
Responses from br3098

Which Pre-Amp Pass Labs or Audio Research
I recently saw the GamuT D3i preamp at the recent Newport show and had a chance to listen in a quieter environment thanks to the local GamuT dealer. It's a beautiful looking dual-mono preamp and it sounds great.I hate to admit it, but I am serious... 
Skeptics believe:cartridge makes a HUGE difference
Everything in the audio chain makes a difference. But not everything makes the same difference.Over the years I have developed the following mantra, in order of importance in the audio chain (analog): speakers, cartridge, tonearm, phono stage, tur... 
Walking Into A Brick & Mortar High End Audio Store
JWM wrote:>>If people don't want to bother an audio salesman with no intentions of buying they can go to an audio show instead. There are so many now that one can go and hear without buying anything and not feel guilty. The shows have way mo... 
Can a garage serve as listening room?
Several years ago I turned a full-walled 10.5' x 12' 3rd garage stall into a recording studio for my younger daughter. To soundproof the room, I removed the original 1/3" drywall and added mass-loaded rubber sheeting overlaid with two layers of 1/... 
Audiophile Active Speakers?
Larrybou,The Meridian speakers require Meridian electronics as the wiring is proprietary. As I recall, you are restricted to digital sources unless using an older Model 565 processor. I'm sure that someone else will chime in who has more recent ex... 
Audiophile Active Speakers?
There are several manufacturers of great active speakers. The best I have heard personally are the Earo active horn speakers from Sweden. I believe that there is a distributor and at least one dealer in the U.S. I recall also reading a review in P... 
Shrinking my system
Curtisbaby,What is the size of the room you will be moving your gear to? Can the speakers sit out in the room a bit, or do you need to place them close or right up against the front wall? Finally, what Klipsch models were you considering? 
Does the VPI Aries1 best the VPI Classic1?
I agree that the Aries 1 is probably one of the best turntables ever designed (IMO). I got rid of mine and have regretted it ever since. What I should have done was swap the tonearm to another brand, but that's a different discussion.I did just se... 
Apogee Centaur or Apogee centaurus slant 6?
Rafael0054, the Apogee hybrid ribbon speakers can sound amazing, if you can find a pair in good condition and if you have the amp(s) to drive them properly. I have owned several models of Apogees over the last 20 years.All things being equal, I wo... 
Opinions - Best Sound at T.H.E. Newport 2013 Show?
Quad-man,The EARO (or Earo) units are not a small computer speakers. They are excellent floor standing active speakers featuring single driver, rear-loaded horns. There are two models: the Eight (8" driver) and the Ulf (5" driver). Seriously good ... 
Acoustic Room Treatment – any simple solutions?
Kal,Thanks for the update. I had not yet seen that unit.Bill 
Acoustic Room Treatment – any simple solutions?
OK, here goes:Dirac Research's RCS is a software application that runs on a mac or PC and includes tools for room analysis and room correction based one or more analyses. The software is available in two versions, 2-channel and multi-channel (up t... 
How far from the back wall are your speakers?
The proper distance from the front of the speaker cabinet to the wall behind the speaker is entirely dependent on the particular speaker and it's interaction to your particular room.Unless your speakers are specifically designed to be placed right... 
Phono stage good for classical and jazz?
Many people said the Rega tonearm matches well with the denon 103rI have found this to be not true, at least to my ears. I suspect that the DL-103x gets used in these situations mainly because they are one of the, if not the, least expensive MC ca... 
Phono stage good for classical and jazz?
Jackyjack,No, you really can't overcome a fundamental compliance mismatch between cartridge and tonearm. Adding mass will simply add mass where neither the tonearm or cartridge designer wanted it, and still won't overcome the basic mismatch proble...