Why no Virtual System pics??

I’m surprised that not more people have pictures off their set-ups... there are very few contributors, some regular contributors, some long time members, with zero pictures of their systems..
Why do you think that is?  Are they worried that someone is going to steal their stereo because they see pictures of it?  Or are people ashamed of their systems?  
I don’t get it.  It’s much easier to understand where someone is coming from when you see their setup!

post some pictures people!!!  Sheesh

It’s like showing up to the basket ball court with no ball.  Going to the ski slopes, sittin in the lodge, talking about how awesome the powder is with no ski’s.  

Ok will add car pics and 6 furry friends pix......
Better be ready!
Post removed 
Must have a different breed of 911 owners here in Florida, most of them I know would not even know where the hood was or where to even find the motor.......
Been there and done that and moved on.
Maybe I did not buy the right one but my 911 experience was luke warm.
Had always lusted after one and eventually bought one, an early water cooled one if I remember right, 2001 or so?
Now my Cayman.... that is another story entirely!
But back to audio not Car & Driver.... lol.
There is nothing like beating up the road in a 911. 911 owner are a very different group of people than Ferrari owners. 911 guys are always under the hood working on their cars. Ferrari owners would never get their hands dirty. Their in their cocktail jackets smoking cigars. But the cars are beautiful works of industrial art and do not deserve the scorn (jealousy)
911s you can use as a daily driver. I have a picture of Smiley (yellow C4S cup car) with 200 board feet of mahogany strapped to it's roof racks. People were hanging out of their cars taking pictures. 
Yes Jaytor, very tongue in cheek. That is what the smile was meant to convey. I still have my turntables but they are digitized so they can run through my digital processor. How evil can you get. 

Moving is certainly a major PITA. Since I had to move 8 foot speakers I guess ten orange crates of records was no big deal. You just rent a larger truck. But I can appreciate your situation and you are right, starting up a record collection now would be silly. I probably would not do it either. I buy most of my music on line at HD Tracks. I personally do not like streaming. More than anything I am a music collector at heart and every album is a work of art. I want to be able to listen to the whole thing a few times to get the full message. I dislike fracturing it into songs. I do have playlists that I use for background music. Easy to do in i Tunes on an apple computer programmed with Pure Vinyl. 
Seems single moms  with budding teenage audiophools have a lot in common here.
My mother could not afford to help my quest for audio BUT she never asked for a single penny of my meager earnings from my Saturday job and evening odd jobs at 14/15 even though I’m sure looking back it would have made things easier.
In retrospect I was obviously a selfish git but what can you expect from a teen with audio stars in his eyes.
It all turned out good though and we still had bread on the table and I had music.
Ever now and then I play Al Hirt : Carnival of Venice - brings back memories....
Important and it’s your thread - take it where you will !!!!
pretty fantastic Mom !!!!!
Very beautiful and touching story indeed...

When I was 12 years old I delivered each days the newspaper to the doors of all my neighbours... This was my first job.... We were also very poor without even a bath for 4 children..... But my mother let me with the newspaper money bought my first stereo system, a turntable and speakers integrated in a wooden furniture.... That was paradise....My first vinyl was military music, it was not my choice it come with the purchase.   :)

It seems we had some common ground with motherhood....
@tomic601 , thats awesome!  Great parents 😀

I was raised by a single parent, my Mom.  She supported my audio hobby at age 12 and would drive me to my 2 different local brick and mortar stores any time I wanted.  They are still in business here in Colorado Springs.  The Sound Shop and Listen Up.  I was mesmerized at a young age by the high end rooms in the basement of Listen Up’s old location.  I bought my entire first system with the help of my single Mother, who was really struggling to just put food on the table at the time, yet she found a way for me at age 12 to piece together a close to $2,000 system.  I learned at an early age the importance of speaker placement, quality speaker cable and an amp with high current.  I had a pioneer laser disc player at age 12!
My hats off to the parents that support their children in this hobby!

Sorry that this was off topic but I wanted to share 😁
B_Limo my Parents got me hooked when I  was 4 with some gear pictured here... and Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra...

The 911 does not attract the scorn the prancing horse does.... but there are still A holes the world over...

@tomic601 , ok buddy, now you’re just showing off. Those Treo’s In your condo are simply gorgeous!
I’d like to add too that no one should be ashamed of their system here and no one with any class would ever put someone else’s system down; I’m not saying that I haven’t seen it happen, I’m just saying that no one with any class would do so.

