
Responses from br3098

Speaker - Room/size dilemma
The Larsen 8 speakers were designed to work with your's and other room-challenged listening environments.  They work great and sound fabulous.  The only caveat to note vs. your requirements is that the Larsens were designed and work best with plac... 
Ortofon bronze PNP ALERT!!!!!
What the heck is a 2M Silver?  I have never heard of such a beast in the Ortofon stable.In any case, if the cartridge was pre-mounted by the factory then it's probably covered under the turntable warranty.  If it was pre-mounted for you by the dea... 
Audio Research LS15 vs. SP14
I had an LS-15 for years, then upgraded to an LS-25.  The -15 was a good amp for the price, if not a little sterile and on the cooler side.  It did eat tubes, though, as did my PH-3 Plus.  Annual replacements were a must. 
Lyra Delos or Soundsmith Boheme for Space deck/arm
If it were me and if they were within your budget I would recommend either the Ortofon Cadenza Bronze or Black, depending if you wanted more warmth and liquidity or detail. Both of these cartridges mate very, very well with the Fletcher/Nottingham... 
Directional cables - what does that really mean?
Geoffkait said: "The electrons go back and forth, at least somewhat and at very low speed, they are virtually standing still..."So are we to assume you have proven Dr. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle to be invalid? 
What to upgrade first for better sound quality?
Which component you should upgrade first is a hard question to answer because it depends upon several factors, including your assessment of the strenghts and weaknesses of each individual component, recognition of what you are trying to change, an... 
Which cartridge in a Nottingham Analogue?
The late Tom Fletcher, designer of the Nottingham turntables and tonearms, was not a fan of MC cartridges and designed his tonearms to use MM carts. Based on weight, these arms generally work best with cartridges on the higher side of the complian... 
Goertz still the choice with Vandersteen?
I have always been a big fan of the Goertz MI speaker cable, especially with high-powered amps and/or low impedance load requirements. I originally purchased a 20' pair of copper MI3s to use with my Apogee hybrid ribbon speakers and have used them... 
Getting more bass from Altec Bolero 890c Speakers
I agree with Dkarmeli. You can improve the sound of your Boleros by moving the drivers into new (larger) cabinets and rebuilding or replacing the xovers. But at that point they will be something different and not Bolero speakers. 
Turntable Setup by Ear?
Why do things the hard way? A good protractor and small level will make nailing your cartridge setup much faster and eliminate guesswork. More tools are useful but not absolutely necessary.In the old days when I used to tune up my own cars I used ... 
Thorens TD-126 Mk II vs Sansui SR-717
IMO, neither table is all that great but if I had to choose I would opt for the TD-126, as long as it was a MkII unit and not a MkIII. The SR-717 should be significantly less expensive than a good-condition TD-126 w/ usable tonearm. 
Kijanki,Actually, Firewire was never a real threat to personal, corporate or net security. Firewire died because when it became an open source protocol and Apple couldn't extract any more profit from it. And also from the fact that Apple's royalti... 
AN-J or AN-E with Meishu
Fred, in my opinion, your (almost) square room is the most limiting factor. If you are going to remain in that room I would advise keeping the AN-Ks, because they will pump the least amount of energy into the room.If you were going to move into th... 
Walking Into A Brick & Mortar High End Audio Store
Tbg, you are correct. Sorry for my stupid mistake. BTW - I still insist that he's a great guy and a fantastic audio resource. 
Magnepan 1.7s in a 10x13' dedicated room?
I agree with Shakeydeal - I wouldn't use a pair of Maggies in a room of that size. I have tried other dipole speakers (Apogees) in a small room and it always ends up in a frustrating disaster.There are several other speakers that will work quite w...