What speakers are shown in the movie The Counselor?

They look like they've got flat drivers, maybe ceramic? Here's a link to a picture of them.
But you guy's forgot 1980's American Gigolo with the SAE equipment, in the wall shelf that Richard Gere ripped off the shelf onto the floor!!! I was so hurt when he did that!!!! 
I recall the big McIntosh stack in the Departed.  The corrupt cop's girlfriend quickly jams a CD into the drawer and slaps it closed with her hand.  Ouch! 
Anyone remember "Diva"from 1981?  Big plugs for Nakamichi and Revox there...
Alex in "A Clockwork Orange" plays his Ludwig Van on a microcassette (!) in what looks like a B&O player.
In "Elementary" Sherlock has a Mac rig with what look like Energy speakers.
Bosch has an MX110 and MC240 and Ohm Fs.  I never could ID the TT, but online people say it's a Marantz from the 80's.
There was a thread here 10 or 15 years ago about hi-fi in the movies/TV.
The movie "Love Potion #9" features Krell. Joey and Chandler had Martin-Logan
'Stats in their living room, etc..
Audiogon Discussion Forum
Lara Croft Tomb Raider has this TT playing as she does the bungee ballet.  I sort of doubt that the producers paid a fee to have this on the set for a very very short time.



I was surprised to see Meridian speakers in "Date Night." I don't think they say much about Mark Ruffalo's character, although they do seem to be in his man cave. Did Meridian do a lot of product placement 10 years ago? 
meridian digital active loudspeaker system top of the line probably around 60 to 80 k.
Wonder what those big speakers were in the Netflix  series Breaking Bad. (Jessies house).
I bought mcintosh because I saw it in a movie. Well, that’s not the only reason but that’s the first place I saw those big blue meters. I think the movie was the last ‘oceans” film
I think Keanu Reeves has a thing for Oris watches. He wore one way back in his role for Constantine.
The early self powered Meridian speakers were Philips repops (going back to the 70's).

Didn't realize that they were still manufactured (a thing) in recent years.

The audio system in Bosch plays a rather more significant role than in many movies or TV series.  But all that glass?!  It can't be kind, even to vintage McIntosh tube and Ohm Walsh.
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Yes, we see stuff like Coke and Kellogg's cereal etc all the time. But it's rare we see real stereo equipment. So I was rather excited!
Product placement is films is a big industry.  I had a friend who worked for Oris watches and she was the one who sold it to the Keanu Reeves John Wick movies.  Panarai always shows up in Statham and Stallone films and Range Rover is the bad guys' ride of choice.  You will rarely if ever see a product in a film that didn't pay to be there. I think Statham used a Pro-Ject tt in one of his films, but the brand wasn't shown.  
Hollywood doesn’t know audiophile, but they certainly know character and mood. Those Meridian speakers perfectly convey that the character has tons of money and little in the way of taste. Just look at that picture. Working so hard at being trendy he even untucks just one shirt tail. They’d connect those speakers to a can of Coke if Coke would pay enough. And if not then Pepsi.
Excellent! Thank you for the info and the link. That looks exactly like them. Sorry my link didn't work. But yours is perfect.
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They look like Meridian. That company went in for product placement.
There was an error in your link BTW. Meridian made some great products but their powered speakers never went over with the audiophile community that well, as far as I can see.
Someone has a pair for sale in case you want to purchase a pair: (no relation to the seller)