Who was the best jazz guitarist ever?

Since all music is "subjective", I lay no claim to any objective truth to anything I write on this subject.

Johnny Smith was the first to make me aware of the guitar as a jazz instrument. Before him I considered it to be a country and western or blues instrument. "Moonlight in Vermont" is his most famous album, it contains some of the most beautiful versions of standards I've ever heard.

Kenny Burrell who was often featured with Jimmy Smith on organ was the next jazz guitarist I became aware of. While his work with Jimmy Smith was tops, "Midnight Blue" on Blue Note, is my favorite album.

Wes Montgomery came to my attention twice, that's because according to some; he was better and more inclusively "jazz", before he became famous. The "Wes Montgomery Trio" recorded in 1959 is one example of a recording made before he became famous. His "Round Midnight" had a deep soulful intensity that's hard to match; but jazz guitarist's also have bills to pay.

Grant Green is the best jazz guitarist ever, his prodigious output makes that statement. There are some who claim, that out of all of the versions of "Round Midnight", his is the best.

There are many guitarist's I like who may or may not fit the description of "jazz guitarist". I'll leave the strict definition of that to others. Al Di Meola, John McLaughlin, and Paco De Lucia are guitarists I like a lot whatever category they fit in.

Since I prefer the broad definition of "jazz" as opposed to the strict definition, if you think your favorite guitarist fits the description; so do I. Who are your favorite guitarists?
Ptmconsulting, and all George Benson fans; he is by far the most romantic guitarist. I was listening to him late last night as he went from lost love, to true love, and then on to blue love. Someone as romantic as George, has to verbalize it. I didn't find his vocals unappealing. I guess over the years they've expressed my own ups and downs in the affairs of the heart; and if you listen, you can hear one fantastic guitar.
No best!! Otherwise, I highly recommend Kevin Eubanks "Opening Nights". Kevin is the Guitarist/Bandleader of the Tonight show. I had boycotted TV years ago, but had priorly subjected myself to such programming enough to recognize Kevin. One should not associate his playing examples before the commercial breaks, as also his pre-written humor designed to not out shine Jay (!). Be ready for a treat, my friends!!!
Orpheus10, I like your statement about jazz becoming "Amorphous after 1970...). Reminds me of Frank Zappa's quip that jazz is not dead, it just smells kinda funny.
Orpheus,yes I know,thats way I posted this,hope you like it.I belleive its rare opportunity to see Green playing with Burrell,live.I have not seen or find any album with them playing together.Burrell is my favorite,but Green is great,no need to say that
Alexatpos, while I like many great guitarist a lot; Grant Green was my favorite, or have I said that before.
Orpheus,I realy appreciate your passion towards jazz music,
this is for you,(and for everyone else who enyojs great music) hope you did not see it yet.
Kenny Burrell with Grant Green together with B.Kessel playing live
I put in my two cents above, I just wanted to say this is an interesting thread.
Wes Montgomery,thumb,no pick,check out"Tear it down" live from Bumpin' album.
Ptmconsulting: "George Benson (when he actually plays)". Too bad he sings, otherwise, George can blow out TASTY chromatic scales at whim!!!! George Van Eps, Lenny Breau, The Pizzaria boys (Pizzarelli), need a seventh string, six just too easy(!). But,!! THE REAL ACTUAL BEST, is an unknowner who never leaves the bedroom.
"Martin Taylor is one of the most awesome solo guitar players in the history of the instrument. He's unbelievable" — Pat Metheny


Gabor Szabo is one fantastic guitarist. He must be included as one of the best, among jazz guitarists. The music form we call "Jazz" had evolved somewhat when Szabo came on the scene as opposed to when Grant Green originated.

Grant began playing jazz when it was a definitive form of music, and the word "Jazz" communicated this definitive form of music. This was before Miles trolley jumped the tracks and he played this same music; consequently I feel comfortable with my statement that Grant Green was the best "jazz" guitarist ever.

Since jazz is a music form that embellishes creativity and individuality, it's quite difficult to judge the artist. "Ice skaters" have set routines and their scores are based on how well they perform them. With "Jazz", there are so many variables; it's rare that we are on the same page when discussing it. The music has gone through so many changes that a meaningful conversation would require much "specificity".

Gabor Szabo first came to my attention on the LP "El Chico". This was hot in 66, 67, due to Szabo as much as Chico Hamilton the drummer. The title say's it all in regard to the music, this is red hot "Bull fighter jazz", and Gzabo provides that smokin latin guitar. This music is a delight to my musical sensibilities.

On "Mizrab", the LP I have that he headed; we get a different Szabo. First, the recording quality is exceptional, next; this display of his unique Hungarian individuality has aroused my insatiable appetite for new music, "I must have more Gabor".

Rockadanny, I have the same problem with Wes and Grant; they both have versions of "Round Midnight" and I alternate in regard to which one I like best. It seems that who I'm listening to at that time is the best. All of the guitarists you mentioned make for good listening.

Enjoy the music.

