

Responses from elberoth2

Audio Aero Capitol MK II CDP: Do I need a preamp?
I had been using my AA Capitole II SE direct to my Lamms M1.2Ref for awhile. Adding a BAT 51SE preamp brought HUGE improvement. 
Transparent Ref MM spkr cbls- How do they compare?
Ozzy, are you talking abot Reference w/MM technology or the real Reference MM. Two different cables at two diff price points. 
Best ICE-powered amps ?
FYI Charlie Hansen designed only two Avalon models, before selling the company to Jeff Rowland. 
Esoteric P70 D70 vs X-01 Limited
All Esoterics have a slightly cooler rendition. Depending on personal taste and a system context, it may sound "mechanical" or just "accurate". But if you like your D70/P70 combo, there is no reason you shouldn't like the X01.Since getting the X-0... 
Laser Pick up for Mark Levinson No.39
This is the old CD-Pro mechanism. I belive it can be directly swapped for the new CD-Pro2 (VAU1254), since they both use the same fixation points.You have to ask at http://www.diy-high-end.com/cd/They used to sell CD-Pro (now discontinued), and no... 
PS Audio Noise Harvester
That is interesting. I may actually get one to try it in my system. 
A question for those who've chosen a Valhalla PC..
May you post your comments on how do you like Valhalla vs Anaconda Helix ?I have tried the Valhalla in my system and the older Anaconda VX (non Helix) but never heard the new Helix series. 
Anyone heard the new Cary CAD-500MB monos ?
I know how you feel - my Lamms also buzz a bit, but at least not through the speakers.It seems that I will have to check at Cary if the problem has been solved. 
ML390S directly into JC-1's
Get ML and start saving for a preamp. 
Anyone heard the new Cary CAD-500MB monos ?
Anyone else had a chance to listen to Carys in the past months ?I'm thinking about selling my Lamms M1.2 for them. 
PS Audio Noise Harvester
"The Noise Harvester is a plug-in module that can be placed on any AC receptacle (even 220 volt German types with the included adapter)." 
Recommended Redbook Under $5K
I would try an ARC CD3 mk II or an used Audio Aero Capitole mk II. Both are excellent players in their respective price points. 
Recomendations on CD Palyers with Volume Control
I second Audio Aero Capitole mk II. A truly exeptional player. 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
I'm a bit surprised that noone mentioned the MBL stuff. I recently tried their new integrated CDP - the 1531 - and I'm very, very impressed. So much in fact, that I have pulled the trigger and ordered one for myself.I have been looking for a new p... 
Where to install Superclock3, Transport or DAC?
AFAIK you can't install Superclock in the DAC.The best way is to install a new clock in a CDT and run a separate clock line between the CDT and a DAC. You can do that with a TenTLabs clock.