
Responses from dopogue

Your favorite obscure ECM album
I have 6 of Benthar's discs, so I must qualify as an ECM fan. Aside from those already mentioned, I'd recommend:* Anything with pianist John Taylor, including these under Peter Erskine's name: As It Is, You Never Know, and Time Being* Kenny Wheele... 
have u heard Conrad Johnson's tube CD player?
I'm a long-time CJ fan (currently, Premier l4 and Premier l2s), so was attracked to their two-unit CD player with a tubed DAC. Big mistake. The DAC was frequently in the shop and the sound was uninvolving. Also, the transport would not play CDRs o... 
SIlver Cable Experiences?
It's something other than the silver per se. I used to use AQ Diamond and Lapis (silver hyperlitz) cables and found them warm, mellow, and laid-back -- too much so, in fact. 
Need suggestions for a TURNTABLE MAT...
Agree 100% with Jfrech on both the Ringmat and drop counterweight (Heavyweight). 
Why do DIY products have less value ?
I remember a classic ad for Business Week. A guy is hunched forward looking at you, saying, I don't know you. I don't know your product. I don't know your company. I don't know your company's reputation. Now what is it you're trying to sell me? Th... 
Quality of Sony SACD players as CD transports
I've had a variety of DACs but I can't imagine adding one to my Sony XA777ES for Redbook playback. It's that good. 
Help with speaker cable for 1st tube set up ....
Mapleshade Golden Helix ($85 for 8 ft. set) or Double Golden Helix ($280 and worth the difference). The Double Golden Helix wiped out biwired Kimber 8TCs in my tube-based system. You can try them for 30 days free and see what you think. Good luck,... 
Nitty Gritty or VPI, Which record cleaner ? ? ? ?
I must be the only Nitty Gritty owner here who's happy with mine. Bought it in l983 or thereabouts, have cleaned thousands of records with it, and it soldiers on. I like the fact that there's no platter to put stuff BACK on the record. When mine f... 
CDR Fidelity?
My Tascam is a CD-RW700. It plays any kind of CDR, makes digital-to-digital dupes and has proven totally reliable. I had a Pioneer 555 before, and there's no comparison. It sells (last time I looked) for $450 from Oade Bros. I recommend it highly.... 
Problems with Hybrid SACD's ?
There's something wrong with your SACD player. I've never had a problem with hybrids on my XA777ES. 
CDR Fidelity?
Listen to Ejlif. My Tascam also makes super copies, from CDs, vinyl, and tape. There is a clear (positive) difference between them and the ones my wife (the family computer maven) makes on her Mac. I don't know why. 
Best used 2 channel preamp for 2500.00.
Conrad Johnson Premier 14. A great preamp and a great buy, currently (used) well below $2500. I've had mine since l996. It does everything (except phono), has multiple inputs and 2 sents of outputs, and is remote-controlled. 
Mods : Fools Gold or the Real Thing
I'd just like to add John Hillig ( to the list of recommended modifiers. He's been in business for a long time (late 70s?) and works his magic on a broad range of brands. He modded my Pioneer 4l4 into something very special... 
Substitute for a Conrad-Johnson Premier 3 preamp
I've seen CJ Premier l4s offered for $l995. I have one, used to own a Premier 3. The l4 is a terrific preamp. And yes, it has a remote. You'll love it with your system. 
Which CD Players Are both Warm and Detailed
Having heard none of the other recommendations, I'll still make a strong pitch for the Sony XA777ES. Superb CD musicality (via 6 parallel DACs) with the best possible (IMO) SACD playback as a bonus, for $2000 new -- with a 5-year warranty -- from ...