As for getting a middle finger in the 911, I would actually consider that as an offer 😂. Who really cares what anyone thinks, your driving a 911 👍
@mitch4t , yhanks for the trip down memory lane!  I remember seeing photos of your room years ago and thinking “wow, that is one cool listening space”... and still do.

@uberwaltz, you win!  Even without the “best” room, to share your passion with your young daughter like you have, and for her to embrace it like she has, for you to more than likely have passed a love for audio on to her and for her to take it and run with it, you Sir win!  🎖🥇🏆
The Concorde had a perfect flight record until the last flight which caught fire after take-off. Now the Russian built Concordski (with stolen plans) was a different story! 🛩
Jaytor I feel nauseous along with you sometimes.I gave most of my vinyl away and switched to digital years ago.
Many of us with modest systems enjoy sharing pictures of our rooms and components, illustrating and describing our journeys to audio nirvana on small budgets.
@mijostyn said:
Jaytor, no turntable? Real audiophiles have turntables:)

I know you're asking with a bit of tongue in cheek, but I'll answer anyway since I get the feeling a lot of people here share this opinion.

In the 70's and 80's, I had a lot invested in my phono playback system and record collection. I probably went through 8 or 9 turntables including a Linn Sondek, Oracle Delphi, and Goldmund Studio which were pretty high-end tables in their day.

In the early 90's, my job took me from MA to CA and then to WA with several houses along the way. I had little kids at home and no safe place to set up the turntable so I had to simplify my system. After moving my several thousand records to the third house in three years without ever unpacking them, my wife convinced me to sell them. 

I don't really regret leaving vinyl but do feel a bit sick to my stomach when I think about how much more money I could have gotten for them if I had hung on to them for another ten years. 

These days, I really enjoy finding new music and get a bit bored listing to the same music over and over. A good phono system with a record library large enough that I wouldn't be bored silly with it would cost me well into five figures. And I'd probably listen to it a fraction of the time I listen to digital because I really like the ability to find new music and the convenience of not having to deal with changing records, cleaning them, keeping my turntable in perfect tune, etc.

Roon and Tidal (and now also Qobuz) are what rekindled my interest in 2-channel audio. I love having access to such a huge library and being able to set up playlists, or just let Roon choose for me. And my digital playback system, while not being state-of-the-art, sounds incredibly good. 

If I'm going to spend this much money on audio, I'd much rather have the funds available to improve other aspects of my system. 

Based on my observation of this resource, many folks feel ashamed or inferior to post their system, especially if it doesn’t have Pass, Luxman, Vitus and Gryphon in it (let’s be honest, it’s been years since majority has been bringing up only the same brands). Also, there are posters who are here simply for shilling, flaming  or trolling.

I think anybody who has the ability to recommend something MUST post his/her system, otherwise, personally, I won’t take their opinions as serious. Others shouldn’t either.
mahgister, you could have described it as looking like a Schiit Showroom. Would had been perfectly fine! 👍
Mike, nobody has ever given me the finger listening to my system. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten it in the 911’s. On the bright side I get just as many thumbs up.

to be clear, not everyone likes my system or even the pictures, nor need they like it. lots of people have different tastes or preferences. sometimes i feel i should have not gone as far, but too late now i guess.

when i have visitors the idea is to have fun. and i think visitors do have fun listening to my system, the music rises above the gear lust, or lack thereof.

my most regular visitor and friend has different gear tastes than me, and his feedback always helps me.

i do like my system, and i do enjoy it.
I described my audio system appearance in my room with some word of 4 letters that make my post erased by moderator... :)

I am ashamed of my system look in my very full room....

But make no mistake, I am very proud of the S.Q. for the price over the roof...Read my audiophile laws in my "virtual system" page....

No money is necessary at all to enjoy Hi-Fi.... It is a myth.... My virtual image are there to illustrate some of my homemade tweaks controls methods for the 3 embeddings that's all....Hope for the poor audiophile... :)
Jaytor, no turntable? Real audiophiles have turntables:)

Mike, nobody has ever given me the finger listening to my system. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten it in the 911's. On the bright side I get just as many thumbs up.

As for my system? I guess I just haven't gotten around to taking pictures.
It is also sort of boring. Everything is hidden. It doubles as a theater so distractions are limited. The speakers look like the monolith in 2001 A Space Odyssey. The subwoofers are rectangular lumps of solid surface material. All the amps are under the floor. Whoopee. In the middle of it all is a 113" Stewart Screen. It is the most boring thing you have ever seen. Must sound terrible. But what is the point? Are systems to look at or listen too. Notice that I had no problem describing what my system looks like. How can you describe in words what your system sounds like? You can't. Others have to hear it for themselves. It is all relative. The only thing I can say that others will understand is that it goes REAL loud. 

There are many important concepts that have to be followed to get the best out of a system and I think these have to be understood intellectually not visually. There is also a vast landscape of mythology that has to be debunked. Then there are just plain misconceptions that need a little research and correction. I have had quite a few over the years. All of us have. There are subjects in which I have very limited background knowledge like electronic engineering so I require input from people that do. I can get some of that here. 

Some of us seem to be more inclined to make their system look pretty. Pretty does not necessarily mean sound better. I do not care at all what a system looks like only what it sounds like and I love listening to other peoples systems. I rarely look at pictures of systems. 

If something really improves a system's performance there is a darn good reason why it does. If it is not readily apparent the improvement is an illusion. Illusions in Hi Fi are never permanent. 

So should Michélle really be Michèlle (grave, not acute), or is that some other weird diacritic?
Eish, such a good man.... 😉 
Which side was that again? 
Michélle 🇿🇦 
I sure have shared mine, but now guess what? 
I keep getting responses that clearly show most didn't give a hoot to look at it before wasting their typing effort suggesting unsuitable suggestion. This despite, even having mentioned it several times. 
Too much effort?!? 🤔 

Of course, maybe this because so few posters have a current, or any virtual system posted? 🤔 

But it's good, I feel, to call this out. 
Michélle 🇿🇦 
Thank you for sharing your system photos, makes my humble beginnings (which my wife sometimes disapproves of the investment, but is often telling me to play something) seem less over the top.

It’s here in this forum where I’ve really learned more about room treatment, and how much of an improvement can be expected by carefully tuning a room.

I like that you show the inner components "guts" so to speak, I’m the first to admit I like that. And I’ve committed to show my build photos as well.
I couldn’t help myself, I’ve already been swapping out internals in my Datasat RA-2400 (first was to swap out for a dead silent fan - heat sink fan)

Love the DIY rack, especially that it can be adjusted to fit changes if you wish to make them, swapping in components within your system. Need even more height? Purchasing longer all-thread rod at your will, great idea!

oh yeah, I have NO room treatment... Just looked through all of yours,
you sure make the effort to experiment and adjust.
My wife and I just purchased a townhouse and she suggested our bedroom would make a good dual purpose room. The lounge room has terrible acoustic properties, high angular ceiling, open plan and it’s got echoes like a cave!
So I purchased the Acoustic Fields plans and am building four QRD17 quadratic diffusors. Talk about a heck of a lot of work. I’m milling cherry down and gluing it up to make the materials. I have photos I might post as well eventually.


I had the baby stand mounts and a makeshift system in our tiny 1 bedroom apartment until I had enough credit history to finally get into a mortgage. I can’t wait to have the new listening room set up with proper acoustic treatment. 24 x 15 x 8 ’ room.
Have been an Audiogon member since 2011 but have browsed the site since 2005. In the last few years have sparadically posted due to the (IMO) the watered down content. Hard to believe some of the (claimed) recent posts on Audiogon. I would like to keep Audiogon the best place to post and purchase gear. I have always thought Audiogon had the best moderators of all the audio forums. If enough of the long time members let the Agon moderators know we don't want politics/religion/vulgarity ect. I'm sure they would comply. As for posting system pics I think it's a personal choice that should not discredit anyone that values privacy. I'm sure I will get around to it(system pics)after I have my backwall artwork completed.
Could you tell me when is your  next audio seminar is scheduled.  Sign me up. I'll contribute to the catering.     
Many thanks for the kind words, although I know the pictures could/should be better.

My daughter showed interest in my records so I set her up with one of my old tables from years back with a new cartridge, nothing fancy but it gets the job done.
She now has maybe 150 albums including some mofi discs and she does take very good care in handling them and of cleaning the stylus the correct way.
Have to reward and encourage any youngster who shows any interest in good old audio in todays modern times of all streaming and earbuds!

One of my friend has four sets of vintage Western horn system in his dedicated room of 25ft wide 50 ft deep and 40ft high .

His system is the best  that I had ever heard with utmost details and natural dynamics.

He used to display his system in Munich High End show.

Lady vocal sounds spooky as if she sings in front of you.

My goal is to have one vintage Western horn system before I die.

After I get one, then I will upload photo of my system.

My system is pretty basic but I took it a step further and also posted a Youtube Video in addition to the Virtual Systems.

I really enjoy looking at everyone else's systems.

I have one lousy, fuzzy, poorly lit photo of my system, and I only posted that because I wanted suggestions on how to select subwoofer(s) and where to place it/them.  My Android phone camera takes rotten photos.  I do intend to post more and better pics when I get things cleaned up and arranged.  I have been cleaning records for several weeks and have records sitting around waiting to be cleaned and put away.  I may be swapping out furniture to give more room for moving speakers about when the heart transplant patient that currently lives with me can move to a new home.  I don’t want to disturb him at this point!

The pics of Mike Lavigne’s equipment are sweet.  That is my idea of the room and equipment I would want to bring family and friends to, so they could ooow and ahhh and ask me how I found all this great stuff.  If Mike hasn’t found his sound solution, I don’t know what he would be lacking.  Even the placement of objects in the room is so symmetrical— my ex-wife would be in love!
I agree with edcyn. I have no idea how to post pics of my system, but then its for listening to, not for looking at.

Thanks for invite. Your system is quite something. It does reset one's expectations of her/his own achievements. Kudos.
Reading first few posts, it seemed like a decent idea. Then came mikelavigne's link and..."How do you post anything after seeing this?"

sorry, i'm just all in and enjoying the hobby. my system is not intended to be intimidating. you see all the chairs and sofa, it's so i can have visitors all the time. and i do. this is not a shrine, but a place for enjoyment.

my system represents 25 years of efforts and investment. it's been a life altering thing. and i don't recommend my path to anyone. but it does show what is possible. if you are ever in the Seattle area you are welcome to visit.
Reading first few posts, it seemed like a decent idea. Then came mikelavigne's link and..."How do you post anything after seeing this?"
Looking at system photos was everything to me when I joined "The ’Gon" 19 years ago. It was an incredible inspiration for me to explore the possibilities in creating a system. I wrote to a ton of guys here about their posted systems with questions about EVERYTHING. And to a man, they were very responsive, patient and helpful in getting me up and running. It didn’t happen overnight, but they got me there. No, I didn’t take everyone’s advice, but there was enough advice out there for me to pick and choose what was going to work for me....and what I could afford.

Please post pictures of your system, no matter how basic or exotic it may be. Audiophiles come in all economic categories and there needs to be lots of system photos for all of them to see.

Posting photos of your system is a huge contribution to the Audiogon site and an incalculable aid to all audiophiles from beginners to seasoned veterans. With the current ease of smartphone technology, there really is no reason not to contribute by posting your system.


How do I post pictures?  What button(s) do I push?  Sorry to report, but this website is just plain difficult for an analogue guy like me to navigate.
My audio system look like shit but sound like bliss....Ridiculous price/ marvellous S.Q.

I post images only to help one or 2 ordinary person with not much money to create heaven.... It is possible....Otherwise compared to other’s system visually I am truly ashamed of mine....For example Millercarbon system is visually stunning... But I am very proud of the sound of my pile of shit and people are amazed when they listen to it....My grandchildren (few years old) are impressed by my audio room that look like" the lair of the mad scientist" with thin cables everywhere, stones, crystals, S.G. bottles, resonators, bells, "golden plates" etc... It makes them smile and me too, and  if I think about that even more when my 2 grandchildren will remind me in this "lair" after my death  for the rest of their life.... :)

Secret: homemade systematic experiments for the last 2 years....
@uberwaltz, I like your systems! I just took a look and they are really cool. You can tell a lot about a person with a few pictures.  It’s awesome that you set your daughter up with some tunes and a record player as well!  Thanks for sharing 😀

@tvad , I agree with what you said. It’s easier though to remember people when you have some type of visual to pair with them.  But yes, 17 years of useful posts is probably better than a picture
after a lot of dusting and cleaning and relocating at least some of the accumulated clutter I was able to pile enough of the remaining junk into a corner out of camera view and take some pictures

Same issue here, but it's going to take some time to make my room presentable. 
Coming soon.

@mikelavigne ,
We love your system. It's true there's less traffic on the system page. And there are no more alerts when a comment is posted to a member's system. I have been posting comments but the member doesn't know it's there.

I actually had hoped to post my system all along, I moved temporarily, which lasted longer than planned. Since, I have acquired a Marchand crossover, along with my LARGE speakers to add.... I agree, a system page open's dialogue and sharing of ideas, etc. which is what this forum and community is all about. 
Mike, You are correct, and I edited adding the "not" in before your post materialized.  I was only joking, although I am very satisfied with my system. (although not set up for a couple of years, until I move to larger quarters, uuuugh)!!! Make-shift system for now.