Which SR Blue or black Fuse

Which SR Blue fuse for ARC REF 5SE? It says 5A slo/blo 250V on the fuse but no size MM?any help? Anyone had any experience with either fuse and what was the result.
I congratulate uberwaltz4 for undertaking a simple experiment to see if a different fuse would make a sonic improvement at a location that at first glance does not seem to matter.

My SACD player also sounded better when I replaced the fuse to the laser circuit. Another layer of the commonly heard digititis glare using CD's was removed.

David Pritchard
That "somebody" would be myself.
And yes.... REALLY!
Don't knock it until you have tried it!
From Lloyd Walker himself: 
Five days later it was back and in it went. Turns out one of the fine silver wires he uses to the speed control had fractured and was intermittent. This unit is also a tweak to set up. First leave it on for an hour or two to allow the unit to warm up. Next, listen to a record, flick the AC polarity switch, and take whichever way is best. Lloyd also recommends reversing the fuse direction to see if there is any difference in sound. While the AC polarity change made a difference, the fuse polarity did not on my system. Next, adjust the rotational speed for 33 and 45 using a strobe light and record, such as the KAB unit, which can also be purchased from him. This is super critical, but very easy to do. Once these adjustments were made, they remained perfectly stable. So much for further tweaks with the Drive.
Eh? Seems like a better made fuse would be no big thing to Lloyd.

All the best,
I suspect that would be a very good place for a superior fuse, what with the demand for high quality current and voltage.

“People would be generally better off if they believed in too much rather than too little.” - PT Barnum
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The new titanium screws must be right hand threads on the left side of the chassis, and left hand threads on the right side. Direction is of utmost importance with Ti fasteners
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Oh, geez, not more angst ridden emotional diatribes 😫 from naysayers who can’t seem to come up with a single coherent counter-argument to the questions, (1) why are aftermarket fuses better than stock fuses?, (2) why are some aftermarket fuses better than others? or (3) why are fuses directional? One assumes the naysayers and self-appointed science defenders just like to hear themselves talk. Talking the talk but not walking the walk.
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Geoffy said:

Why is it we oft see the ones who complain about name calling the most are the first to call names when the opportunity arises?

Really Geoffy? Rpt Really Geoffy? How ironic you read your message of indignation on that subject. Disingenuous much? - don’t bother answering, the question is rehetorical. 
Too have a screw loose one is making a dangerous assumption that there were any screws present to begin with......
Remove all the screws from your gear, and replace them with titanium versions. Your gear will sound that same, but it will be slightly lighter, possibly resulting in the .0000023% sonic improvement attributed to fuse direction. I did say "possibly" but sonic enhancement from a fuse is mythological at best, and expensive at worst.
Fuses, fuse holders and the additional wiring ( or circuit board traces ), impair the sq, but, for the protection of the piece of equipment, it is there. One comment I always appreciated was by Bill Lowe of AQ.    " To Due Less Harm ". Better fuses ! Enjoy! MrD.
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For each fuse the odds are 50% of putting it in the right way. The odds of putting more than one fuse in simultaneously the right way is less than 50%. With two fuses, one fuse should be evaluated first. When you decide which way is best, then evaluate the second fuse. Otherwise, it can get too complicated. Even worse for three or more fuses. If a little unsure about the first fuse direction when listening take a guess then move to second fuse. Repeat. It should more obvious the second time around.
50%. It’s always 50% since the fuses are not marked for direction. That’s my final answer.
I have two Blue Fuses to go into the IEC input on two mono block amps (one fuse per amp). One IEC is reversed (vs. the other).

What is the first attempt probability of getting Fuse orientation correct (across both amps)? Thanks.
Three items [components] vs. Three times the sound quality...

Speed reading, a simple miss or representation of conflated bias / desirability bias?

Or George just being George...…..
gave me the largest jump in SQ of the three items I have BLUE fuses in

Your "3 x the sound quality" statement says it all

Three items [components] vs. Three times the sound quality...

Speed reading, a simple miss or representation of conflated bias / desirability bias?
Why is it we oft see the ones who complain about name calling the most are the first to call names when the opportunity arises? 
Your "3 x the sound quality" statement says it all, there is really, nothing else to be said about you and the other fusers.
Maybe I missed the post where somebody claimed that?
Because that truly WOULD be a nonsense statement.
They really do not increase the sound quality in factors like that or at least that is not how I would describe it.
Rather changes in areas of the music spectrum making an overall sonic impact more audible. 

I would choose the Streamer/DAC first, but either component is fine.
Much appreciated.
Boxer12 sez ...

  • "Frank my friend, Reverb isn’t bad. Currently enjoying it via Bryan Ferry. My premium fuses seem to be enjoying it as well" :-)

I didn’t mean to suggest that that adding artificial reverb (in small doses) isn’t enjoyable, I’m saying that it’s not accurate. It makes it appear that the soundstage is wider/deeper .. but it’s not like real life. Natural reverb and artificial reverb are two different animals. :-)

@three_easy_payments  I would choose the Streamer/DAC first, but either component is fine.
Just keeping an even playing field here.

