
Responses from dopogue

When you say "turntable ground connector," is this part of the connection from the tonearm or from the turntable itself. You do have a ground wire coming from the tonearm, don't you? 
What cartridge are you using (some carts such as Grado are especially susceptible to hum)? When you say you have a ground wire connected from the turntable to the phono preamp, where is it connected at the turntable end? Do you also have a ground ... 
Walker or VPI motor controller with scoutmaster?
Buying the VPI SDS was the single most important upgrade I ever made when I had my VPI TNT Mk II. It came with the predecessor PLC line conditioner, but the SDS took it to an entirely different place in terms of clarity, speed stability, dynamics ... 
Need Help Trouble shooting
It could be a defective cable. Happened to me on several occasions. Try another pair. Good luck, Dave 
Gallo Reference 3.1 questions...
I'm driving mine with SET monoblocks producing 12 wpc in an 18x40' room. Plus the Gallo SA amp on the bottom octave only. Does that answer your question?:-) 
conrad johnson CT6 with solid state amp
Tom, I would never own a solid state preamp OR amp, so I guess I'm into this "tube richness" thing, like it or not. We're obviously talking semantics here -- your "richness" becoming my "coloration," when we probably mean much the same thing about... 
Got a New CD Player and Now I'm Bummed
Agree with LewM. I just have the feeling that you're created a resonance chamber by enclosing the tt that way. Dave 
conrad johnson CT6 with solid state amp
The Premier 3 had all the fabled tube richness anyone would want. Don't get me wrong -- the newer CJs are plenty musical, but I associate "tube richness" with a degree of coloration I no longer admire. Yes, I had a Premier 14, and the Premier 17LS... 
conrad johnson CT6 with solid state amp
A used CJ Premier 17LS2 will give you much better sound than the CT6, IMHO. The CT6 is actually very much like the original Premier 17LS ( the "2" version boasts a bunch of teflon caps that make a LOT of difference).As for "tube-like richness," th... 
Gallo Reference 3.1 questions...
I agree with Duke. Re the Gallo SA (subwoofer amp), I have one but it's not essential. The bass of the Reference 3 (3.0 or 3.1) is certainly ample to my taste (anemic it's not) but the SA puts a nice foundation down there if there's anything on th... 
Got a New CD Player and Now I'm Bummed
The very first thing I'd do is get a VPI SDS power line/speed controller for the Scout.No offense, but I wouldn't play my vinyl much if I had to reach that high to change a disc. You must be pretty tall :-) 
Any Aesthetix Calypso VS Cary SLP-05 comparison?
Mantis, I probably wouldn't bitch about the remote except that my previous linestage, a CJ Premier 17LS2, had an absolutely magnificent metal remote. Dave 
Any Aesthetix Calypso VS Cary SLP-05 comparison?
I'm curious, too, about a noise problem with the Calypso. Mine is quiet as a tomb. I love its sound and like the flexibility of having both RCA and XLR inputs/outputs. My only dislike is the remote, and I can live with that. Dave 
What is a passive preamp?
I'm perfectly happy with "passive preamp." Really. As long as I don't have to use one :-) 
What is a passive preamp?
Cripes, Herman, EVERYTHING is before the amps. Except the speakers :-)