
Responses from br3098

Best Speakers for 10' x 12' room?
Mksr - I just noticed a pair of Wilson Duette speakers w/ stands listed for sale on A'gon this morning. Looks like they are in the L.A. area. 
Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution?
Based on my experience, I think that Ralph (Atmasphere) is spot on with his comments in the last paragraph of his response.Johnmc67 - if you are looking for a substantive change or improvement in your system's sound (timbre, depth and spatial resp... 
Best Speakers for 10' x 12' room?
Mksr - No, I have only heard Magico and Wilson "big" speakers, so I am not in a position to help you with your selection.If this is your short list, then treat your room as best you can and try them both, if possible, to see which one sounds best ... 
Best Speakers for 10' x 12' room?
Gfcf424892, You are correct; front-ported monitors are generally easier to use in in small rooms. Rear ported speakers almost (but not always) need placement well away from the wall behind in order to sound best. Exceptions include the Audio Note ... 
Best Speakers for 10' x 12' room?
Mksr - well since you asked...1- First I would advise you get a copy of Jim Smith's Book "Get Better Sound" and read it from cover to cover.2- Test your room with analysis software. You will need a laptop, software program and a calibration microp... 
Best Speakers for 10' x 12' room?
I have used a 10x12 room as my main analog listening room for years. My primary recommendation - treat the room first!It's a simple fact - a room of this size os going to challenge you for optimal audio reproduction. You can minimize (but not elim... 
Computer audio, I am not convinced yet ......
>>The guys that have been running USB servers for a while now are going back to CD players. To me, that is abandoning USB.Cerrot, who are "the guys"? And are you certain that ALL of "the guys" abandoning USB servers for CD players, or is you... 
If you had a Benz cartridge would you let someone
>>No thanks, you're system isn't very interesting compared to ours.Is it just me, or did anyone else read this and think "Wow, what a dick!" 
Best of Both Worlds, Hybrid Amps .
I have owned a couple of Moscode 300s over the years, and were sorry both times after I sold them. As stock units they were very good amps and they are reasonably pricedon the used market, if not the ultimate in build quality. George Kaye upgrades... 
Yamamoto A-08S vs Decware amps
Apples and oranges.Are you asking the members of this forum to compare the vendors products (eg. build quality), or are you asking for an opinion on the sound differences between the 45 triode (Yammy) or EL84/SV83/6L6 (Decware)tube types? 
Speakers that do pianos really well
IMO, no speaker can actually reproduce the tonal range and timbre of an acoustic piano realistically, but some I have heard have come closer than most.To my ears, the old Apogee Full Range Planar was the best at reproducing piano, other EL/planar ... 
anybody modded a Sophia music baby?
I agree with the above posts, the Baby is a very under-rated amp for the money. I have owned a couple of these, and upgrading the coupling caps provided a modest but noticeable difference in the sound. I found the biggest improvements were upgradi... 
Oh, the frustrations of the speaker search
Interesting responses so far. Without knowing anything about your room or your gear, but based on your mix of musical preferences I would have suggest you check out the following:1- Vandersteen (new or used, whichever model works in your room)2- (... 
It's time for a new button on Audiogon
Interesting post and responses. Personally, I will almost never buy anything where the ad lists "price is firm"; not because I think that the item is priced too high (although that is often the case), but because it represents to me a basic inflex... 
Opinions - Best Sound at T.H.E. Newport 2013 Show?
I agree with the OP - I thought that the Earo room was simply marvelous and sublime. The Ulf speakers sounded great, and the new "Wally" wall-mount units sounded much better than I was expecting. The Dirac room correction made a huge difference, s...