a remote :-(CJ ACT 2 also sounds like a good idea. The CJ 350SA, which is a natural partner for ACT2, has 35dB of gain - 3dB more than my Lamms - so the... 
Which CD with Volume control up to $3500
AA Capitole mk II is great run direct. IMO makes a better match with JC1 than Opus. 
Dartzeel amp lives up to hype
Jtinn -> It seems that I have to eat my own words. There must have been a misunderstanding between me and the person I got that info from. Apparently the person I was reffering to tried just the Dart poweramp, not the Dart combo. 
What's The Word On The Street? Bel Canto Ref 1000
That is a fair price. 
What preamp for Lamm M1.2 ?
Ethannnn,Did you have a chance to compare the L2 to the cheaper LL2 Deluxe ? I know that the LL2 is much cheaper, but it is also an all tube design and as such it appeals to me more than the L2 which is a hybrid. 
Dartzeel amp lives up to hype
Jtinn - The one I'm talking about was sold in Europe, not in the US. 
What preamp for Lamm M1.2 ?
I belive he ment LL2 Deluxe, not L2. 
Dartzeel amp lives up to hype
Dlanselm - you are a second person to report less than stellar performance from Dartzeel amp. I was considering this amp too, but I have heard form one of the most credible audiogon users that his close friend wasn't impressed at all by dart combo... 
Which Lamm should I add to the flock?
Shure I will. 
EMM Labs vs. Esoteric X-01
Is the new Esoteric also as cold/white sounding as EMM gear ? 
Which Lamm should I add to the flock?
I'm in the same position as Frank, so I would like to know your opinion on tube rolling the Lamms, too.