Which SR Blue or black Fuse

Which SR Blue fuse for ARC REF 5SE? It says 5A slo/blo 250V on the fuse but no size MM?any help? Anyone had any experience with either fuse and what was the result.
Ok, I honestly can't believe what a difference flipping the fuse made.  Geez, seriously...that took me by surprise.  Thanks for the very quick and sage advice from @nonoise @geoffkait  and @david_ten .  You guys were all spot on!  The highs are back and detailed, the bass no longer loose, and the overall resolution of sound is so much more pure than using the stock fuse already.  My best descriptor would be a more realistic sound.  Grant Green's guitar sounds like it's being played out of my Mesa Boogie tube guitar amp and I could feel Ben Tucker's bass strings reverberate cleanly.  Was streaming Grant Green's "Green Street" MQA version as my reference for this fuse.  Impressed so far and appreciate your quick rescue guys.
You don’t have to know which way current or signal flows in the circuit since almost no aftermarket fuses are marked for directionality anyway. Thus, you should try both ways in any situation.
If you find the highs rolled off or recessed compared to how it used to sound, along with the lows being loose or phasey, just flip it and all should be good.

All the best,
So my SR Blue just arrived and I popped it into my amp's main IEC connector.  Straight out of the box it sounds a bit dark to me and the lows aren't quite as tight.  I will search the forum to see if others noticed this during the burn in period.  I know this fuse is directional so it's also possible I need to flip it around.  For the life of me I couldn't determine which way current flows through my connector (Note: I know current is supposed to flow from the S to the R printed on the fuse).  Any useful comments are welcome.
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I thought my natural body oil WAS a contact enhancer, which has kept me from showering during Contact Cleaning Week. 
It is important to note, that when replacing a fuse, you should not handle it with your fingers, as the skin has oils, and if these oils get on the end caps of the fuse, it can hinder the contact being made. The glass body of the fuse should have this avoided as well, as heat from the fuse will dissipate more efficiently ( this is true will all " bulbs, as a matter of fact ). This is another reason why connectors and plugs need to be cleaned now and then, from us handling them. ime…..Enjoy ! MrD.
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I'm not happy about the results I reported about the Magic Fuses I tested as I know it saddens many who shelled out their tweak bucks for the things, and causes them to try harder to "believe" their fuses do things fuses don't, can't, and never will actually do...I get that...I simply say soldier on people...your gonna be OK! Now if I could just arrange that tour of the Littelfuse factory...yeah man...maybe meet Mister Littelfuse in person! I can be an "insider"...
Greg sez ;;;


Thanks. That was hilarious. :-)

An accurate portrayal on how we used to do it before the advent of social media.


  • Georgie-Porgie sez:

"Coming from a "impartial poster" who’s highest percentage of post are to do with Synergistic Research products more, higher than any other product he’s posted about. How are the SR share going Frank???"

Ha, a glutton for punishment, I see. 

All is absolutely great, Georgie, and thanks so much for asking. I've received my massive amounts of commission checks and I just booked a round-trip flight to Tahiti. Upon return, I'll be staying for a month in my lakeside chateau just resting up from the Tahiti trip. From there, its a three-month luxury tour of Europe. I can hardly wait to see the land of my ancestors. My investment broker will be overseeing my money market account while I'm gone. Its just amazing how quickly cash builds up when you work on a 100% commission basis ... and you're really good at it. 

I post positive things about the things that are positive. SR fuses are very positive things. That's it .... Nite., 


PS: To repeat:

"'There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance—that principle is contempt prior to investigation.'" - Herbert Spencer

Thus, my constant suggestion to the naysayers that they try the tweaks being discussed on these pages before making nonsensical comments based upon nothing but ignorance.

Coming from a "impartial poster" who’s highest percentage of post are to do with Synergistic Research products more, higher than any other product he’s posted about.
How are the SR share going Frank???
But ignorance is all they have, which is why they now resort to a false sense of bravado ("put in it's right spot of...") and boast as if they've accomplished something. 

It's like getting a child to eat their veggies. They refuse until they try it and then all the drama subsides. But the children have it all over these folks.