Your "3 x the sound quality" statement says it all, there is really, nothing else to be said about you and the other fusers.
And if the gullible believe you, then they deserve getting ripped off for $$$ for fuses.
Hey it is Mr hypocrite himself, the Toxic Kid.
Welcome George!

What’s the next toxic thread you are going to start just to cause trouble?

Btw, if you can't stand the heat keep out of the kitchen.
My Mytek Brooklyn DAC by far gave me the largest jump in SQ of the three items
REALLY!!!  https://youtu.be/RmyucZa6wD0?t=9

My Mytek Brooklyn DAC by far gave me the largest jump in SQ of the three items I have BLUE fuses in.
The other items are Ayre ax7e integrated and Goldnote ph10 phono stage.
So I think I will let this first SR Blue settle into my amp for the next 100+ hrs or so before possibly adding another.  Any consensus on where I'd get the most bang for the buck in placing another? Choices are either my streamer/DAC or preamp.  I run the streamer/DAC through my preamp.
Well this is going well....
I purchased a Walker motor controller for my Nottingham TT and lo and behold it has a fuse holder in the back.
Do not have any SR fuses spare to hand but did have a Padis fuse of approx correct size so slipped it in.
Flipped it around.
That’s more like it.
Even the wife strolled in to ask what I had done as had been doing lots of testing setting up a new cartridge using same piece of music.
Now EVERYTHING was just...more. Best way to describe it really.
Deeper lows, tighter mids, crisper highs, more " twang" where it needs to be.
Next up will be another SR Blue which will then make 4 in total in my system.

Seriously even I doubted I would notice any effect from a darn TT speed controller!

Still the most fun you can have for $150 with your clothes on!
Frank my friend, Reverb isn't bad. Currently enjoying it via Bryan Ferry. My premium fuses seem to be enjoying it as well :-) 
It's very curious that some are in denial without ever trying the fuses for themselves. For those who have, and have found no benefit, I'm beginning to think they are listening for the wrong things, or at least different things than those who clearly hear the difference.

I recognize some of the problems in searching the music forum here on A'gon and checking out some of the recordings being lauded as "great." I have the same problem with some of the magazine reviewers. I check out the recordings they used to evaluate equipment. How they can give a true evaluation listening to recordings that are compressed, or drenched in artificial digital reverb is beyond me. 

He is truly unbelievable, this kosst person. He does not have a life, to keep coming on these posts making claims that we all are " crazy ". I said months ago, somewhere, that his posts are laughable and entertaining. Thank you kosst, for this. Always, and Enjoy ! MrD

quantitative reality
Quantitative reality is always reflected on relative to our current point in time. Earth being flat, universe revolving around the earth, blood-letting being a cure for ailments, avocados being unhealthy due to high cholesterol, etc... Do you really think we quantitatively understand everything today that humans will ever know???? It is so naive to believe the tools we have to measure something today or the concepts of physics and chemistry or even our understanding of the universe right now is all we will ever have and that everything we think we see today occurs exactly how we perceive or try to measure it.

Just because we don't have the tools to measure something we are observing doesn't make the observation less real.  It never has.  

I gladly disparage people ...
It's interesting that you make this statement at the same time that you pretend to don the cloak of reason and science. Disparaging a person is an ad hominem argument, one of the most obvious of the logical fallacies.
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Yay ! Another believer and convert. Awesome. And, by using his ears and listening. Enjoy ! MrD.
I implore you, is it too much of leap from fuse directionality to make the proclamation that all wire is directional? Or is that premature? Talk amongst yourselves. Smoke if ya got em.

Humans have a long history of being furious about concepts, ideas, and experiences they haven't shared or can't wrap their heads around. This is nothing new.  I do believe them that either their ears, perception, or equipment (possibly collectively) can't resolve the differences a fuse can make.  I certainly went into this with high expectations and immediately felt I got ripped off as the sonics were clearly worse right out of the gate with the fuse flipped apparently the wrong way.  I clearly didn't have confirmation bias and was already preparing myself mentally for sending this thing back.

Even if I had sent the fuse back after concluding it didn't work for me or in my system I would never disparage others for perceiving a sonic improvement.  As things turned out I am one of the believers in this fuse for my equipment and as resolved through my ears (which I believe are pretty good as a lifelong amateur musician).

As for people behaving badly?...that's not a fuse issue, it's a human tragic flaw ;-)
Great to hear! (pun intended).

On an aside, now that you’ve heard it for yourself, and you know you’re not under the effect of a placebo, or are out of your mind delusional, or a victim of confirmation bias, or that the stars are out of alignment, do you find it odd that there are some who are so over the top furious that anyone would benefit from these fuses?

You don’t have to answer that. 😄

All the best,