Who was the best jazz guitarist ever?

Since all music is "subjective", I lay no claim to any objective truth to anything I write on this subject.

Johnny Smith was the first to make me aware of the guitar as a jazz instrument. Before him I considered it to be a country and western or blues instrument. "Moonlight in Vermont" is his most famous album, it contains some of the most beautiful versions of standards I've ever heard.

Kenny Burrell who was often featured with Jimmy Smith on organ was the next jazz guitarist I became aware of. While his work with Jimmy Smith was tops, "Midnight Blue" on Blue Note, is my favorite album.

Wes Montgomery came to my attention twice, that's because according to some; he was better and more inclusively "jazz", before he became famous. The "Wes Montgomery Trio" recorded in 1959 is one example of a recording made before he became famous. His "Round Midnight" had a deep soulful intensity that's hard to match; but jazz guitarist's also have bills to pay.

Grant Green is the best jazz guitarist ever, his prodigious output makes that statement. There are some who claim, that out of all of the versions of "Round Midnight", his is the best.

There are many guitarist's I like who may or may not fit the description of "jazz guitarist". I'll leave the strict definition of that to others. Al Di Meola, John McLaughlin, and Paco De Lucia are guitarists I like a lot whatever category they fit in.

Since I prefer the broad definition of "jazz" as opposed to the strict definition, if you think your favorite guitarist fits the description; so do I. Who are your favorite guitarists?
John McLaughlin. But I don't care about his music after 1992 though whatever he plays he does it well. So what? Also, he, along with Paco de Lucia, is the most technically proficient guitar player I heard. And he can play equally well jazz, fusion, flamenco, raga, classical, you name it. He has this unique gift. In addition, at his best his music is very complex even when it may appear simple; it's deceptive. Personally, I prefer his acoustic work but electric is great too.
If you can find it, watch some of his performances with Paco de Lucia, Al Di Meola and Jonas Hellborg as duos and trios. Spectacular.
Nice one Orphy... especially the stop sign, (talk to the hand girlfriend) zinger, (sorry that you weren't comfortable w/ the possibility that the "all music is subjective" mantra is B.S.). Noting that there are other favorite guitarist threads isn't the same thing as saying that there are too many of them, (but it would be easier and might make more sense to add to an existing thread instead of starting a new thread that isn't really new). Anyway, I like favorite guitarist threads just fine and mentioned Marc Ducret as a recent favorite. If you thought an inquery was made about him in that post you might want to look up the word up before using it in the future. Also the last time I checked naming a favorite guitarist requires less audacity (and ignorance) than to suggest that someone is the best jazz guitarist ever.
Tmsorosk, both always put a smile on my face, glad you enjoy them!!! Thanks for the system kudos and back at you the Salons are amazing speakers!!
Orpheus, I love them all! Of course, when I pick up/plug in one of my guitars every other month or so..... I'm the best ever.... then reality sets in, tho I do have moments(!)
Isochronism, the truth be told; almost every guitarist mentioned is one of my favorites. My very first LP featured Jim Hall with the "Chico Hamilton Trio". Lee Ritenour might be my favorite when I get back from the record store.
Sam ... Thanks for that link , it was excellent . Also had a look at your system link also excellent .
On the Django gypsy jazz/swing branch, Stochelo Rosenberg and/or Romane.


"Best Ever" makes a catchy thread title. Tho, the OP's last sentence ask's for "favorites". Whomever I decide to listen to in a given moment, is my current best ever. To sum up, there are many best evers, to me. As of this writing it is Lee Ritnenour. Try "Wes Bound" and "Stolen Moments". Tasty!
Duanegoosen, [Not sure real sure the "all music is subjective" statement works, (both musical notation and sound physically exist). It may be more reasonable to assert that opinions, (which often can be chock full of prejudices and misconceptions) are subjective.]

Since I am not teaching music, it is one's opinion of music that I'm seeking. "Opinions" of music is the subject of this thread.

