
Responses from br3098

Phono stage good for classical and jazz?
Jackyjack,No, you really can't overcome a fundamental compliance mismatch between cartridge and tonearm. Adding mass will simply add mass where neither the tonearm or cartridge designer wanted it, and still won't overcome the basic mismatch proble... 
Acoustic Room Treatment – any simple solutions?
Treating the room is always a good idea. But sometimes it is not an option ("No dear, of course I won't be putting that there!")Another solution is to utilize room correction, either software or appliance based. My experiences with products from D... 
best recorded 78rpm to look for, also cartridge...
The Pickering D750 is a stylus, not a cartridge, that is designed for stereo playback. You will have much better sound reproduction if you use a mono cartridge specifically designed for playback of 78 records. In fact, using a stereo cartridge (st... 
Phono stage good for classical and jazz?
I am going to give you some *free* advice and (hopefully) save you a ton of money. Try replacing the Denn DL-103R with something else; I suggest an Ortofon 2M Blue MM or maybe a Denon DL-110 HOMC cartridge.The DL-103R is a wonderful cartridge, but... 
Phono stage good for classical and jazz?
In order so that we can provide you with a useful answer, please describe the rest of your system: what TT/tonearm/cartridge, amp/preamp, speakers and your room? 
Smooth and dark cables?
Not wanting to start a flame war, but IMO simply cables simply won't make that much of a difference.If you really want correct for room deficiencies based on actual data and not by guessing, a good room correction product (hardware or software) wi... 
The Tannoy Speaker Line - worth a serious look ?
The Tannoy DC10a are not being made in China according to Tannoy and a are trying to correct the 6 Moons Audio Review.If they are not made in China, then where are they now manufactured? I was in Scotland recently and drove by the old Tannoy site ... 
Opinion on Tannoy Loudspeakers......
I answered you on your first question on this topic, from yesterday.1st Audiogon aphorism: "Be patient, Grasshopper. Especially the first weekend following a large audio show." 
The Tannoy Speaker Line - worth a serious look ?
Tannoy has made many different models of speakers over the years, and it's hard to lump them all together. The different versions of their dual concentric driver have similar, if not identical, sound and imaging characteristics.I have owned three ... 
Best Speaker for classical music
Dkarmeli,Personally, I usually try to avoid commenting on audio components I have never heard, let alone (probably) never heard of. But I understand your hesitation - I had similar doubts and questions for the designer, Mikael Richel, when I first... 
Best Speaker for classical music
If you are open to something completely different, I suggest that you check out the EARO Eight speakers. These are an active speaker, manufactured in Sweden. I own, have owned and have had the opportunity to hear a number of (what I consider to be... 
Transporting Thorens TD 124
Yes, that would be the safest way to travel with the unit and avoid damage to the spindle bearing. Just make sure that you use the proper size screwdriver so as to avoid stripping the screw heads. 
any thoughts on apogee centaur speakers?
I have owned a few pair of Apogees over the years, most recently the last hybrid ribbon model Cepheus 6. I agree that Apogees are special speakers, especially the larger planar models. Your Centaurs are similar to the Cepheus, a little less effici... 
installing the SME V tonearm in the Technics SP10
The SL-1000 (SP-10 mounted in the "obsidian" plinth) was designed for the Technics professional tonearms, with mounting distances of 235mm. I have mounted shorter arms on these decks, with varying degrees of success. Frankly, it just looks odd to ... 
DAC Recommendation around 2.5K
Everyone has their favorite to recommend, including me.I have tried several high end DACs, and they are all good. I keep coming back to the Antelope Audio Zodiac Gold for it's great I/O and the fact that the volume attenuator is on the analog side...