
Responses from br3098

Lovan audio racks....and other racks.....
The best racks I ever owned were the old Zoethecus units. I regret ever selling these...For small (3-4 shelf) units I have had pretty good luck with the Salamander Archetype racks, the ones with the screw thread leg posts. They are a PITA to setup... 
please help: micro seiki of VPI
I will go on record as stating that I own and enjoy many Micro Seiki turntables and tonearms. However, you are trying to compare apples and oranges.The Micro Seiki BL-51 was a very good midrange deck in the early 1980s - not the best product in th... 
does 32 bit make a difference over 24 bit?
I agree with almost everything Bhobba stated. Most PCs and macs are not setup to play 32-bit files; that is the few that exist. That said, I do not believe that anyone would actually hear any difference in a blind test.I have also looked at the Ch... 
Considering a change from ARC LS3b to LS15
I purchased a new LS15 preamp and kept it for about 10 years. It found it to be a nice, polite preamp for the money, but not outstanding IMO. If you are looking for better sounding preamp in the Audio Research line (without waiting for a rich Uncl... 
Original VPI Aries vs VPI classic 3
I have years of experience with the Aries 1 deck and very little w/ the Classic series, but I continue to believe that the original Aries deck (properly rigged) is one of the best kept secrets in the audio world. I still regret selling it, mainly ... 
Improving sound quality of streaming setup
IMO, an external DAC would definitely be helpful. Just keep in kind that you will need to pipe digital in and out of Airport Express. I assume that you are using the AE as a wireless receiver for your pre, so the DAC would go between the AE and yo... 
Restocking Fees, 30-Day Free Trials
The OP's post is a perfect demonstration of how "audiophiles" are driving audio dealers out of business. 
General question about Linn Axis
I have had good luck with the Denon DL-110 on this turntable and arm. It's a relatively inexpensive cartridge but is very musical and lively without sounding bright. Highly recommended (by me).I must disagree with Mapman and say that, I think that... 
Looking for Suggestions for Audio in Kid Play Room
Used Tivoli radio? (the Henry Kloss version) 
Linn LP12 vs. VPI Classic 1 and 3
Thesoundhouse - you probably should have stopped after the first sentence. 
Luxman PD121 is this a quality DD?
I used to sell Luxman gear back in the late 1970s, and as I recall the U model was the standard export version of the PD-121 w/ a universal (switchable) power supply. I do not remember ever seeing or selling the PD-121A model, but I have met guys ... 
Replacement for Maggie's?
With the exception of the larger Apogee planar speakers or arguably one of the hybrid models, most dipole speakers simply can't provide the same bass slam as a cone driver.If you can't upgrade to the larger Maggies due to the WAF, then the Apogee ... 
Luxman PD121 is this a quality DD?
Luxman PS-121 on The Vintage KnobMy experience agrees w/ what is stated on TVK: the PD-121 is a good, midrange table. I wouldn't compare it to the SP-10, but I would personally prefer it to the ubiquitous SL-1200.The PD-121A with the load-free spi... 
Cryogenic experience wanted. Constructive please
Cryo schmeyo. When I was working in Alaska in the late 70s, and had to park my truck outside when it was -68 degrees F outside. When I moved it into a heated garage and it thawed a week later I can't say that I noticed any improvement in the sound... 
Sonos to Amp - is simplicity better?
Unless your amp has an integrated DAC (like the Peachtree units, for example), the amp itself is irrelevant to your question. The Sonos Connect/Zone Player 90 has two methods of output: analog and digital. The digital outputs do no conversion. So ...