My very first sentence stated that I lay no claim to any "objective" truth to what I wrote. That nullified my statement in regard to "Grant Green" for anyone except me. If this site has had too many extensive favorite guitar threads, why did you post on this one, and then have the audacity to inquire about some guitarist named "Marc Ducret"?

If there are any stop signs in your neighborhood, you can continue this dialog with them.
Until jazz is over,or finished (which is pretty unlikely considering the brilliance involved in it's invention as a largely improvisational format) I think it's impossible to say.
Because it's impossible to say, I'm voting for Django (the fact that we know him by first name alone...) and also, Hank Garland (more widely recognized as a Country and Western session guitarist).
I think of some of the guys mentioned as fusion guitarists and some as jazz guys, some more pop.

It really is difficult, if not impossible, to pick a best but my favorite has to be Wes Montgomery although I would leave behind some of his orchestrated, commercial "jazz for the masses" albums. The one with the cigarette butts on the cover comes to mind.

Metheny has the ability to be either a jazz guy or a fusion guy as he chooses which is very nice. Writes a lot of his own stuff too, just a very talented guy. I'd give him the runner-up tiara.

A major YMMV on this one, I'm sure everyone has their own favorites.

BTW: In the last few years I've seen Coryell, Metheny, McLaughlin, Martino and most recently Mike Stern, all very enjoyable.
For the complexity of playing style I think Stanley Jordan is in a class all by himself.
I'm tempted to say it starts and ends with Django, but Duane is - per usual - on point. What do you value most in a player?

For historical influence, you probably go with Charlie Christian, since he is generally credited with inventing the whole notion of "lead" guitar, when it was a rythm instrument.

Or maybe Les Paul, who....well what didn't he invent (or re-invent)!

But it gets more subjective when improvizational skills or pure technique (or quirky, highly personal - see Wes M - technique) or some other quality takes priority.

It gets harder when you add the crossover artists (and I'd include Grant Green in that category) that range from Eldon Shamblin (Texas Playboys) to Bill Frissell to Les Paul to, if you want to stretch it, Frank Zappa.

So you pick your priority and you pick your man. I'll take Django.

The top of my list includes, Joe Pass, Kenny Burrell, Wes Montgomery(early) Barney Kessell and Mark Whitfield. They`re all wonderful and I play them quite often.
Not sure real sure the "all music is subjective" statement works, (both musical notation and sound physically exist). It may be more reasonable to assert that opinions, (which often can be chock full of prejudices and misconceptions) are subjective.
The assumption that there is a best jazz guitarist at any given moment requires some big blinders. To claim there is a best jazz guitarist ever is pretty rich. Critical thinking / epistemology issues aside... this site has a couple of pretty extensive favorite guitarist threads... lately i've been trying to get pretty much any recording w/ Marc Ducret on it.
Who are your favorite guitarists?

John Scofield is my favorite. I've seen him in concert. Wonderful; Miles hired him to tour as one of his band members; that speaks volumes.

For jazz/ fusion/ comtemporary, I really like Pat Metheny; I've seen him several times in concert. He is a great composer, producer, arranger as well.

I like Wes and Grant, but I need to explore their music more.
All those you named above were influenced by Charlie Christian and Djando Reinhardt. To throw a few more names into the mix would be Barney Kressel, Herb Ellis, Charlie Byrd and Joe Pass. All of them worth a serious mention, to discover their music. In my view there is not one greatest ever, each brought their own style and flair to not only the music but the guitar as well.
My favorites include Jim Hall, John Abercrombie, Joe Pass, Django Reinhardt, Philip Catherine, Ralph Towner, Charlie Byrd, George Bensen, Larry Coryell . . . somewhat in order of preference.

I also like Al Di Meola, John McLaughlin, and Paco DeLucia, but I don't think of them in the same category . . .

Who knows if any of these guys can be considered best ever.