
Responses from dopogue

high sensitivity speaker for low power tube amp
ProAc Response 2 speakers can be had in your price range. They sound great and absolutely love tube amps. 
silly HT front/rear matching question?
Yes, you should do just fine with lesser speakers in the rear. Enjoy. 
The truth about interconnects - can you handle it?
We know that DBTs are pointless, worthless, and "prove" nothing. What else is it we need to know.? 
Record Cleaner Side Effects?
I know of no negatives at all. Been using an original Nitty Gritty since the early 80s and am still amazed at what it can do. I like the manual machines better than the automatics and would recommend the $200 Record Doctor from Audio Advisor (a Ni... 
Inexpensive SACD player....?
Sony DVP-NS500V. Plays CDs, stereo and multichannel SACDs, even DVDs. It sounds much better than it has a right to. I just bought a second one (my wife uses the first one to play DVDs in another room) as backup to my XA-777ES. You can find them he... 
"Best" cable elevators?
I'm using chopsticks (left over from carry-out Chinese) lashed together with rubber bands. Not sure how much they're really contributing to the sound, but they do elicit comments from the civilians. ("What the hell are THOSE things supposed to do?") 
Tube amp power conditioning?
I've been using a Tice Model 3 Power Block with tube amps (and a PS300 on front-and components) with great success. I think that dedicated power lines are a must. Many have questioned the use of the Tice (first with CJ Premier 12s, now with an 845... 
Chopin nocturnes
Another vote for Moravec (and the Alan Silver recording/production). 
Is there a cd player that sounds close to an LP?
Suggestion: pick up one of the lower-priced Sony SACD/CD players. I think you'll find SACD much closer to LP sound than any CD player under $2K. And the CD sound of these machines isn't bad (probably better than your Marantz). Good luck. By the wa... 
Anybody using Audio Advisor's Record Doctor II?
It works fine. A friend of mine has one and I have the very similr Nitty Gritty 1.0. You do have to apply the fluid and turn the discs manually, but I don't find that a disadvantage. 
cable suggestions for new system
Check out Mapleshade cables. They're sold direct, with a 30-day moneyback. I'm using their ICs, speaker cables, and PCs after replacing much more epensive Kimber and Audioquest wires (sold them for more than the Mapleshades cost). Just a suggestion. 
Get the SDS. There's no comparison. I had the PLC and later used the PS Audio P300 to feed my TNT turntable. I pcked up a used SDS for $650 on Audiogon and now wish I had done this earlier. It's a terrific piece of gear. 
Conrad-Johnson DF-2 CD Player
I had the two-box predecessor (tubed DAC and transort). I love CJ electronics but not their digital stuff. It's significant, IMO, that there are few reviews of the DF-2. You can do better for less. 
Bi-wiring...tell me more
Try this cheap idea I got from a post on Audio Asylum. Go to Radio Shack and buy enough l8 gauge to 22 gauge solid core (not stranded) wire to make two runs from amp to speakers. Use pieces of the same wire as jumpers when single wiring. Try your ... 
I need some clarity
Sticking strictly to cables, I would strongly recommend you try Mapleshade ICs and speaker cables. Mapleshade offers a 30-day moneyback, and clarity is their strong point. The more expensive Omega Mikros (same designer) are even better.