
Responses from dopogue

Does Raysonic CD128 need to be on top shelf?
Depends on how adept you are and how much space you have available above the shelf where the Planet sits. I would say that 7-8" is close to the bare minimum height, and that's with the stock feet. The Raysonic is certainly worth the effort -- I ha... 
SME record clamp causing convex playing surface
This is one of the reasons I gave up on clamps 5 years ago. Sounds better now, too, with a Boston Audio Mat I on the table and nothing on the spindle. 
anti-static record cleaning arm
Raul, I just "listened" to the Rexon via both speakers and headphones and could not detect its presence. Between its tilting head and the counterweight -- I keep it at ~2g on my replinthed Lenco -- the thing does not seem to do anything except wha... 
Which Davies' Kind of Blue CD sounds better?
Hifimaniac, the Sony Legacy/SBM version you mention (I think!) is okay. That's # CK 64935 if we're talking about the same version. I was referring to the earlier one in the long box (since sold) and probably confused the issue unnecessarily. Dave 
Which Davies' Kind of Blue CD sounds better?
Birdies, I had always considered it a loser too, until I heard it again on my current setup. Particularly nice treble, IMO. 
Which Davies' Kind of Blue CD sounds better?
Birdies, I agree that the SBM is lifeless, but have you listened to the original CD remaster lately? I first heard it when Pierre Sprey (Mapleshade) and Ron Baumann (inSound/Omega Mikro) brought it to my place a couple years ago with one of their ... 
Which Davies' Kind of Blue CD sounds better?
Contrarian view. I have both the first digitally remastered CD (much reviled) and one of the last ones (CK64835). I honestly tend to like the first one as well or better. I also have the SACD and 3 LP versions including the two-disk Classic, so I ... 
Cables Are Crazy, what do you think?
Agree. Give it up. You'll just get frustrated and he'll never admit that he's hearing anything different because to do so will mess up his long-established belief system. 
Gallo Reference 3.1 questions...
No upper bass hump that I can hear. I would judge that a placement issue, but I've never experienced it and I've had mine positioned all over the place :-) 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Given that I hate, hate, hate clamps, I'm not real objective about this. I use a Boston Audio Mat I on my replinthed Lenco, which means there's precious little spindle length available above that mat. Bought a Souther "Clever" clamp for those rare... 
Nojima Plays List and Ravel
I never noticed this on the LPs and just played the Ravel and also heard a copy at a friend's house. Plenty of low end heft. Don't have the CDs, though. 
anti-static record cleaning arm
I have a rather sophisticated one made in France called the "Rexon C." Has gimbal/bearings on weighted base, adjustable height and counterweight, "tonearm rest," its head (replaceable) combining a carbon fiber brush and some fluffy stuff, plus a d... 
Review: 128 Raysonic CD Player
I think you'll have to go some to beat the internal DAC -- I tried a couple with my unmodded 128 and it wasn't close. As for tubes, a friend tipped me to JAN Philips 6922s, hardly an audiophile favorite but seem to work especially well in this pla... 
Review: 128 Raysonic CD Player
I'd love to hear a modded unit alongside my unmodded CD128. But for now, after almost a year, I'm happy as a clam. Best digital I ever heard, especialy via the XLRs into my XLR-equipped Aesthetix Calypso. Done any tube rolling yet? 
Lp cleaning - scrubbing records - any downside?
I just don't understand this, Siltrains. Maybe it's because I use a Nitty Gritty rather than a VPI, but I have MAJOR static electricity problems and the use of the RCM will alleviate them on any newly cleaned record. Sometimes (in very dry weather...