I Saw Albert King live, he was a big impressive man whose guitar had an unforgettable "blues twang". When you heard Stevie Ray Vaughn, you heard that same twang; this identified him as an Albert King protege. Albert was my all time favorite blues guitarist.

Santana's guitar could hold a note forever. I wore out 3 copies of "Abraxas". His music symbolized "The Age of Aquarius", that was the most magical time ever.
Jimi Hendrix comes to mind when I think 'who's the best guitarist', OTOH, there are many great players.......a few others that come to mind...SRV, EC, Robin Trower ( VERY underrated IMHO), BBKing, Santana, Buddy Guy, Albert King, Jimmie Vaughn, Eric Johnson, Robben Ford, Earl Klugh, George Benson, Al Di Meola, Chet Atkins, Les Paul and I could go on and on..:0)
Now that we have thoroughly covered the best, I would like to cover some of the rest. While these guitarists may, or may not fit the jazz category; they are marvelous musicians.

Jose Feliciano came to my attention with "Light My Fire". I know his sound certainly lit mine. Next is "Ry Cooder", he's all over the place, from East Indian to hill billy; put him in "unclassifiable". I've enjoyed all of his extremes.

Feel free to include your favorite guitarist, regardless of classification.
I like several (Jim Hall, Kenny Burrell, Joe Pass, John Jorgenson), but IMO Grant and Wes are by far my top two favorites. Their styles are so different, both wonderful, unless they have some sort of head-to-head contest to prove which is "best" at playing, I don't see how I could determine which is "better".
And also, from McLaughlin's album "The Promise" the piece called "Django" that he plays with Jeff Beck. It is blues, and a great one. Beck's guitar sings, and McLaughlin's provides space and depth. Unusual collaboration.
John McLaughlin has the gift, like Miles Davis, anyone who plays with him performs his best.
Anything but like Charlie Parker; I hate this. You can't really play like Miles but can try like Coltrane. The closest to this I heard was McLaughlin's composition entitled Life Divine that he played with Santana. Splendid.
I'm too hard on jazz guitar, in general.

I've always heard jazz guitar as a second-string jazz instrument (so to speak) after the major brass (cornet, trumpet) and winds (alto and tenor sax), and of course piano, bass, and drums.

In other words, to my ears, no jazz guitarist has had the impact on the artform equal to that of Armstrong, Ellington, Parker, Miles, Bill Evans, Billie Holiday, and the other obvious world-historical Great Ones.

To my ears, the question has always been should a guitarist play like a:
--single-note horn-player (ie, mimic Charlie Parker);
--embrace a rhythmic role (in the Freddie Green tradition with Count Basie);
--play in a pianistic style (which is how I hear classical guitar-derived stylists, or the electric styles of Joe Pass);
--play in a blues-laced style
--mix all of the above
--or find a new voice for the sonic potentials of the electric guitar, following the revolutionary example of Jimi Hendrix (here I'm thinking of Sonny Sharrock, Bill Frisell, but also Pat Metheny, and J Scofield).

That said, the guitarists who wow me regularly (on particular albums) are probably
Jim Hall
Egberto Gismonti
Pat Metheny
Kenny Burrell
Brandon Ross
Wes Montgomery

Your post motivated me to wade thru the pile and pull out Red Neck Jazz Explosion, the live CD with the Red Neck Jazz Band (Gatton and Buddy Emmons on steel guitar).

Zounds! What a fantastic record.

My favorite is Burrell,like very much Grant Green and P.de Lucia,saw Paco sextet live last year,would recommend to anyone for listening.But,think no one mentioned some other great jazz players,like Tiney Grimes or Les Paul,than Herb Ellis or Tal Farlow,or young Russel Malone.What about Charlie Byrd or Gabor Szabo? Fusion is not my thing,but Hiram Bullock or Terje Rypdal are good too.What abot Eric Gale,he played on so many studio sessions,Abercrombie is good,Mike Stern,Ralph Towner or Bill Frisell too.In fact,more I like or search for the obscure ones,like for exmp.Ray Crawford that played with J.Smith,or Melvin Sparks,or Paul Weeden that played with S.Stitt,or Eddie Wright who played with Freddie Roach,and so on...List is long,the famous ones will not be forgoten soon,but the less fortunate could,and thats a pity

Foster_9, I consider that quite a compliment, especially since it came from a "true aficionado" of the music which is so much a part of our lives.
While Pat Methaney is well represented in my collection, I don't think of him as a "guitarist", just as I don't think of "Charlie Mingus" as a bassist; their music so overshadows the instruments they play, that the music is all enveloping, and I forget who is playing what; 05-03-11: Orpheus10

Orpheus10, I must say that is very insightful.

Inna, "Sol Do Meio Dia" is one of the most beautiful albums in my collection. The rhythms I spoke of are exemplified by "Nana Vasconcelos" on the "Barimbau". They are not the typical "Rio carnival samba beat". These rhythms originated in Angola and are now associated with "capoiera", the Brazilian fighting dance. I am on the hunt for CD's that feature those rhythms exclusively.
Redneck Jazz is a stunner. IIRC, there was also a live version that came out a year or so later that is a great companion piece. I kinda think that his live recording called "Humbler Stakes His Claim" with Harlem Nocturne is Gatton's greatest jazz moment, but these discs are right there, too.

