
Responses from dopogue

phase correction for records?
Well, Jenny, you gain nothing by switching only one speaker cable. This should merely produce out-of-phase sonics with a "diffuse and directionless quality," to quote what the guy says on an ancient Shure test record. I can't account for what you'... 
What amp are you using with your Gallo 3.1's?
The 6" brass studs -- four of them -- are screwed into the bolt holes at the bottoms of the speakers (after you remove and discard the existing Gallo bases) and go down through the brass washers and all the way through the 4" maple platform. They'... 
What amp are you using with your Gallo 3.1's?
Visualize one of those brass washers with a "shoulder" on it, often found under the heads of brass wood screws. Sorry, that's the best I can do. :-)Each of them is mounted "with the concave side upwards toward the speaker enclosure (i.e., so it "c... 
phase correction for records?
That's odd, Raul. I have a friend with those giant Souindlabs AND a preamp with a polarity switch and he disabled the switch because he was never able to hear the slightest difference with it in either position. 
phase correction for records?
You can check to see if it's a phase (polarity) issue or not by playing one of your problem records and then reversing the speaker cables* to BOTH speakers (at the speaker end). See if you can hear a difference. This will also tell you whether the... 
What amp are you using with your Gallo 3.1's?
Leatherneck, you need to know that Mapleshade uses only 4 of the 6 bolts holding the speaker to its base (the front 2 and the back 2). Also they use threaded brass studs and contoured brash washers between the speaker and the base that hold the sp... 
What do you see as the downside of tubes?
About tube-rolling, I was always a fan of NOS tubes and am now having second thoughts. I was using xf1 Mullard EL34s as driver tubes in my SET monoblocks and tried some of the reissue Genalex/Gold Lion KT77s instead and was floored at the improvem... 
New Gallo 3.5's
I just posted about this on one of the other Gallo threads. Several days ago I picked up a pair of the special stands that Pierre Sprey (Mapleshade) created specifically for the Gallo Reference 3, 3.0, 3.1 speakers. After installing them, I though... 
What amp are you using with your Gallo 3.1's?
This is off-topic, but I just bought the Mapleshade upgraded stands for my Ref 3s and they are awesome. Four-inch thick maple platforms with brass "Megafeet" underneath and a more pronounced tilt than you get with the stock stands. A friend who al... 
Has anyone hear the Anthony Gallo 5LS Towers?
I heard them at Sound Images in Northern Virginia. They were on big 4" Mapleshade platforms, a "must" according to the salesman, quoting Anthony Gallo. I don't believe the setup was optimum -- too near the back wall for one thing. The specific CJ ... 
What do you see as the downside of tubes?
As Eve Anna says, tubes rule. The other stuff pales into insignificance, for me at least Good luck, Dave 
CD Players with Volume control?
Raysonic CD 168. Check out the review on 6moons. 
You can't have too many apostrophe's
That's grammar, Kurt. :-) 
do fancy fuses help?
I thought the whole "superfuse" thing was kinda ridiculous until I tried one. Now I have eight. YMMV. DavePS You can get partway there by pulling your existing fuses, cleaning them and the fuseholder with something like Deoxit Gold, and replacing ... 
cd recorder vs. computer burner
Just for the record, the pro and semi-pro standalone CD recorders like my Tascam do not require anything special in the way of blank CDRs and CD-RWs. Dave