
Responses from dopogue

Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Yeah, Lew, but "Spring will really hang you up the most."Geez, what's happened to this thread. 
Wyred4sound ST-500/SX-500 with Gallo 3.1
I'm running my Ref 3s with 12 wpc SET monoblocks, so I imagine even the wimpy 500-watter could handle the job nicely :-) 
Why Not Bring Back Analog, Reel to Reel Tape
We must not have heard the same tape, Myles :-)Try it against the CD sometime. We did that at United Home Audio. Dave 
Gallo Reference 3 SA Owners
Well sure, but the point is that you do have to advance the two level controls from the "Min" (zero) position to get anything out of the amp at all. Your contention that these controls work as tone controls is true insofar only as the SA operates ... 
Gallo Reference 3 SA Owners
I just checked the manual again, Bostonbean, and I can't figure out where you're getting that. We're not talking about the Booster Control but the volume (Level) controls. 
Gallo Reference 3 SA Owners
Bostonbean, your SA volume controls are set at zero? How do you get any sound out of it that way? 
tone arm drifts towards the outside when lowering
An issue here. Quoting VPI , without anti-skating , and using a pivoted arm with an offset head, "Putting a stylus down on a flat grooveless record will cause the arm to shoot in toward the center of the record." If you use anti-skating at all (so... 
repair to Grace tonearm lift
Often these devices simply cannot be repaired, at least according to VPI. It's happened to me a couple of times, and the best I can do is adjust the thing so the "drop" is minimal. Good luck. 
tone arm drifts towards the outside when lowering
Also be sure that the turntable is absolutely level. 
Why Not Bring Back Analog, Reel to Reel Tape
Myles, a friend just sent me a 7 1/2 ips 4-track of Miles Davis' "Sketches of Spain," and while I believe you are right in principle, there are commercial tapes out there, like this one, that are simply amazing. On my Otari, the Miles tape made mi... 
Why Not Bring Back Analog, Reel to Reel Tape
Re that Jacqui Naylor tape, have you heard it? I just did, at United Home Audio. NOT a world-beater IMHO. 
Gallo Reference 3 SA Owners
I'm running my volume controls at approx. 1 o'clock. The amps are custom SET monoblocks. 
Tube el34
A good friend of mine and I are both sold on the new Gold Lion KT77s (new Russian manufacture) as EL34 replacements. He's using them as output tubes; mine are driver tubes in SET monoblocks. Both of us had been using "Holy Grail" Mullard xf1 EL34s... 
Will a PS 300 provide enough juice?
I would SERIOUSLY doubt it. If I were you, I'd call PS Audio or check with the PS Audio Forum over on AA. 
What isolation feet to use??
Cruz128, good advice. And not just wood furniture. I used some Vibrapods on top of an amp once and they etched permanent circles into the metal surface. Never again.