Why Do Cables Matter?

To me, all you need is low L, C, and R. I run Mogami W3104 bi-wire from my McIntosh MAC7200 to my Martin Logan Theos. We all know that a chain is only as strong as its' weakest link - so I am honestly confused by all this cable discussion. 

What kind of wiring goes from the transistor or tube to the amplifier speaker binding post inside the amplifier? It is usually plain old 16 ga or 14 ga copper. Then we are supposed to install 5 - 10' or so of wallet-emptying, pipe-sized pure CU or AG with "special configurations" to the speaker terminals?

What kind of wiring is inside the speaker from the terminals to the crossover, and from the crossover to the drivers? Usually plain old 16 ga or 14 ga copper.

So you have "weak links" inside the amplifier, and inside the speaker, so why bother with mega expensive cabling between the two? It doesn't make logical sense to me. It makes more sense to match the quality of your speaker wires with the existing wires in the signal path [inside the amplifier and inside the speaker].




Kinda sums it up. It’s all challenge based, not about helpful replies and guidance. Home audio and pro audio involve different camps and cables, with different designs and functions for different reasons. No debate there.


@donavabdear ... "To me cables are like plumbing they should only get noticed if there is a problem."...

@donavabdear ... "believe me I challenge people at my church about theology and they give me the same upsetting responses I get in this forum strange that the reactions are so parallel."...



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630 posts


@recklesskelly Thanks. There’s always someone that shows up here and decides to educate us about our “bad” choices. I thought this was a hobby and we were allowed to spend our own money however we want. I certainly didn’t put in a request to be lectured like a child.


Nice point, but I believe the last sentence should read;  I certainly didn’t put in a request to be lectured by a child.



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@johnk ​​​​​​

I do see a lot of pseudoscience or faith type recommendations with many not understanding confirmation bias or ohms law.

Have you demoed these recommendations and confirmed that they were false?

If ohms law is what matters, then using a thick lamp cord should give very good sound.

Its just it sounds great for me and when I bought the new costly cable it was better.

How to know your opinion is not based on pesuedu science, faith, or confirmation bias?

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How can I put any credence into any cable suggestions if its all biased opinion with billions of variables.

Only you can answer your question. If what you prefer is to reject all empirical evidence, rely solely on purely "scientific" data devoid of opinion or interpretation, and to challenge or question those who are reporting their experiences, perhaps you are in the wrong place. This is a hobbyist’s group, not a scientific forum.

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Well you sure can troll like the rest any disagreement its wrong ...

Logical fallacy, ad hominem.

I look at what I’m really buying and get what I need.

That’s interesting. I’d have expected you to be one of those who wouldn’t buy without a double-blind ABX test. So it seems you use logic and science when it’s convenient for you, but choose to ignore them otherwise. That’s not how real science works.

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you insist science doesn’t matter and I shouldn’t be posting here.

I have never, ever, said or written any such thing, here or in any other forum. You seem to be a purveyor of "alternative facts."

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Ppl are not taking their meds today or something

Nope. It's just that anti cable people (or really, anti anything that does not come free or cheap) get very emotional with their online quests and conquests. It's a thing 


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Consider that tjag has no name location or feedback but frequents an audio sales site posting trolls attacking members with high feedback. And he insists he only sells over seas. Ask yourself why? Is he shilling, is he a troll or bot? I’m a real person how really is tjag?

You just wrote that for the second time!

You think if you repeat it often it will have stronger effect, What are AI?


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Yes, apparently they can hack a credit card if they just know the school name.

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I never heard of the term, sealioning before this. Thanks...I learned something new.


What the hell was that???????

I felt like I was in an episode of the Looney Tunes

No one has answered this easy question.

Why is it that the worlds most expensive and accurate machine made by ASML does not use AC cables that are in any way like expensive audiophile cables?

Why don’t audio test equipment, oscilloscopes or DNA scanning scientific test equipment use (MIT/Transparent) AC cables if they are more accurate?


Also I'm not just trying to cause turmoil I'm honestly trying to get answers from passionate people who love audio like I do. 

Guys who witnessed what just happened, please consider reporting JohnK for his behavior here.

So @donavabdear $70.00 is a lot of money for a PC? Transparent has a full range of cables. Why are you such a sealion?

Oh and a PS for DNA Scanning device is $2300.00 and what did you spend on those 2 Regens from Paul?? Pot meet kettle. Such a sealion. 



Sea lioning - Album on Imgur

No one has answered this easy question.

Why is it that the worlds most expensive and accurate machine made by ASML does not use AC cables that are in any way like expensive audiophile cables?

Why don’t audio test equipment, oscilloscopes or DNA scanning scientific test equipment use (MIT/Transparent) AC cables if they are more accurate?

           Which ones of the above are designed to, used for, or- expected to faithfully produce a believable simulacrum of performers in a particular venue, from a good recording*?     

                                           OH, YEAH: NONE!

                                       Like I said: Give it a rest!

         *Simply: my goal.    Favored effects of improved PCs will vary. 


I think $20K on AC regenerators is stupid. Makes spending $4500.00 on a power cord look rational. 

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        Some (genuinely inquisitive regarding cables) may find it interesting that NASA ordered Big Silver Oval from Analysis Plus, for some of their LASER projects, because: they found it PERFORMED BETTER than other cabling.

       That foreknowledge influenced my decision to purchase the same, for my system, years back.

                         Read the letter from NASA, here:
