
Responses from dopogue

Static System Damage
I had major static problems with a CJ preamp (Premier 17LS2). On dry days it had a tendency to go into muting whenever I touched anything in the system. Have you had any similar issues? 
"Budget" cable advice, please
I second the recommendation of Morrow cables. Good stuff. 
SME Series III or Shure SME Series III
Same arm. Shure marketed the SME III under its own name in the U.S. for a while. 
Does coloring the edges of CD's help the sonics?
I used to do it religiously, but my faith was unrewarded :-) 
What's the + and - of the 12" Tonearms
If you have the room for a 12" arm, and a removable armboard, you can get a good idea of how well one of these arms would work for you by investing $200 in the one sold here on Audiogon (search by "Cherry Tonearm." I bought one of these on a whim ... 
tt surface noise reduce or tolerate?
Just a Radiohead side note: Don't base any "vinyl quality" decisions on their 45 rpm LPs of "Hail to the Thief." Dead silent but REALLY dead sounding, as in lifeless. 
Eichmann Bayonet plugs user experience
I'm glad that one finally got solved. Thanks for posting. Dave 
popping sound with new 6922 tube
I dearly love the Philips 6922s in my Raysonic CDP but they didn't work at all -- monumentally microphonic -- in a CJ preamp I had at the time. At least one preamp manufacturer, Audible Illusions, recommends against using this tube. What preamp do... 
Eichmann Bayonet plugs user experience
Well, unless they changed the design sometime, and the ones I see advertised look exactly like mine, I simply can't understand the problem. The KEY is making sure the blue barrel locks to the black plastic. Once this is done, the thing is solid as... 
Eichmann Bayonet plugs user experience
Okay, your problem was intriguing enough that I took some of mine and tried them in every banana jack I could find. In only one case -- one of those in-wall connectors -- the Eichmann was too long for the hole and didn't make a good connection. In... 
Eichmann Bayonet plugs user experience
Not a dealer. Can't duplicate your experience. Yours may have been defective. Mine are still in fine shape, though I've gone to bare wire. BTW, I'm 79. Maybe you're too young to be able to handle them :-) 
Anthony Gallo 5LS
A friend and I heard them at Sound Images in Northern Virginia a couple of weeks ago. Anthony Gallo himself had set them up the week before. Very impressive. No idea when they'll be available in quantity, though. Dave 
Eichmann Bayonet plugs user experience
The main reason I went for the Eichmann bananas in the first place is that I had such good luck with the Eichmann RCAs, of which there must be at least 15-20 in my system. Many of these have beens soldered and resoldered (with different IC cable) ... 
Eichmann Bayonet plugs user experience
I think they're the best-sounding bananas I ever used, though I've gone to bare wire since I no longer have to switch speaker wires to change polarity (now have a polarity switch on my preamp). When I was using them I switched them hundreds of tim... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Mario, that RS-A1 thread on LL is a hoot. Eight pages already, good grief. They keep trying to make sense of the arm and some seem to think the pivoting head follows the grooves sorta like an offset-head arm. Nope. I think you just have to recogni...