
Responses from dopogue

Tubes for Raysonic CD 168
I'm not good at articulating tube virtues (or their lack). When I stick in a pair or quad of new tubes my reaction is totally subjective and comparable only to what I've preferred before. Sure, I listen for the usual stuff -- openness, clarity, dy... 
Tubes for Raysonic CD 168
I forgot one, and I even queried Raysonic about its suitability for use in my 128 (they said yes) since it has slightly different characteristics from others in the 6922/6DJ8 family.It's the Russian 6N1P, often sold as the even longer-lived 6N1P-E... 
Tubes for Raysonic CD 168
For my 128 (not 168), I first liked the JAN Philips 6922 as replacement for the stock tubes after trying a bunch of others. The "others" included Teles, Tungsrams, Mullards, Toshibas (not bad), and various Amperexes. Then a friend brought over a p... 
Dynavector XV-1s and JMW 10.5i question
That's the one I thought it was:-)You'll get more comfortable with the arm and cart as you gain experience with them and learn to trust your ears more. Your imaging issue suggests to me to presence of too much antiskate.Your arm offers VTA adjustm... 
Dynavector XV-1s and JMW 10.5i question
Does your 10.5i tonearm have Nordost wiring (all silver color and kinda limp) or Discovery wiring (red and white twist)? I have both (two armtubes) and find that the Nordost-wired arm requires the outboard antiskating device, if you're going to us... 
Amp for Gallo Ref 3.1 and Modwright swl 9.0se?
FWIW, I'm driving my Ref 3's with 12 wpc of SET power, plus the Gallo SA amp on the woofers' second voice coils, so I wouldn't worry unduly about having enough power :-)This is in a pretty huge room, BTW.No amp suggestions, but good luck. 
gallo reference 3.0 positioning?
One of the main points of the Mapleshade stands is that they give you MORE tilt than the stock set-up. I found this to be very desirable, but obviously you don't. FWIW, I have mine toed in slightly but not pointing directly at me. 
gallo reference 3.0 positioning?
I bought a pair of the pricy Mapleshade stands (4" maple platforms with "Megafeet" underneath) and they literally transformed my Gallo Ref 3s. More openness, clarity, dynamics, bass .... all the good stuff. "Course they cost nearly $700 which has ... 
Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?
Well, I'll bet Gallo says there's nothing wrong with them. Do you have any knowledgeable audiophiles nearby who might take a listen and make suggestions? I mean I can't imagine BOTH speakers being infected with the kind of nasties you describe. Ar... 
Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?
Woifi73, after giving them your best shot for 4 years and not liking the result, you should definitely replace them IMHO. I've had mine for 4 1/2 years, listen to the same music you do (plus jazz) via an all-tube system and have no intention of re... 
How quite is the Aesthetix Calypso Vs Bat VK3i
No noise problems with my Calypso. Jim and Glenn at Aesthetix have been quite responsive to my questions. 
Speaker most similar to Proac REsponse 2
Why not pick up a pair of Response 2's that show up frequently here on Audiogon? You might be surprised, though, as I had a pair I eventually sold to a friend after replacing them with Gallos. When I heard them at his place a while later I thought... 
Record Cleaning Backlash
I'm with you, Chayro. Record cleaning is enough of a chore without feeling like you're slaving away in a laundry. Dave 
Record Cleaning Backlash
Here's trick that will keep "lip replacement" on a manual Nitty Gritty or Record Doctor RCM to an absolute minimum. When you turn the record to remove whatever cleaning product you use, simply alternate clockwise and counter-clockwise movement of ... 
One point that hasn't yet been made about Vibrapods. Do not even think of using them without something underneath them. They will destroy the finish on wood and even metal (they etched the metal top of an amp of mine). The protective device has to...