
Responses from dopogue

I'm adding Jupper cables and your opinion is ??
I strongly disagree with your point (1), remembering the difference between using the bar-type jumper that ProAc supplied with my Response 3s and the foil jumpers from Mapleshade when I was using their cables. I'm not one of those who speak of jaw... 
I'm adding Jupper cables and your opinion is ??
The jumpers should work fine. So should thin (solid core) speaker wires, as opposed to the garden-hose variety I used for years. I used to believe that because bi-wired inputs were provided by my speakers (then ProAc Response 3), this is what I sh... 
New favorite VINYL Album?
Melody Gardot, "My One and Only Thrill." Vinyl version even has one track not on the CD. Great sound, great singer/songwriter. Google her backstory. 
Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?
I agree. And I sure don't want to saddle my SET monoblocks with the added chore of reproducing subterranean bass. 
Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?
I think this is what you're looking for. 
Reel to Reel for play back
It's a total crapshoot, depending on the auction vibes at the moment. Then, when you get the tape you won, you learn whether it's in reasonable condition, totally trashed, has the beginning track lopped off, etc. Since many of the sellers find the... 
Looking For A Remote Controlled Phase Inverter
I looked high and low for such a device before finally giving up and buying a used Aesthetix Calypso linestage Glad I did; it sure beats switching speaker cables :-) 
Reel to Reel for play back
I thought I would miss the bidirectional play of my Teac, but I really don't. It's more than offset by the superior sound quality of the Otari. 
Reel to Reel for play back
IME, your best bet is an Otari MX-5050 BII2. Plenty of them available for well under $1,000. This model will have 2-track record/play and SHOULD have 4-track playback. It plays small and large tapes at 3 3/4, 7 1/2 and 15 inches per second. It is ... 
New Gallo 3.5's
Yep. The Mapleshades are MUCH better although you're right about the cosmetics. Note that I did touch on this comparison in my 6/5 post. Dave 
Impossible? Small towers, efficient, musical, loud
I was going to recommend the Gallos but Johsti beat me to it. The Cary amp should provide plenty of power (I'm using 12 wpc SET monoblocks with mine), though I'd pair it with an active linestage. 
OPPO BDP 83 as Redbook player?
I heard one in my system yesterday, brought over by a friend, and not yet entirely broken in. The SACD performance, compared with my own Oppo 980H, was significantly better (richer, fuller-bodied). The CD performance was maybe a little better tan ... 
CD Recorder :Fostex or Tascam?
For what it's worth, I've had a Tascam CD-RW700 for years and find that it makes really superior copies of LPs, open reel tapes and CDs. MUCH better sounding than the computer-derived copies I've heard, albeit a lot slower (1X). Good luck, Dave 
cable burn-in / system burn-in
Gee, Dan, all my audiobuddies must be deaf. And I thought some of them had bat ears. 
Most Peaceful Music you've Heard or Own
Jason Vieux playing Pat Metheny. The CD is called "Images of Metheny" on the Azica label and is simply gorgeous. Thirteen Metheny tunes played by a classical guitarist with an incredible touch and tone. Even Pat Metheny approves.