
Responses from dopogue

Anyone used a non-Basis Clamp on their Basis TT?
Friend of mine with a Basis/Rega/Grado Platinum setup bought a Michell clamp and also tried out a felt mat and my Ringmat. We agreed that it sounded best with no clamp or mat at all. Surprised both of us. One thing we didn't try is the Basis clamp... 
Turntable Power Source Benefits
I understand and can only tell you what I hear. When I replaced the PLC power line conditioner with the upgraded SDS model on my VPI TNT turntable (older model) the improvement was substantial and unmistakable. More clarity and openness. Blacker s... 
NOS tubes, why can't modern tubes sound better?
A semi-contrarian view. On the whole, I've had better luck with tube LONGEVITY using new tubes (where they are available) vs NOS tubes. And in some cases, e.g., 845 output tubes from China @$40 vs their NOS counterparts at God-knows-what prices --... 
Cleaning Records
Suggest you go to the Discussion Forums and type in"record cleaning" in the Archives. There's a ton of info here. 
If Grado is the Ying, Is a Clearaudio the Yang???
I had the Platinum before buying the Reference and, yes, the improvement is most marked in the mids and highs. 
Opinions on shortening speaker cable.
Pierre Sprey (Mapleshade) and Ron Bauman (Omega Mikro) are adamant that, from a sonic standpoint, speaker cable should not be shorter than 8 ft. Don't remember why, and I'm just throwing this out for what it's worth. I do trust their judgment rega... 
What is your favorite low-tech tweek?
Hockey pucks for resonance damping under components (about a buck apiece). Cable lifters made of 3 chopsticks lashed together with rubber bands. Maple blocks from Bed, Bath and Beyond. The "Little Rat" battery-powered phono preamp from Radio Shack... 
Best Cartridge for VPI Aries orig + JMW 10.5 ?
I should have noted that I have your tonearm and an early-model VPI TNT, so I know the Grado cart is compatible. 
Best Cartridge for VPI Aries orig + JMW 10.5 ?
As noted in response to another cartridge query above, I don't think you can do much better than the Grado Reference. List is $1200, and many are offered for less. Good luck. 
If Grado is the Ying, Is a Clearaudio the Yang???
Second the Grado Reference. Had mine for almost 4 years now and have yet to be enticed to anything "better." 
Good speaker cables for tube amp's??????
I second the Mapleshade. If you budget can stand it go for the Omega Mikros (same designers). 
In tube systems is 90db efficency really the low?
It also depends on the speakers' impedance curves and complexity of their crossover networks. Speakers with benign impedance curves (no dips much below 8 ohms) and simple crossovers can sound great even with low-power amps, even if their sensitivi... 
Does bewiring decrease "wholeness" ?
For what it's worth, I always biwired. Figured if two sets of speaker terminals were provided, it was best to use them. When I switched from Kimber 8TC (biwired) to Mapleshade Golden Helix and assumed I would biwire, Pierre Sprey of Mapleshade con... 
ET 2 Owners - feedback please
Elaborating on my post above, I had the surge tank sold with the Wisa pump. Don't remember the brand, but it was a green tube with white end caps. Looked great, but I ultimately found out it was leaking air THROUGH the end caps (put the ends in a ... 
Cd Recorders?
Seems to me that a single tray unit (such as my TASCAM CD-RW700) is a better bet if you already have a great CDP. As noted above, use the digital rtaher than analog link. The advantage of a unit like the TASCAM is not only that you can use regular...