Which song has fewest words ever?

One comes into mind quick is "Is There Anybody Out There?" which is just 5 words throughout song.
Another song's short lyrics is Chris Botti song "Ever Since We Met" has only 2 4-liner chorus.



The lyrics on Spotify:
















Marc cerrone, "give me love".  Few words on a good groove at the time of release and beyond.

mmm....a belch might qualify as a 'word' only if modulated into a word.  I knew a guy back in college who was quite proficient at that.  Gave him something to do with 'beer backup', the former very fond of, the latter creator of prodigious quantity and length of 'degassing '.  Could literally speak sentences, albeit short and curt.

Maggot Brain...

...and the hunt for outrageous band  names rolls on...

I can't wait for the retirement home...geezers arguing over which band was better Back When....

"Maggot Brain!"
"No, you idiot!  The Scabs!"
(Lashing each other with I-Phone earpiece wires...)

Many, many years ago Mad Magazine included a floppy 45 RPM recording of a song where the music had frequently stop-time gaps, into which they injected the sound of belching.  Nothing else was vocalized.  Sometimes just one belch, sometimes three or four belches.
I'll leave it up to the judges to decide whether a belch qualifies as a word, an aborted word, or no word at all.

Maybe not the fewest words, but "Dan Blocker" by Gurf Morlix hasn't many, and they're great ones. On his album Toad of Titicaca, Gurf was Lucinda Williams' original guitarist/bandleader/producer.
How about songs you still want to listen to and are considered excellent?

Maggot Brain.... is then a contender.
Y'all have had your headphones on backwards with too much bass again...

Let's see....current One Word contenders is:


('One word' in my local focal locus is at least a syllable, two letters, and 'ah' or 'oy' or 'ya' or the like might be disqualified as more a note sung by a human voice or the eq....ideally, it should have some sort of 'meaning' other than a sound...)

But, looking over the list, it seems more an Rx for a real lousy day that started out promising....

But, anyway....back to the festivities... ;)
@papermill ,
I must agree. It's great title and super great music!
As long as it's song's words, nothing's wordy :)
THANKS for keeping up!
Best ONE word:
"Koyaanisqatsi" - (Life out of balance)
Phillip Glass from the movie of the same name.
"One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces"  This may be a little wordy for this thread, but it sure get's your attention.
Agree, there are plenty of chants with mixes of vowels, but I meant really WORD or WORDS
Plenty of fusion albums with AUWEEU type of stuff, but I don't think that it can be defined as WORD.
There are millions of songs with no words. John Handy has a song "Hard Work" and that's it. YOU Tube it, it's really great.
Album with most words???????? Never mind, I guess I probably shouldn't care. Cheers,

Frank Zappa has whole album "Shut Up and Play Yer Guitar"
This one has songs with no words whole box

Bingo!! See, that wasn’t so hard was it?

rja, geoff,
Frank Zappa has whole album "Shut Up and Play Yer Guitar"
This one has songs with no words whole box set.
There’s one on an old David Crosby album, "Song with no Words".
Quite terse indeed.
Yellow, Oh Yeah.
I believe only the words, oh, yeah, and beautiful are used, several times, but just those words.
They Might be Giants - "Minimum Wage"
Two words...should be good for 2nd Place.
Clint Eastwood was a man of few words. Sometimes he didn't say anything. One word is fewer than than two words and zero words is fewer than one word. QED

no words does NOT mean words or word.
check the contest :-)

Good hit on Tequila! Tadam tadadada dam tam!
Raunchy, Rebel Rouser and Happy Organ all have no words. Zero. What do I win?