
Responses from dopogue

Using one pair two sets of wires for each channel
I biwired for years, simply because there were two sets of speaker terminals available on my ProAc Response 2s and 3s. Found to my chagrin that single-wiring, using Mapleshade jumpers, sounded noticeably better and cost less. But YMMV. 
New Vinyl Playback Technology
I understand that it costs $11,000 and if anything goes wrong with it, the unit must be returned to Japan for service. I'd rather have a VPI HRX. 
What do I need to effectively clean my records
I've bought quite a few things from Music Direct without experiencing anything but courtesy and fast service. While YMMV and all that, I personally commend them. 
Where do I go for post WWII 10" record collection?
One thing sure, there weren't any PRE-WAR 33 1/3rds (they were introduced in 1948). The 10-inch jazz records on labels like Blue Note and Savoy do tend to be valuable but I wouldn't count on the printed values you find to be any more than the roug... 
How can i ......
If you only need to gain access to the innards of the cabinet, why not saw a large access hole in the back of the cabinet and then reseal it after you're done modifying the unit? I know this is kind of a "last resort" approach, but if nothing erls... 
For a cheap thrill ($7.98 at most), pick up Naxos 8.550953 which includes both the chamber symhony version of Shosakovich's 8th Quartet and another chamber symphony by Myaskovsky (their spelling). 
Problems with Movie Dialog-Just the normal?
Neither the movies nor TV gives much of a damn about audio clarity these days. That may not be the whole problem, but it's at least part of it. Listen to a film from the 40s or 50s - you can hear every word, center channel or no. 
What Amp for ProAc Response 3's?
There are a number of candidates from Antique Sound Labs, but IMO the Hurricanes would be overkill. Much more power than you need. The ASLs with 300B and 845 output tubes are lovely sounding units and cost half (or less) of what the Hurricanes cos... 
Do we break in our componets or do our componets ?
Anyone denying the effects of break-in should try a new (if you can find one) Sony NS-500V SACD player. Out of the box it sounded okay, then it got increasingly awful - one friend said he literally couldn't stand to listen to it -- and gradually i... 
I like Dynamat but there are much les expensive alternatives (without the metallic surface layer) available through Parts Express and similar suppliers. I've heard you can get thin adhensive-backed asphalt damping material at Home Depot, but I hav... 
What Amp for ProAc Response 3's?
If you have ever been curious about the sound of tube amps, you have the perfect speakers. I had both the Response 2 and Response 3s, and they sound clorious with tubes, even low powered (8 watt) single-ended triodes (SETs).. I paired mine with Co... 
RU recording LPs on Reel to Reel ?
The R-R tapes I made in the 60s and 70s are perfectly listenable on my current machine (Teac X1000R) but some squealed madly on an earlier deck. Much of the problem seems to lie in how well the deck is maintained. That said, I do not use mine for ... 
Problems with Sorba gel mat anyone?
I neve really cared for the veiled sound of this mat when I had one years ago, and experienced the same problem you have. Why did I use it then, you ask? Because I paid good money for it and believed what some "experts" said it was SUPPOSED to do.... 
Make me feel better
I broke the cantilever off a Sumiko Blue Point Special whle mounting it., The seller took pity on me and sold me a replacement cheap. Guess what I did next. You have my sympathy. Nobody ever said vinyl was especially easy or convenient. But it sur... 
Audioquest Vs Kimber
Funny, I thought the AQs I had (the old Diamond and Lapis) were pretty mellow, while my Kimber KCAG was definitely bright. In my system, the Mapleshade ribbons work better than either (cost less, too).