T+A's new R 2500 R integrated amp

**Not to be confused with earlier T+A products that have similar names.**

Does anybody have hands-on experience with this incredibly flexible integrated amp? It’s been shipping in the US for just a couple of months, & has not yet been reviewed in the Tier One audiophile press

It’s absolutely not possible for me to hear the R 2500 R before buying, and at nearly $19,000, I’m hesitant to pull the trigger blind. But it sure sounds impressive on paper, boasting one of T+A’s world-class DAC/streamers, several hundred Class AB wpc, 31-lb weight, discrete headphone amp, some of the most comprehensive connectivity on the market, firmware-upgradability, a friendly UI, and, of course, T+A’s reputation for impeccable sound quality. It even includes a CD transport & FM tuner, as well as HDMI w/ARC I/O for integration into a home theater. Whew.

I normally wouldn’t consider an embedded DAC/streamer, but, heck, this is T+A, the company that made its name throughout Europe for its no-holds-barred DAC technology. And I understand that the R 2500’s internal DAC is an updated (albeit "merely" 512DSD) version of the company’s highly regarded $7500 1-bit standalone model.

Given all that, I’d love to speak with anyone who managed to score one of the first batch (now sold out at many dealerships); or even to a golden ear who plans to audition this amp at AXPONA.




@lldd (and bliss)

Thanks for the contributions to this thread -- exactly what I'm looking for.

Unfortunately, I'm in a state that has no audiophile dealerships, so I'm relying on dealers like Bliss (and Audiogon members, of course!) to ensure that I make an educated decision.

Really, at this point, after -- it's gotta be 4 months -- of excruciatingly detailed due diligence, it looks like the R 2500 R is gonna be hard to beat.

But I'd also be interested in hearing a SQ comparision between the T+A & the Aurender.


@cundare2 Having personal experience with both brands, as well as having the AP20 on the floor, all I can say is that T+A will have slightly better harmonics and soul. The AP20 is an exceptional unit nonetheless and satisfies those looking for a purely linear sound. I’m curious as to what doyle3433 has to say not because of comparing one amp to another, but due to the synergies of the equipment they are paired with.

With the AP20 being as linear as it is, with Shunyata cabling that I find to be a bit forward in presentation, with the SabrinaX which is very punchy in the lows and highs, the combination I heard last year could have used a little more grace and soul in the mix. Just a little bit. But I know that pairing the AP20 with speakers like the T+A Solitaire S 530 or the Vivid G3S2 and using more refined cables, I could be happy with the AP20 if I somehow had to consolidate my reference system. 

The R 2500 R on the other hand, if following the characteristics of the R series, will be a bit more refined in presentation. I could see that being paired with neutral speakers like your Harbeth or my Vivids or even more treble happy speakers like the SabrinaX or Perlisten speakers and have great synergy. The Solitaire S 420 or 430 they are pairing it with has a bit more meat on the bones in terms of presentation, which together may give it an ultra refined sound in the room.

The AP20 is nearly 60lbs as well, and I’m aware you’re limiting yourself to 35-40lbs.

In short, both exceptional pieces, and synergy with speakers, power line, and cabling are key. 

Thanks again, @blisshifi and @mgrif104

I think my long search for the right integrated (and right dealership) is almost over.  Everything I learn about T+A suggests that this German outfit is well on its way to carving out a prestigious reputation in the U.S., and that it's already well on its way to putting together a pretty good support & service resource in North America.

Unlike most of the integrateds I've been digging into, the more I find out about the R 2500 R, the more impressed I am.



If you ultimately decide upon purchasing the T+A unit, I suggest you connect with Juan @blisshifi. I purchased my DAC200 from him and had a particularly good experience. He’s not pushy, and is pretty thoughtful about helping a customer get to the right place. I can comfortably recommended him as a dealer.


I to have nothing but good things to say about Jaun@blisshifi. I was looking for a better USB cable and he actually sent me to the company, because they had a sale on.  He didn’t make a dime of of it.