
Responses from dopogue

Rega Elys II cartridge: Is it worth the money??
Sorry, Audiofeil, I haven't kept up with what you sell and what you don't sell. Didn't know I was supposed to. 
Rega Elys II cartridge: Is it worth the money??
Bear in mind that Audiofeil refers to Koetsu cartridges as "dinosaurs." Which means, it seems safe to say, that he is a dealer neither for Rega nor Koetsu. 
When Cleaning Records with...
Learsfool, I agree 100% with your approach. Probably because I've been following it myself :-) My first manual Nitty Gritty was in regular service for 20 years. The second one (actually a Record Doctor clone) I bought here on Audiogon for $80 and ... 
When Cleaning Records with...
Yes, you need a record cleaning machine. You just don't need an expensive one. 
Tightening loudspeakers screws...
Agree with Narrod. Why on earth would you leave the screws loose? I remember this was an all-too-frequent ritual with my old ProAc Response 3s, with the ever-present concern that some day I'd strip the threads. Dave 
What happens when?
I have the same deal -- Raysonic CDP with XLR outs and Aesthetix Calypso feeding S/E-only monoblocks. I use the balanced connections (Raysonic/Calypso) and think it sounds better, but direct A/B comparisons are difcult because of the much higher o... 
Anyone compared Droplet to the Raysonic CD168?
Wow, the Ray 128 uses a Sony transport too. Imagine. But then I've never heard anything that was both edgy and veiled. Including the Ray 128. 
Anyone compared Droplet to the Raysonic CD168?
Newbee, an idea for you. I have a Ray 128 myself and had been curious about the use of 6N1P tubes in it after reading positive stuff about this Russian tube, which is not exactly a 6922/6DJ8 replacement, but close. I queried Raysonic and got a gre... 
SET or OTL to drive Gallo 3.1's Recommendations?
My ears were burning so I knew someone was talking my name in vain :-)Well, not really. I think the key to my success using 12 wpc SET monoblocks with the Ref 3s in a VERY large room is ... the transformers. My friend who designed and built the am... 
Soundsmith retips
I've been very pleased by Soundsmith's work, most recently on a Denon DL-103, earlier on a Grado The Reference. A friend's Koetsu Rosewood was also very impressive. The Denon sounds much better than I remember, and the Grado sounded very much like... 
reel to reel
Are your mono tapes full-track, 2-track, or 4-track? That will strongly affect your choice of tape deck. 
Scorpio Records catalog?
Google Scorpio LPs and check out the Princeton Record Exchange Link. Only thing I could find. Dave 
Static System Damage
Dan, the way I ultimately solved my own static/muting problems was to sell the CJ -- which I really liked sonically -- and buy an Aesthetix Calypso. I did manage to mitigate the problem by getting a couple of room humidifiers, stringing some antis... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Johnk, if any of your friend's stash are the armless Lenco's, I'd go with one of those. Then you don't have to do an arm-ectomy. 
Music Matters Blue notes
Jazzdoc, did I get a bad copy of Parlan's "Us Three?" I was very disappointed in the sonics of this one compared with "Hank Mobley's "Soul Station" and the Parlan quintet's "Speakin' My Piece," both of which sound spectacular. By contrast, my copy...