
Responses from dopogue

Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Mario, you've done good work here, both in bringing the original thread back to life and in helping to keep it going. This should not be a thankless task. THANK YOU! Dave 
Lp cleaning - scrubbing records - any downside?
I guess it depends on the definition of "scrub." Using MY definition, I've never damaged an LP :-)On the other hand, I do tend to buy a lot of used records from various sources where record cleanliness is not considered next to godliness. These fr... 
Lp cleaning - scrubbing records - any downside?
Scrub away. It helps with the problem discs, doesn't hurt with the others, and i've never damaged one. I use Last brushes with a manual Nitty Gritty RCM, for what it's worth. Been doing it since the early 1980s. Good luck, Dave. 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Get over it, Mosin. 
At the time this record came out, the terms monophonic and monaural hadn't yet come into common usage. There was only stereo and, um, not-stereo, which was why RCA came up with the "orthophonic" term. Certainly, BEFORE stereo there was no need for... 
Gallo Reference 3.1 questions...
Oh, I've tried near field listening, but tell me again how you sit 3 feet from each speaker and the speakers are 10 feet apart. Won't work even if you sit BETWEEN them. 
my new black faceplate Aesthetix Calypso
We oughta start a fan club :-) 
fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones
Yes, they do add clarity and openness, but Elizabeth is right. And I sure wouldn't try anything costing more than a dollar in your Rogue until you're dead sure the problem is corrected that caused the first fuse to blow. Good luck, Dave 
GEM Dandy Record Cleaner - Has Anyone Tried It ?
The report or review that I read (can't remember where) suggested that it was pretty messy to operate. Maybe it takes practice. 
GEM Dandy Record Cleaner - Has Anyone Tried It ?
Well, I sorta agree, which is why I was recommending the sub-$100 approach that doesn't require you to don a wet suit. Those who would prefer to don a wet suit are, of course, encouraged too.As to how many people, etc., a lot fewer than might get ... 
GEM Dandy Record Cleaner - Has Anyone Tried It ?
Albert, you really think young guys are going to emerge from their baptismal experience with this thing with a huge desire to continue using it? I'd say it's more likely to put a, er, damper on the whole idea of record cleaning :-) 
turntable feedback
Does the subwoofer amp have a subsonic filter to keep low-end garbage (below 15-20Hz) out of your system? This is only an issue when playing LPs, not CDs. 
VTL 5.5 VS CJ Premier 17
Okay, fair enough. I got the Calypso here on Audiogon at a price enabling me to flip it if -- compared side by side to the CL 17 LS2 -- it didn't sound as good. My sole reason for getting it was that I was sick and tired of switching speaker cable... 
VTL 5.5 VS CJ Premier 17
Seriously, the difference between the 14 and the 17LS2 is not between a tubey and SS sound. I never found the 14 especially tubey and I owned it for 6 years. Not a bad linestage at all, though some of my more critical audiobuddies would beg to dif... 
VTL 5.5 VS CJ Premier 17
Really? "The old geezers really miss the old tube sound." I'm 78. Where does that put me? Oh, and I love my Calypso.:-)