
Responses from br3098

single driver speakers
czarivey wrote: " I heard most of Lowther single driver designs and made my conclusions after listening few."With all due respect, that's like stating that you rode in every trim model of the Chevy Cruze and so based on that experience you can co... 
Decware or Primaluna
I may be biased, but I'm a big fan of Steve Deckert and all things decware.  I don't think that you will ever go wrong, with regard to sound quality, build quality or resale value, with a decware amp.  The Torii is one of the most musical and flex... 
opinion on Omega Super 3i speakers
I have been auditioning various single driver, high efficiency speakers since I decision to return to SET amplification.  I have listened to both the Omega Super 3i (5" driver) and Compact Alnico (6.5" driver) and I will say that they sound quite ... 
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers
Great review of the speakers you listed.  But IMO it would have been more useful if you had listed the amp you are using with your Thiels for reference.  From your comments I can't imagine that you are running a tube amp... 
Tube Preamps.....
Who wants the best improvement in their system EVER!
No thanks.  I'm good in my ignorance. 
Tube Preamps.....
shrapnel, if that's what the tech at CJ told you then it must be true.  But I will add that I have owned the ET2, Classic and CT6 preamps (amongst other CJ models) and I will tell you for a fact that the design, parts and layout for these three pr... 
Tube Preamps.....
shrapnel: the CJ ET3 and Classic 2 preamps are completely different designs, with no relation other than they were both designed and produced by CJ.  The ET3 is based on technology used for the GAT preamp while the Classic 2 is essentially an upda... 
LS-50 Speakers (Passive)
The Elac UB5 is a very good speaker for the money, but it IMO it doesn't sound anything like the LS50 passive.  The imaging and dispersion pattern of the dual concentric UniQ driver on the LS50 in entirely different than the UB5, which sounds more... 
Chinese products
Just a note: Sophia Electric is an American company. and I believe that all of their products, except for tubes and their Baby amp, are made in the U.S.  I have always found that their products excel and are quite competitive at their relative pri... 
Inexpensive Tube Amps
As usual, I am late to the party but I will add my $0.02 worth: in general, I try to avoid cheap Chinese products.  Actually I avoid MOST products made in the PRC except for a few Hong Kong manufacturers.  This is not due to political issues (whic... 
New or used cartridge
Well, to be fair sometimes a re-tipped or replacement cantilever will sound better than the original.  But to invictus005's point (I think), you simply have no way of knowing what your cartridge will sound like after altering it. 
Decware preamp
Thanks for your comments.  I have been lucky; I have been able to acquire and play with lots of different audio gear for many years, some great but most not my long term cup of tea.  But I'm getting tired of the audio gear roller coaster and am th... 
Decware preamp
normd wrote: I have the Decware ZTPRE Do you have the old model or one of the new ones- the new one with the V6-looking tube engine?  I have been wondering how this unit sounds.  Are you using the balanced XLR outputs or did you add the RCAs? 
Speakers least affected by room acoustics
I would suggest something a little different: Larsen speakers are designed to work with virtually any room and sound great.  Larsens are an updated version of the Stig Carlsson designs.  These come in three models, at different price points starti...