
Responses from dopogue

VPI Aries Questions
Jallen, excellent suggestions (maybe because I just started using the V15xMR on the 10.5 arm myself and agree wholeheartedly). 
VPI Aries Questions
Like you say, lots of opinions. Mine is that the SDS is absolutely essential. No new cart has ever made such an improvement on my TNT/JMW 10.5 system, especially afer you replace the stock power cord. I'd go with your less expensive option. Good l... 
What Cart. for a Infinity Black widow
Johnnantais, you could well be right. I've been using the Grado Reference/Reference (love their nomenclature) in a JMW l0.5 arm -- often a recommended pairing -- and experiencing both poor warp tracking and the dreaded Grado wobble. Worse, the Gra... 
What Cart. for a Infinity Black widow
Whoops. That's Jack's Music Factory, not Jake's. 
What Cart. for a Infinity Black widow
I agree that the Stanton is a fine choice but don't agree that it smokes the Shure V15XMR (I have both) which you can buy for $199 incl. shipping from Jake's Music Factory in San Luis Obispo. But either one should work great in your Black Widow. T... 
Tonearm cable recommendations
VPI itself sells a cable ($199/meter) through Music Direct and other places that's made up of the same Discovery wire used in the arm. Stands to reason that if you like the arm you'll like the cable. I'm planning to try it myself. 
How best to clean old 78s.
Afterthought: When I say they're tough, that doesn't mean you can handle them without being mindful of one thing.They're not vinyl. They break. 
How best to clean old 78s.
These things are tough and there's no need to be gentle with them. I use a large old toothbrush on the worst of them with diluted Dawn dishwashing liquid and scrub the heck out of them, following the grooves. Then I rinse them under the tap and do... 
After market PC's to Power Conditioners
I have the Tice 3A and a PS Audio P300 for front-end gear. I'm using Mapleshade power cords on my custom-made SET monoblocks and have tried them into the wall (dedicated 20-amp circuits) and into the Tice. Both the amp designer and I prefer them i... 
Do reel to reel tapes fade over time...
I've been buying R-R tapes on Audiogon and Ebay, at least 30 of them over the last 6 months. They date from the mid l950s to the late l970s. Not one has exhibited the slightest "fading," and only one was defective (no left channel in one direction... 
Zaikesman's Username Pronunciation Field Guide
Very useful. I've always wondered how to pronounce "Clueless" :-) 
Proac Original Response 2 VS Response 3
Both the Rseponse 2 and 3 work fabulously well with tubes, IME. My old pair of 2s is now being driven to great success by a friend's 6-watt SET monoblocks. I wouldn't have believed it either. This same amp sounded great with my 3s as well. 
Proac Original Response 2 VS Response 3
I owned both Respone 2s and 3s. The 3s were a significant upgrade and lost NOTHING in terms of imaging or anything else. They won't give you a really exended low end, but the bass is substantially better than the 2. Both are great speakers. I've s... 
Are Sub-woofers really for music?
I'll bet you would love ProAc Response 3 or others in the "3" series (like 3.8). A really good low end but, granted, without the subterranean prowess of a great sub. 
What's in your record cleaning machine????
I thought you were asking what's in the machine itself. I confess to some curiosity about that since my prehistoric Nitty Gritty (serial # 134) has no way to empty out the water and collected schmutz. When it finally conks (going on 21 years so fa...