All the best,

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 "I don't see anyone here trying to "sell people on fuses."
No just the same old handful shilling for the $$$$$ snake oil fuse makers. Isn't it great this crud isn't taking up valuable space now on the Amps Preamp forum, but put in it's right spot of "whatever"  
David Pritchard is always the reasonable gentleman on these tweak threads. Thank you, David. :-)

@davidpritchard  You can add the Pass XP20 Preamp to that list. Blue Fuse over stock fuse.
Pass Lab amplifiers respond wonderfully to having a Synergistic Research Blue fuse installed. This has been my experience with my First Watt F-7 amp, Pass Lab INT-60 amp, and his wonderful headphone amp the HP-1.

As a bonus the fuses are easy to get to so it takes about 3 minutes to swap out a fuse. I can not think of an easier experiment to improve the sound of one's system.
What part of "direct observation" and "experience" confuses you enough to think it's not "empirical"? Go back and reread the definition.

Data is just the accumulation of those facts and observations to be used in whatever calculation or testing format you wish to continue with. That, and I don't see how hearing something can be "tangible" as that refers to something you can touch.

All the best,
There must be an "arguing forum" somewhere on the web.  Clearly some people here derive much more enjoyment from arguing and taking shots at others than they do from music.
"it sounds better to me" is a perfect example of what is empirical
Of course. As a hobbyist’s forum, users here should be comfortable reporting what they hear, and be free from demands that they provide "data," and free from insults such as that they are deluded, or engaged in a "snake oil" ruse, or other such nonsense.

This thread is: " Which SR Blue or black Fuse." It would be nice if we could keep it on-topic.
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You sound like a really smart guy. Question: Considering that Synergistic Research offers a 30 day, money back guarantee on their Blue fuses, wouldn't it be prudent for you to order a fuse/fuses for your amp and/or other pieces of gear to evaluate them for yourself?  There's really nothing to lose other than the shipping costs which are minimal.  I think that makes a lot more sense as opposed to becoming frustrated to the point of denigrating other members here. You may even find out, God forbid, that you are wrong.

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"They will have to take my SR Blue fuses from my cold dead hands." ___ Clint Eastwood.
"I've had plenty of fuses blow because my amp has a massive power supply and the most basic in-rush current limiting. I've gone through about half a dozen this year."

Really can't blame you for not buying a premium fuse. I doubt they would ever break in.     
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Get the Synergistic blue fuses. I have owned the black ones and bought 1 blue fuse after reading the hooplaw on the new blue fuses. Right out of the box the blue fuse bested the black fuse by a huge margin.

 Ordered blue fuses for everything. There you have it!!
Again, admin has seen the light, on yet another thread going toxic because of fuses
And yet you recommend a DAC on another thread that has as one of it's highly touted and defining features, an aftermarket fuse.

All the best,

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Again, admin has seen the light, on yet another thread going toxic because of fuses. And moved this thread to where it belongs.

Cheers George 
kosst, so you learn nothing ? Why are you here ? BTW, would your home made amp, as it is now, pass UL approval ? I have amplifiers in my collection I have completely bypassed the fuses and the holders ( crapola ), that SIGNIFICANTLY improved SQ in absolutely EVERY area. This tells me that fuses are crap to begin with. Once again, you cannot accept the fact that many of us hear it. Well, we do, and, that will not change. Start your own thread....pick a topic. We'll go from there. Enjoy ! MrD.
I thought that’s what you are, mapman. You’re not a fashion designer? 🕺🏻

If this is your platform to sell people on fuses, then it's my platform to dissuade people from silly fuses.
The problem with this declaration is that I don't see anyone here trying to "sell people on fuses." Rather, there are some posters who share their experiences about fuses. You seem to want to disrupt that conversation.
I enjoy contending with people. 
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Kosst, Here are just a few examples of amps that had large power supplies that I have owned, with never a blown fuse. Ampzilla, Krell KSA 50 and Mk 2, Bedini / Strellioff 200, Bedini 25 / 25, Robertson 6010, Threshold 400, Threshold Stasis 2, Audionics CC2, ARC D 50, 60, 100, Crown Studio Reference, SAE 2600, so many Mac’s, and the list continues. So stop your BS.
kosst, I will say this. You are relentless, and have an amazing amount of energy that spurs from your mouth ( fingers ). Why can't you let it go, and leave this fuse thing to us listeners who hear it and benefit from it. It is our money, it is our journey, and has nothing at all to do with you. And let it be said, we, as a group, have nothing we need to prove to you. Who are you anyway, the fuse police ? And keep in mind, I am not discussing fuse direction here, just the change of the fuse. Enjoy ! MrD.
Let’s see, I’m guessing traumatic head injury. Perhaps a nasty motorcycle accident. 🤕