
Responses from dopogue

Conrad Johnson vs Audio Research vs BAT vs Cary
Add an Aesthetix Calypso to your ones under consideration. I used to have a CJ Premier 17LS2 and don't miss it, though it was a fine-sounding linestage. 
cd recorder vs. computer burner
I don't think I've ever heard a CD recorded on a computer, especially one made at a high burn rate, that sounds as faithful to the source as one made at 1X speed on my Tascam CD-RW700. And I've heard a lot of them. 'Course this could all be "audio... 
New Gallo 3.5's
Given my 12 wpc SET monoblocks, it would be kinda hard to experience 50-100 watt levels :-)I'm filling a pretty big space with these SETS, BTW, (18 x 40' with an "L" off one of the 40' sides) and never experienced strain or clipping, probably beca... 
New Gallo 3.5's
Since I rarely listen "at really high volumes" I guess I have MY answer. Also, I've found that bass performance of the Ref 3s can be improved by judicious placement of Room Tunes, by optimizing the position of the speakers (it takes a lot of time ... 
New Gallo 3.5's
Depends on the design philosophy too, and whether it "works." One of the best sounding speakers I ever heard were the Shun Mooks whose wooden enclosures resonate like crazy, intentionally, like violins.In any event, the absence of boxy sound was t... 
New Gallo 3.5's
I honestly don't believe that resonance is any kind of an "issue" with the Ref 3s. Just tried to stimulate it on my pair with some pretty loud music and was amazed at how NON-resonant these petite speakers actually are. Their forerunners, the Refe... 
polarity questions
What Eldartford said. 
Problem with CD player
Have you switched the output cables right-for-left, or simply tried another pair? 
phono preamp with volume?
I once tried this (going direct from phonostage to power amps) with an NYAL Moscode SuperIt, which has its own volume controls. It sounded absolutely awful -- thin, wiry, two-dimensional -- compared to running the unit through a decent active line... 
Bottlehead Seduction and tube rolling help
An offbeat suggestion: Toshiba 6DJ8. A friend brought over his just-built Seduction and several of us volujnteered just about every 6922/6DJ8 in the book for comparison. He went home with a spare pair of Toshibas I happened to have. Their sound in... 
SOTA reel to reel players
All the available players (except the very last Otari models) are decades old and will likely need immediate service/adjustments to perform to spec. Replacement parts are hard to come by, especially for Akai, Tandberg, and the less popular brands.... 
What is "rich mans" DL-103?
Queg, I'm now running a Soundsmith-retipped (Optimized Contour Line Contact stylus assembly) DL-103 in a Uwe PanzerHolz body and it sounds fantastic. A thorough-going refinement of the Denon DL-103, it accentuates all the finer qualities of this c... 
opera cd 120 LINEAR and raysonic cd128
I have had a Raysonic CD 128 for approximately two years and like it a lot. Never heard an Opera unit. Dave 
What should I do?
I'll add my congratulations and best wishes, but take a bye on those new speakers. I did buy some green bananas though :-)Dave 
What should I do?
On the other hand, my Raysonic 128 sounds like hell without an active preamp for it to feed. But yes, it's awesome.