All were recorded before Gatton hurt his arm and show what he could do at his peak.

Danny Gatton "Hot Rod Guitar" (2 CD set) Other titles are "Redneck Jazz"! Taste w/kick ass!!
Any particular album by Gismonti is a must have? That Brazilian Afro beat I got to hear.

Charlie Byrd first came to my attention when he did "Jazz Samba" with Stan Getz. His "laid back" sound evokes ipanema beach and Rio. No one can forget "Desafinado", it is a classic example of "bossa nova"; which is what Byrd and Getz made famous.

While both Byrd and Gismonti were inspired by Brazil, there is absolutely no similarity in their music. Egberto Gismonti is historic Brazil, his music resonates with an ancient Afro pulse from the hinterland of Brazil. I mention this because some might get the impression they were duplicating Brazilian guitars by buying both. In my opinion, they are a must have for the "guitar aficionado".
Orpheus10, Have you tried Charlie Byrd yet? He played a lot of Latin American music. No claim that he was the 'best' but he certainly was good and got a lot down. Check him out via Google and see if anything interests you.

I was a "Brazilian" in my life before this one. Anything that is of Brazil resonates my "inner soul", and that's where Egberto Gismonti's guitar resonates; his music is Brazil.

I went to a film festival that lasted for weeks. It featured movies made in Brazil about Brazil, they were in Portuguese; even the language was music to my ears. The soundtracks were "deep in the pocket" Brazilian, music not heard here. Egberto's music is reminiscent of that.

"Sol Do Meio Dia" is my favorite, it's a spectacular recording on ECM. Any recommendations will be appreciated.

I only know Egberto as a composer, never heard him play. I better check it out.
Don't forget Egberto Gismonte everyone. Also an awesome composer as well as an incredible guitarist and pianist.
If anyone is interested in Paco de Lucia but not well familiar with him, I recommend "Siroco" album. I think it is his best release, and he himself thinks so too. It is in essence solo performance, no flamenco singing, with some jazz influences. He doesn't try to impress with his incredible technique, just uses it as needed.
Pat Metheny's is much more than jazz guitarist but orchestrator and great composer just like FZ.

DiMeola is the master of the most sophisticated riffs on this planet.

I can add to this crowd less known Dutch guitarist Jan Akkerman (Focus fusion band).
Inna, I agree in regard to "Cielo e Terra" as his best work, but in regard to the classification I'm not so sure. If I like it, it must be jazz. As I mentioned in an earlier post, jazz is quite "amorphous" now.
For my taste Al Di Meola's best and great work is "Cielo e Terra" album. It has nothing to do with jazz and cannot really be categorized. I also very much like some tracks from "Heart of the Immigrants", "Kiss my Axe", "Casino" and "Splendido Hotel". Other than that I think he was at his best playing with John McLaughlin and Paco de Lucia.
In my more traditional list Wes is tops. Great to see Lenny Breau mentioned. Would like to add Biréli Lagrène - I highly recommend his 'Live in Marciac'. Got to sneak Tuck Andress in there just for technique alone when he's playing jazz.
Don't forget those guys who can play in almost any style, like Lee Ritenour or Larry Carlton. Granted, there are true originals out there so why do we need these copies? Because they are current.

But I digress, I think the originals deserve more recognition for developing their unique style. My faves are:

Pat Metheny
John Scofield
John McLaughlin
Wes Montgomery
Joe Pass
George Benson (when he actually plays)

This thread has attracted some of the most knowledgeable "jazz aficionado's"; those who know the history of the jazz guitar, beginning with Charley Christian, and the legendary Django Reinhardt.

While Pat Methaney is well represented in my collection, I don't think of him as a "guitarist", just as I don't think of "Charlie Mingus" as a bassist; their music so overshadows the instruments they play, that the music is all enveloping, and I forget who is playing what; of course my personal idiosyncrasy is completely unrelated to the facts.

Stanley Jordan is the only guitarist who can sound like two guitars at the same time. I enjoy him a lot.

These comments indicate how wide the range of music is for guitarists, they incorporate so many other generas of music into what we call "jazz", that we are not sure if it's still jazz. But jazz became amorphous, after 1970; consequently neither you or the music are confused, it just changed.
Pat Martino - he is "twice" better than the others since at the age of 36 (peak of his career - 15 records) he suffered brain aneurysm followed by brain surgery that left him with complete amnesia. Being told that he was a musician he learned how to play guitar again and made at least another 15 records. I highly recommend "Live at Yoshi's" (2001) with Joey DeFrancesco and Billy Hart (both incredible) - one of the best Jazz records I've ever heard.
You tube: "John Mclaughlin Tonight Show". He does a great version of Cherokee. Johnny Carson is on board.
Inna, although you mentioned Al Di Meola, you didn't go into your opinion of him as a jazz guitarist; I'm curious?