Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO
Love that Doobies album Slaw!

In fact on Discogs there is an article on the Doobies from their early days to now. It's an interesting read.
Just been experimenting with speakers position as the Spatial have been in pretty much same place as every other speaker.

3" one way and 2" the other and quite a difference in presentation.
Used a tape to get then both properly lined up with my seated listening position.
For the better....
Free upgrade!
Absolutely! Speaker positioning is critical. My floors are so uneven which is why I’ve found myself correcting their position several times over the years.
Sir Adrian Boult conducts Vaughan Williams - Fantasia on a Theme, Concerto Grosso, and Partita for Double String Orchestra. London Philharmonic Orchestra. Angel 1976.

This album really grabs you by the ba......throat.

3" one way and 2" the other and quite a difference in presentation.

3”, 2”? Thats a lot ;-) I use a laser measure, and play occasionally with small adjustments, sometimes out of boredom and curiosity whether I might have missed that perfect location. And heck, I try 1/4” to 1/2” changes, and believe me, I can hear the difference at times. Especially with toe-in, which for my Vandy’s are not much at all, and small adjustments matter. Space apart, and front to back, I might get really crazy and try 1-2” adjustments ;-D

I spent a long lone time figuring out, in general (specifically) what the best overall placement is, but can’t stop myself from tweaking at times. Just to check.
+1 bkeske,

Try 1/8". I can even tell the difference on my subs by very small increments.

I get the feeling many plop their subs in a corner/s and are done. What a mistake.

I credit the Jim Smith book for my speaker positioning and Pierre Spray (Mapleshade) for my subs positioning.
I guess you all kinda missed the point or I was not clear.
3" and 2" were the FINAL changes in position, NOT a jump all at one go.
I know you think I am reckless at times but jeez.......
Even I can figure out the small steps in between.
Time consuming but worthwhile.
Look back at what I first stated, the Spatials were just dumped in same position the Maggies had been without giving them any placement changes at all...until today
Uberwaltz, confirming something long imagined:
Just been experimenting with speakers position as the Spatial have been in pretty much same place as every other speaker.
3" one way and 2" the other and quite a difference in presentation.

"Pretty much the same place as every other speaker"?! Pretty much??!?! Freaking hilarious. Hey Uberwaltz, how many times have you heard me say PRECISELY and then just to be clear for the hard of learning (case in point) say that means not even 1/16" difference? Precisely means precisely! Not somewhere in the ballpark. Two inches! No, wait- 3"! No wait! You said "3" one way and 2" the other" that’s five! Crikey!

By that standard I guess "pretty much the same as every other speaker" means they were all in the same room? Probably? Maybe? "Pretty much"?!  

But really, not in the least bit surprised. Just letting you know. Wow. I mean, what you just did, is the equivalent of trash talking Michael Jordan for years and then one day Gosh I put air in my basketball, quite a difference!

Have you checked to see if they are in phase? That’s where the black goes to black, red goes to red. Hilarious.
Question guys, I’m just going to ask here instead of the ‘acoustics’ section.

I have quite a few mono recordings, but no dedicated mono table/cart.....yet. And my very humble little Schiit Mani has no mono switch. So, out of curiosity, I said, ‘self, wonder if anyone makes a stand-alone stereo/mono switch box’?
Found a few folks who have made them, and then stumbled across one made by KAB Electro Acoustics that has a ‘remote’ (cabled) switch to go from stereo to mono with a button press. Hooks up between the phono pre and pre. At least I think that would be the best way. But, they want $229 when many folks have built them for much less (I’m not going to make my own). I did find some cheaper, but without switches, so you have to take them in and out of the chain physically. Pain in the rear. I’m surprised there are so few of these ‘out there’ actually.

Yes, I know, one more piece of equipment in the chain, never good. But I have to wonder how much better my mono recordings would sound with my stereo cart through one of these ‘things’?

Anyone ever had any experience these devices? Alternative suggestions? Right now, a separate mono table isn’t happening anytime soon because of other issues.

I know you think I am reckless at times but jeez.......

just funin with ya Uber. All good. 👍🏼

My Trio has a mono switch. When I installed my mono cart, it bested that set-up easily. I bet Shitt would build you a piece at your request.
My Trio has a mono switch. When I installed my mono cart, it bested that set-up easily. I bet Shitt would build you a piece at your request.

Yea, that’s what I was curious about. How much better could I expect with a switch vs waiting and setting up a proper mono table/cart in the future.

I would imagine a mono switch is better than nothing, but then it comes down to cost for that ‘improvement’. Really, $200 ain’t much to tide myself over for a while, but is it worth it. I’m Probably more concerned with adding another device in the chain.

As far as Schiit making one? Interesting thought, but I have my doubts they would. I would probably be better off finding someone who could make one, which I understand can be done for less that $100.

