
Responses from br3098

Speakers (and system) for a small-ish room
You didn't tell us what type of music you would listen to on this system.  Classic rock. vocals, jazz, small classical, large classical, techno...?  I always have a small system (not desktop speakers) in my 10'x13' office.  I have usually used gea... 
Audio note ANK Kits EL84 Vs Audio Note Oto PP
I disagree with jond's assertion that " most people will tell you stuff built by AN UK is a definite cut above AN Kits."  Having experience with both I will say that both are excellent.Assuming that your ANK kit is properly built (or built profes... 
Looking for speaker recommendations for CJ Premier 11A
I have a small listening room (man cave) about that size.  Once upon a time I had a pair of Premier 11As and a pair of JM Reynaud Offrande (original model) speakers - it was pure magic.  Easily the best sound from any system I have owned.  If I we... 
Speaker Suggestions for 300b SET Amp
jbhiller,Your experience with the Omega XRS 8 Junior is surprising to me.  I don't own a pair of Omegas but I have a couple of friends with them and I think they sound great.  I wil add that the 8 Jr. is probably a better speaker for jazz than cla... 
Thomas Mayer 46 SE tube AMP? What's it worth
That Thomas Mayer amp is a piece of crud.  If you send it to me I'll dispose of it properly for you...Thomas Mayer produces on-off handmade amps and preamps in Germany.  He is a very talented builder and his products are visually stunning and soun... 
high-efficiency loudspeakers
There are several manufacturers of hi-efficiency speakers, nut not many that are commonly discussed on this forum.  There is no "best", just what's best to you.  Mating a speaker to an amp for best sound involves a lot of factors besides the sen... 
Singers do not sing the language they speak
Most opera singers are are proficient (if not fluent) in 3-4 languages; typically Italian, German, French and English.  Many European artists are fluent in more.  My younger daughter sings opera and took three weeks of diction lessons last year be... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Every speaker type, manufacturer and model has it's advantages and disadvantages, as well as it's fans and detractors.  I consider myself lucky; over the years I've been able to indulge my passion and curiosity to try all types of audio gear, incl... 
Cartridges: Complete Scam?
I apologize for chiming in on this topic so late in the conversation.  IMO the phono cartridge is a major component in how a system sounds.  BUT, the cartridge must be compatible with the tonearm , step up transformer/phono stage and (to a much le... 
Tips on dealing with audio dealers
ivanj wrote: " In the USA all retailers have to be offered the same cost price as a rule by Federal law."What Federal law would that be?  Most states used to have so-called Fair Trade Laws under individual state UCCs, but these have been done awa... 
Ortofon verto step-up any good?
I think that the Ortofon Verto is an excellent, underrated SUT at it's price point.  Like with any SUT, you need to make sure that it is a good match with your cartridge and MM phono stage.  I have a friend who used a Verto with a Dyna XX-2 and it... 
Very Bad purchase from upscale audio Acoustic Zen Adagio
I'm just reading this thread now, and I have to say that I am neither shocked or surprised by rbogartr's experiences with Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio.  Needless to say, I am not a fan and will not do business with Kevin.Several years ago I was int... 
Integrated Amps with Phono for $3000 or less (or separate phono and Integrated)
I am surprised that no one has mentioned the Croft Phono Integrated Amp. Glenn Croft makes a great product in the UK and it's as quiet and sweet as any integrated amp I have ever heard.  The phono stage is very good and is also very quiet.  All fo... 
Luxman CL34: How does it compare today?
The CL34 is a wonderful vintage preamp but, like virtually any piece of vintage gear from the 1980s, will require some attention in order to sound it's best.  All of the caps will almost certainly need to be replaced, as well as the resistors that... 
Search for miracle integrated
It is interesting to see so many well-intended recommendations that seemingly ignore your list of requirements.  There are lots of amps that will meet your stated needs - mostly solid state.  IMO the finest sounding SS integrated amplifier I have ...