
Responses from br3098

Sonos to Amp - is simplicity better?
Unless your amp has an integrated DAC (like the Peachtree units, for example), the amp itself is irrelevant to your question. The Sonos Connect/Zone Player 90 has two methods of output: analog and digital. The digital outputs do no conversion. So ... 
What kind of power cord comes with expensive gear
>>Audio Research ships their reference Series with cheap stock cords but they use expensive Shunyata cables at shows and in their factory listening room.Possibly because they know that gullible, anal retentive audiophiles won't seriously lis... 
USB/Fw DAC with volume control
I use an Antelope Zodiac Gold DAC for this very same purpose. I was able to directly compare it to a well-regarded Weiss DAC (FireWire attatched), and I think that the Antelope sounded better. Plus, the Antelope supports almost any I/O option (exc... 
In-the-Grove lp cleaner
I haven't tried one of these new units, but I had a similar-looking unit years ago and it was a disaster. While the "rubber" wheel picks up surface dust and gunk quite well. But for whatever reason (static adhesion?) it turns the tiny bits of gunk... 
Isolation Platform from Timber Nation
I ordered a custom rack from Timber Nation in late Sept. 2011. The unit arrived in California in under two weeks, was extremely well packed and was just perfect. Chris communicated with me by phone and email (as often as was necessary) during the ... 
Listening Room Art Work
I have a commissioned a mural of a reclining nude Mama June, on the wall right in between my speakers. It encourages me to keep my eyes (tightly) closed and to concentrate on the music. 
I'm after a good, small stereo amp/DAC
It's going to be difficult to find a good, small,amp w/ DAC for under $500, but not impossible. At this budget I would recommend that you look at a used first generation Peachtree Decco. While it's not as powerful or as refined as the later Nova a... 
Building a Power Strip, any advise?
Ozzy,There are some very good A/V power strips out there. Admittedly, they are usually overpriced.Hopefully you have never had to, or never will, make a insurance claim for a home fire. But once you have been through the nightmare that most insura... 
Building a Power Strip, any advise?
Not to sound negative, but why in heaven's name would you build your own power strip? They aren't that expensive, and unless you are going to submit your device for UL certification you could have some issues collecting from your insurance company... 
Thorens TD124 vs Sota star sapphire
Both are great looking and sounding decks (or in the case of the TD-124, can be with enough love, time and $$$). Which is better for you I think will largely depend on the following factors:1- Do you want or require a deck w/ an active suspension ... 
Which tonearm for vintage Micro Seiki BL-91
No VTA on the fly though so a bit worried about thatUnless you have so much time on your hands that you can afford to (or are anal enough to want to) reset VTA for different LP thickness, VTA on the fly is probably only really necessary if you are... 
Meridian 508.24 Service
Elberoth2,You are correct, sir. I thought Philips but typed Pioneer. I guess I should stop replying late at night... 
From PC / Mac to DAC into Monoblocks, Direct?
Cwlondon,I haven't found a DAC that sounds better, is built as well or has all the features of the Antelope Zodiac Gold for anywhere near the price. 
Meridian 508.24 Service
I still have a 508.24 and I think that it's still one of the best sounding players ever. Mine occasionally has trouble reading a CD until it worms up, but once warm it's fine. Most of the problems with these units involves (occasionally) repairing... 
Vintage McIntosh & JBL System
As much as I have to disagree with Buconero117, my experience on eBay has been the opposite.Why? Because someone who may want your MR65 tuner will probably not want all of the other gear. Remember, it's not just the price of the gear. Buyers don't...