
Responses from dopogue

Aquafina for record cleaning
Michael Fremer, long-time vinyl advocate/columnist at Stereophile, currently runs a TT setup that cost a bunch more than my Porsche (and that's assuming he got it at less than half MSRP). As to the issue of residue, I'm assuming everyone uses an R... 
Aquafina for record cleaning
I thought about it, and switched to Aquafina from ultra-pure water. If it's good enough for Michael Fremer, it's good enough for me. I can't detect the slightest sonic difference. Computes for me. 
Todays new vinyl LP's better than LP's 40 yrs ago?
By the 1970s, quality control was going to pot, consistent with the increased production and sale of records and the petroleum/plastic problems around 1974 when OPEC cut oil production and a lot of regrind vinyl began to be used. 
Todays new vinyl LP's better than LP's 40 yrs ago?
Back in the pre-CD era there were constant complaints about vinyl quality. The vaunted Mercury Living Presence series came in for LOT of criticism about noisy surfaces. Warps and off-center pressings were rife. One of the reasons CDs were so highl... 
Todays new vinyl LP's better than LP's 40 yrs ago?
In the case of reissues, it depends a lot on the current condition of the original tapes. I have a 45 (Bill Evans' (Quintessence) that doesn't sound as good as the 33 1/3 Fantasy original. On the other hand, many of the reissue 45s and 33s sound a... 
Gallo 3.1's and amps?
Newbrook, if they really weren't broken in, they're pretty much guaranteed to sound like hell. I don't know why Gallo didn't do it (they do specify a minimum 100 hr. break-in in the owner's manual) because I've never heard speakers that sound so b... 
Gallo 3.1's and amps?
Newbrook, that particular dealer may not sell much tube gear. In any event, I know a couple of folks driving Ref 3s and 3.1s with tube amps and I think it's safe to say they would disagree with him. 
Gallo 3.1's and amps?
I can confirm that these speakers love tubes. Been using 845 SET monoblocks with my Ref 3s for five+ years and have no interest in changing either the amps or the speakers. My amps are not commercial products, though, and the designer/builder is n... 
How do you take apart Gallo reference II speakers?
Yes, why take them apart? The fasteners are some kind of plastic rivets (I just looked at my Gallo Ultimates) and probably required a special tool to install. Gallo does not support these speakers and hasn't in years. 
Polarity mystery: Can you help me solve it?
I believe that all you did was change the sound for those disks recorded in one polarity (e.g., inverted, non-inverted). So while those disks may sound better, the ones recorded in the opposite polarity should sound worse. However, since the speak... 
Replaceable stylus and quality of cartridge
All of the Ortofon 2M series carts have removable styli. 
Power Cords
Try some Pangea cords, both the AC-9 (real thick) and AC-14 (thick enough). Audio Advisor sells these at dirt-cheap introductory prices with a 30-day moneyback. They're a lot better than their prices indicate. Good luck, Dave 
Looking for a tube preamp to pair with CA 840W
I replaced a CJ Premier 17LS2 with an Aesthetix Calypso and couldn't be more pleased. They show up frequently here on Audiogon at ~$2500. 
Tom Evans Groove X, Aesthetix Rhea or JLTI
No undue noisiness from my Rhea. Great phonostage, IMHO. 
No sound from cdp.
It does sound like a static issue. When I was having this kind of problem with my former preamp and the humidity was low I could touch anything made of metal in my system and turn off the sound.One temporary fix is to take a sheet of aluminum foil...