

Responses from elberoth2

Can any player challenge Audio Aero Prestige SE ?
I have recently replaced my AA capitole mk II SE with MBL 1531. Wanted to stay brand loyal at first, I have tried both AA capitole Reference (non and SE versions) and SACD Prestige SE and suprisingly found the MBL player much better sounding ! 
PS Power Plant 300 with Multi Ware and Fan
It has one fan. I disconnected mine after consulting PS Audio and run it this way for over a year with no problems. It did get rather hot though. 
Monarchy audio DIP vs high end transport
If you like the DIP, you should try the Genesis Digital lens. It is even better. Actually, it is a lot better.Genesis Lens + el chapo Yamaha DVD via ToSLink cable sounded better than my Theta Data II transport on his own !Theta transport + GDL sou... 
MBL 1531 Describe Sound...Step up from EMC-1 ???
IMO 1531 betters AA Cap mk II SE in ALL areas. For starters - the bass is much deeper and better defined. It came as no suprise since AA has tube output stage and its bass berformance have never been it's forte. The surprising part was a midrange ... 
MBL 1531 Describe Sound...Step up from EMC-1 ???
1531 replaced AA Capitole mk II SE in my system. A huge step up. I have chosen it over the new AA Capitole Reference SE/Signature AA SACD Prestige and EMM Labs DCC2/CDSD (non signature). I have posted more detailed info a couple of times on this C... 
Passive Pre - No Regrets?
Tbg - you made a valid point. Depending on the music you listen to and your system, some aspects may be more important than the others. I however, in my 2 week trial period, have tried all kinds of music, on my rather costly system and couldn't fi... 
Best AMP for Avalon Eidolon, ARC, CAT, VAC..?
I've been using Lamms 1.2 with my Eidolon Visons for almost a year, and from that perspective I do not find them too synergistic. Suprisingly, Cary CAD500 MB monos I have recently tried are MUCH better, at at 1/3 cost.I also second the Karan amps.... 
Passive Pre - No Regrets?
For those following this thread, I came to similar conclusions as Pubul57. In my system, Placette Linestage (1500$) which I have borrowed from a friend totally DESTROYED my BAT 51SE. Much more transparent, VASTLY better microdynamics with all the ... 
Warm and Detailed S.S. Amp?
IMO both Plinius and Electrocompaniet stuff shoud fit the bill. 
Looking for CD player with volume control?
There is a multitude of players with variable outs at different price points. What is your budget ? 
Dedicated Lines - 32 amps possible?
Most ppl use 20A on 115V lines, which translates to 10A on 230V line (W = V*A). 20A is enough for you. I'm not sure if even 32A would be legal/safe on your lines. 
Has anybody else experienced the magic of Karan??
I have heard the new Karan 1200 monos at HiFi show in London last month, and was mightly impressed. The were paired with Zanden front end, CJ ACT mk II pre and Eidolons Diamonds. I have never heard better sounding diamonds at show conditions ! 
New Cd-pl give me a hint? Audia, Audio Aero, Arye
I haven't heard the Audia nad Ayre, but I have extensively listened to Capitole Reference (and owned Capitole mk II Signature) and can only say that MBL1531 is MILES better than AA. Better bass, more body, better stage depth, and more resolved hig... 
best cd player redardless of price
MBL1531. It bettered in my system Audio Aero Capitole Reference, Audio Aero SACD Prestige and EMM Labs CDSD/DCC2 combo (non signature). 
Audioquest Sky/Evrest or Purist Dominus/Anniversar
I haven' heard the Dominus, but I have heard the Venustas and own Sky. IMO Venustas is far from beeing natural cable - it has been noted by many ppl on this and other forums who have tried it. Basicly, it is closed in on top and not very transpare...