
Responses from dopogue

Is high end Power Conditioners worth the extra $$$
Not sure if this will help, but I had a Tice Power Block III that made a nice improvement but decided to try a PS Audio P300 (regenerator) for some of my source gear. No real comparison. Now I have the Tice and TWO of the P300s (yeah I have a LOT ... 
PLC Death--Common Senerio?
They do give up the ghost. When mine failed way back in the 1980s, VPI said it was essentially unfixable and sent me a brand new one. Very nice of them. Then I found an SDS unit here on Audiogon and there was NO comparison. None. Get an SDS. You'l... 
What is the chain of importance in analog system ?
Swampwalker, I clearly shortchanged my former phonostage. Yes, there was a "SuperIt" (itself modded) at the center of a large box -- as large as the Rhea --fed by a tubed power supply the size of a power amp. So beating it is not a casual feat, an... 
What is the chain of importance in analog system ?
Since I have more money in my phonostage (Aesthetix Rhea, $4K MSRP) than anywhere else in the vinyl setup, I really should be in the phonostage-first camp, I guess :-)But after going from a VPI TNT Mk. II with SDS to a replinthed idler-drive Lenco... 
VPI Classic---Denon 103 won't fit on arm??
I'm running a Uwe-podded DL-103 on a 10.5i arm with no problems, and believe me the Uwe pod is more massive than the original DL-103. I'm not using the Classic TT, however. 
What is the chain of importance in analog system ?
It's all important. As you say different folks, different chains. Mine goes turntable, tonearm, and a tie between phonostage and cartridge. I've heard cheap carts sound amazing on great platforms, but I've never heard a high-priced cart sound good... 
What's your favorite Turntable tweak?
With inflation, Drumarty, it's now a nickel. 
Scotch? No thanks. Whats the best Vodka.?
For the record, it's Ketel."Kettle" sounds like the Ripple of Vodka :-) 
Scotch? No thanks. Whats the best Vodka.?
Svedka again. Grey Goose for special occasions. 
What's your favorite Turntable tweak?
Markd51, I second the AIVS recommendation. I was a Beta tester and have used it ever since. Great stuff. 
What's your favorite Turntable tweak?
As an alternative to the Mint protractors, I recommend Ken Willis' arc protractors. The one he made for my JMW 10.5i has separate arcs for Loefgren, Baerwald, Stevenson and VPI alignment, is much easier to use than the Wallytractor I borrowed for ... 
Help choosing a Conrad Johnson preamp
Can't comment on the main point, but I had a DA-2B (and the matching transport) and do NOT recommend it. 
anyone have experience with tube cdps'
I've had a Raysonic CD 128 for a couple of years and really like it. No "digititis" that I can detect. You can tube-roll to your heart's content. I'm currently using Amperex Bugle Boy 6DJ8s in mine. Good luck, Dave. 
Mac C2300 vs Aesthetix Calypso/Rhea?
You must really have a thing for blue lights.I have the Calypso/Rhea combo and wouldn't take that C2300 if you gave it to me. I guess I could always sell it though :-)Edit: Come to think about it, the Aesthetix gear already has blue lights. Wrong ... 
What does your motor controller sit on?
The Mapleshade approach really works. Pierre Sprey demonstrated this to me and a friend, step by step, starting out with a cheap CD player on a simple end table. Dave