
Responses from dopogue

What isolation feet to use??
Funny how many approaches there are to coupling/decoupling/damping/etc. I personally hate sorbothane and firmly believe in Mapleshade's brass cone/maple platform (not butcher block)/Isoblock approach, but then I watched Pierre Sprey demonstrated t... 
Gallo Ref 3.1 stands, need more stability, help...
Those stands will neither scoot nor topple. It's not just their weight (not noted in the Mapleshade catalog, but substantial). It's their breadth and the heavy, pointed "Megafeet" that plant them firmly to whatever they're sitting on. Of course yo... 
Gallo Ref 3.1 stands, need more stability, help...
I STRONGLY recommend the Mapleshade stands. Yes they're expensive (I have the 4" versions). They make the speakers totally stable. But more important, they literally transform the sound especially in the lower midrange and upper bass, where they a... 
New FedEx Ground and USPS Arrangement
Leaving aside all the conjecture, I can't see any change. Got two FedEx ground packages yesterday -- delivered by FedEx -- and one package in the afternoon USPS delivery. All was well but for very minor issues, and has been for years, with both of... 
Best, or ideal record clamp
Just a contrarian view FWIW. I used clamps religiously on VPI tables (HW-19 Mk. 3 and TNT Mk. 2) for at least 15 years, then was playing around with a Ringmat on the TNT and was surprised at how much better I liked it. Unclamped, that is. I went f... 
multiple TT, need 1 adjustable phono preamp
My 10-tube Aesthetix Rhea has only three pairs of inputs but offers remote control of gain, loading, phase/polarity, and cart demag. All three inputs can handle either MC or MM carts. It's one heck of a phonostage. Dave 
Aestheix Calypso owners,tube advise needed
Gandme, I would also treat your Calypso to one of those pricy Isoclean fuses. Yeah, I know, crazy. But it opened mine up to a worthwhile extent, and I now have ~$240 worth of the silly things throughout my system. Power cords also make a differenc... 
PS Power Plant or Alan Maher PE's?
I'm a big fan of the PS Audio P300, their first regenerator, and have two of them PLUS a Tice Power Block III. Yeah, I have a lot of sources, etc. The P300s are power hogs but after listening extensively on a before/after basis, I wouldn't be with... 
Aestheix Calypso owners,tube advise needed
I have Telefunken 12AX7s in mine and have played with a variety of new production and old stock 6DJ8/6922s, currently using Mullard 6922s. Enjoy your Calypso. It's a wonderful linestage. Dave 
swapping IC's to demo and cardas's site sdvice.
Just a thought, but if you want to make sure all 3 sets of cables are warmed up and broken in equally, for test purposes you could daisy-chain all three sets (making one real long pair) and play them this way for a week or so, then separate the pa... 
New favorite VINYL Album?
Emorrisiv, an absolutely phenomenal album. Note the unintended irony of the title, "Flight Path," and on the reverse, a photo of the artists standing in front of New York's twin Trade Center towers. The album was recorded (by Rudy Van Gelder) in t... 
VPI Nameplate
Think about this carefully. There's a reason why VPI no longer puts covers on their turntable motors. Check out the new classic, for instance, the modern-day "replacement" for the HW-19.Pierre Sprey (Mapleshade) visited me one evening and was appa... 
Infinity Kappa 7.1 6ohms speakers
I think the consensus will be to try both the sets of taps, in turn, and see what sounds better to you. Good luck, Dave 
New Gallo 3.5's
If they weren't so expensive and so, er, cosmetically-challenged, I'd praise the Mapleshade bases even more highly. They really give the speakers a rock-solid foundation, transforming the bass and lower midrange areas in particular. This is with t... 
New Gallo 3.5's
Bostonbean, I agree that those outrigger bases looked strange on the new Gallos. Not that the Mapleshade bases on my Ref 3s are exactly things of beauty, except sonically :-)