
Responses from dopogue

Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Mario, wouldn't using the RS-A1 limit you to those carts that can be mounted from underneath (i.e., not the one with already-threaded mounting holes)? I guess you could always ream out the holes on the RS-A1, but ...Dave 
RS A1 Labs rewire
So THAT was the problem I was having! Live and learn. No, for the slow learners out there (sorry), you use the gum massager to hook the, er, hook on the RS-A1. A lot easier for me at least than using a finger. Dave 
RS A1 Labs rewire
Almost totally OT, but if anyone is having trouble placing the arm in the groove and picking it up at the end, I found a gum massager (seriously) at the local CVS that really helped. Has an angled head and rubber tip. Just FYI. I borrowed this arm... 
DIY Record Cleaning Solution
Fishboat, you're right of course about the alcohol. I just rechecked Weisfeld's recipe and he did say Isopropyl. 
DIY Record Cleaning Solution
Headsnappin, didn't realize you started the thread. BTW, Harry's recipe (he posted it on Audio Asylum) isn't the same as what's sold as "VPI fluid." Anyone can make of that what they will :-) 
Turntable mats
Agree, Boston. Beats everything else I've tried. 
DIY Record Cleaning Solution
Hey, if Harry Weisfeld (head of VPI) recommends a home-brew cleaner of his own devising, it can't be that bad, can it? I'm a long-time AIVS user myself (was one of the original beta testers), and like it a lot, but if you want to make your own, it... 
best amp to drive Gallo 3.1's?
Oceanica, sorry but you can't. My SET monoblocks were designed and built by a friend. I can provide a schematic if you contact me off line, but the builder has moved out of our area and AFAIK has not constructed any more than the 3 pairs he built ... 
best amp to drive Gallo 3.1's?
I'm driving mine with 12wpc SET monoblocks (845 output tubes) with never a hint of strain. Humongous transformers, though. I have the Gallo subwoofer amp to drive the woofers' second voice coils, so there's no shortage of bass. The Gallos obviousl... 
Has anyone else tried DNM solid core cable?
I tried them a while ago, ended up canibalizing their Bullet Plugs for use on other ICs. Not bad, mind you, just didn't especially impress me. I'm now using Morrow Audio ICs which are at least as inexpensive and sound more open and musical to me. ... 
Simple tweak improves playback Raysonic 128/168
I'm already getting the sound from my CD 128 that you're getting after the tweak, so something's odd. The last thing I'd call it is washed out -- sounds very warm and liquid to me right now. Any more would be overkill :-)EDIT: Tried it, could hear... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
You're not gonna believe this, Oregon, but my current favorite arm/cart on a JN-replinthed Lenco L75 had a TOTAL brand new cost of $340. It's the 12-inch cherry wood tonearm sold here on Audiogon for $200, bearing a Pickering TL-2S offered for yea... 
Top 5 sounding cd player in the 1000-2000$ range
Raysonic CD 128. Major review/award at 6moons. I've had mine for over a year and continue to be amazed by it. 
Want to buy an Audio Dharma cable cooker
I'd check out the Hagerman FryKleaner too. My model cost $449 and represents one of the best buys I ever made. 
Speaker suggestions
A second vote for the Gallos.