WTF is wrong with you?
Still having extreme difficulty comprehending the written word it seems.

And you accuse me of making false assumptions??

Every part of your diatribe was based on you making some distorted false assumption.

And for the record I have no idea how many times you may have stated something because unlike yourself apparently I am not a stalker.

I will be blunt.

You are a festering sore in this community.

Yeah, sparse and fey. 

Those Pablo recordings are great. Huge soundstage!

I’d bet Shitt would incorporate a switch in your current unit if you’d send it back.
Bach - Cantana No. 80, Helmuth Rilling conducting the Wurttemberg Chamber Orchestra w/Figural Choir of the Stuttgart Memorial Church  &  Motet - “Jesu, Maine Freude”, Wilhelm Gerhard conducting the Stuttgart Bach Orchestra w/the Stuttgart Hymnuschorknaben. VOX, probably early 60’s per the label design. 
Via @slaw 
AC/DC - The Razor's Edge

Uber, I got this crazy idea today to start going through my records and play grading them and getting rid of some of the duplicates that aren't so great. We'll see how long that lasts, LOL. It looks like it's going to be a lot of work.

I’d bet Shitt would incorporate a switch in your current unit if you’d send it back.

I’ll email them. But, I’ve heard they are not quick to respond at times. And, from what I’ve read, anything asked about which they don’t offer in a product is usually answered with ‘well, this is what we felt best’, or something similar. For them to even consider a retrofit may cost more than the $200 unit I spoke of, and it is available now if I want it. Actually, there is one guy selling a used one on eBay right now for very very close to new cost. He is accepting offers though. 
That sounds like a great plan...in theory, lol.
One heck of a lot of work!
Obviously started on the A,s.
I would say you have a long way to go ☺️
I can't remember exactly where but it was fairly recent in the analog forum there was a discussion on mono switches.
I know there were a lot of options discussed with various device's mentioned.

If they could do it, that would resolve a big issue: an additional component and interconnect.
Then they would have more positive 'user experiences' another motive for them.
Uber, I'd say that more than half of my collection is in discogs and graded. I'm running out of room and need to get rid of some stuff. No sense hanging on to the second or third copy of something, especially if it's not in very good shape.
Or it could have been a big discussion on mono switches occurred within a thread in the analog section, can't say as I remember exactly, sorry.

But I do remember a few switch options mentioned for sure.

And Slaw has a valid point that could be worth more than the cost of the upgrade in potential SQ.
$200+$100? for ic?
Yep, been there, done that.
All of my collection is in discogs starting with visual grading and updated with actual play grade once I had played it again.
Just takes time brother!
Nicolette Larson-Nicolette Side 1
Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers-New York Scene Side 2
Led Zeppelin-Physical Graffiti Side 1
Maynard Ferguson-Hollywood Side 2
Brahms Piano Concerto No,2-Andre Watts/Leonard Bernstein Side 2
Herbie Hancock-Sextant Side 2
Frank Sinatra-My Way Side 2
Gino Vannelli-The Gist Of The Gemini Side 2
Rodney Crowell-Street Language Side 2
If you are running out of room to store records you do know what the correct solution is..... buy more racking! 😇

Btw I am listening to Richie Kotzen right now who probably sounds more like Chris Cornell than Chris Cornell does!
Good stuff.
Uber, I'm out of room for more racking! Well there is some space in the kitchen...
I wondered when the safe harbor of this  unique thread might end. Pay no attention to the ego driven lonely wretch who attacked Kevin. Like all narrow minded idiots with a small world view he can’t see beyond his narrow experience. I would bump his A into the Armco in a rented BMW and flip him off while doing it.  This idiot sent me a pm about tying shoelaces after accusing me of lying . He deleted his predecessor rant post and got busted by Duke and couldn’t man up to it. Massive ego, micro character. And Slaw, much as I love ya, we are actually not all friends here iF that definition includes mr MC. Carry on Kevin, I actually having heard both now can say ANY Spatial beats a cheap box of tweeters !
But while we are on the subject, a time and phase correct speaker, of which there are few will most certainly reward a hyper precise setup. Tape measures are for hacks, get yourself a Leica Disto. Include ear height ( most people’s chin ). Per Steve - The Jim Smith book is excellent and good used copy go for $10 ish on Amazon... more than 100 things to try out....
Brian - you speaker is quite unique w only a quarter million sold to music lovers and audiophiles- the acoustic coupler connects principally with the back wall. I setup and tune about 30 Vandy systems a year. Would love to assist with yours.

I wondered when the safe harbor of this  unique thread might end.

Do you mean the whiner who cries about being bullied and then pops into a thread for no other reason than to bully someone?  Some people can dish it out, but they can't take it.