What's your profession? Age?

Just thought after the "how much is your system worth" post that it would be nice to see what all these people do to get $80K systems, and perhaps how long it takes. I'm a 29-year old economist for the gov., just completeed my Ph.D. last month, and my system is at about $10K. Just a pup hoping to keep upgrading...
Close to 2 years ago I wrote "53, outside of the house I am a litigation attorney. At home I am butler, porter, handyman, and sometimes floor mat."


55, outside of the house, I am a litigation attorney. At home, I am the king of my castle.

Got rid of the albatross, and my system has never sounded so good!
I am a mechanical engibeer . I changed that to dealing with high end audio for some years now.
Maintenance planner for laboratory equipment at a pharmaceutical company.

39 years old.

My system new price is about 20K euro. I payed less then half that (I hope). No kids steady girlfriend.

Political I lean towards the Social liberalism
Beats me, they always come to my door ,ring the bell and are unfailing polite.
I'm just guessing that Rolling is not one of the fed ex or ups drivers we see on the news tossing boxes over fences etc.
I admire people like you Mark, true sacrifice for beauty.

Without you delivery drivers the audio industry would collapse!
I'm Mark and the opposite of most people here.
I'm just a delivery driver, and have no business having $25k
In a 2ch stereo system, plus tv/ room acoustics...
You'd think a 42 y.o would know better! Heh..

Noone ha$ a clue about my setup.. So much money and it doesn't tune radio stations or even have bal./ tone controls!
Newly retired chemist, 61 in June, Homeless bum in training. Schubert, we need to get you a spot on late night TV. You are far more entertaining than the existing highly paid, hardly homeless, bums.
Yup, my Walkman works just fine, I have to go dumpster diving for some new batteries though.
Well, being homeless has an advantage over many of us in that you don't have to worry about room acoustical issues! :^)
I probably responded to this thread at some point in the past. Practiced copyright law in NYC for 33+ years, semi-retired from the partnership of a large firm a few years ago to do other things (non-lawyer) in the music/film/tech fields. I teach part-time at UT Law School and have been involved in the music industry for decades. Split time between Austin and New York. I have a pretty good system, never added up what it cost~ seems kind of pointless since the stuff doesn't appreciate in value, though I appreciate it more, now that I have the time to listen it. My interest over the last couple years has been to locate the best sonic examples of vinyl pressings I can of music I enjoy. The process has helped me put the hi-fi endeavor into perspective- focusing on the music rather than the gear. (Been playing with hi-fi gear in a serious way since the very early 70's and still love that part too- but it is a means to an end. I'm approaching 60 years, a good time of life to make such changes.
45 year old educational software analyst and instructional designer. My current system retails about $12,000 (amp is second hand, so I paid about $9,000 for it all). Had a system that retailed for about $35,000 at one point but I just didn't enjoy music with it and started over. I've managed to find good synergy for reasonable cost right now and I plan to hold onto this system for awhile.

I've spent around $20,000 on media over the years (mostly vinyl and CDs but now adding high resolution downloads over CDs whenever possible). Probably close to that much in tickets and travel costs seeing live music over the years too.

Crap. I could have paid my house off by now if I didn't love this hobby so much.
The system is about 50 k now & growing. Love good: Rock / Blues & occasional Jazz & also time for some Clasical when in the mood. 5k Music library most cd/DVD/blue ray. Return to vinyl & getting this side of the collection sorted. As analogue as possible...
Great thread idea, a 13 yr old thread is a beautiful thing! I'm 47, an electrician living outside of Vancouver Canada. My current 2 channel rig would retail for 11K, and the theater about 10K, thought I paid much less for both.

I restarted the 2 channel system in earnest with a used pair of speakers that go for 6K new, buying some bargain electronics to run them, big mistake. It took me a good while to sort that out with gear that had good synergy and I finally love those speakers. Thanks Parasound.
57 year old attorney. 80K plus system. Took about 11 years to get to where it is today. More work to be done.
53, outside of the house I am a litigation attorney. At home I am butler, porter, handyman, and sometimes floor mat.
Production Coordination for a Poultry processing plant. 29 years of age today. Home Theater is worth original retail @ just over $11,000. I like to party.
Retired 40 years young Financial Analyst and Investor. I just made the right decisions at the right times.
56, Information Technology consulting, amateur musician.

Owned stereos since high school. Got hi Fi bug at 22 when I heard set of Acoustat thru mark levinson gear at shop in silicon valley. Been on upgrade journey since then
I am 65 and retired for 12 years. I would say to you, don't worry about the cost of your system. More importantly is how it sounds to you. After all, you are the expert of your system. I started my hunt for my sound along time ago. 1968. I bought quite a bit of Japanese new receivers and reel to reels. A few years later I was buying, piece by piece American made Speakers and started into separates. Then the kids come long and suddenly a long hiatus of 20 plus years. Then I started all over, why? Because I could I guess. I amassed over 4,000 records and then retiring and making a few trips traveling and listening to equipment not available in my area I ultimately ended up with a system I am proud to own. Cost about 83,000 without tax. It truly is the sound we are after That all elusive sound makes magic! And then, even your wife joins you in your hunt. In this case you honestly can say the catch was worth the chase! So take your time, enjoy the experience and let it take you wherever it goes. Wants and compromise......
Master Electrician, Electrical Contractor, college Professor. Started collecting equipment at the ripe old age of 19 way back in 1976.
Non-practicing physician/scientist. I have a simple system consisting of Zu Def 4s (upgraded from Def 2s), Ancient Audio Lektor Prime CDP, and Ancient Audio custom-made 300b SET with Takatsuki TA-300b tubes. All of these were acquired new for about 25k. However, when I began with Zu Def 2s, I experimented with EAR Acute CDP and EAR 859, Yamamoto A-08s, and Deja Vu Audio 45/2a3 amplifiers - all of which were purchased used and sold for their purchase price.
I'm a Hitman. I'm 87 years old but still do contract work from my wheel chair. In fact, I have had more successful hits in my wheel chair due to the sympathy I attract and the increased access available to me in restricted areas. If it wasn't for the Super Beta Prostate formula I would've retired long ago.
Psychotherapist PhD / Professor (p-t)/ Buddhist Minister (student) 64yrs. I feel life slipping away as I write this....
Zenith Reord player portable, bought on time
Hitachi Recevier used, burned out bldg., used zenith speakers
Radio Shack receiver, Hitachi Speakers
- sold everything

Kenwood receiver, Advent Speakers, big mothers, used
NAD Recevier, used 40wats
Boston Accoustic 5 pce, w sub
NAD Recevier 70 wats
Paradigm speakers,
Silverline 11s
Silverline 12
Linn k
EPOs 5
Triangle es
*Tyler's mini. .( *) still have
*Silverline 17s
EPOs els3
* Silverline something...
HK, Arcam
*Triangle 202
*Totem Rainmakers
*Totem Dream.
HK/ Cambridge
* Tetra U120
Not dead, yet....
I'm currently working as a cook, hopefully soon to be selling real estate. I just turned 34 last week.
Hey Cjl, another Meteorologist here. I only got 1 year in at the National Weather Service before the Clinton budget cut. Me being the new guy, was laid off.

I'm loving building speakers full time now, but still have a passion for weather.
Metrologist, working on radar equipment, software programing
to measure noise and signal transmission -(ex) NAVY -

61 now, with a hobby in audio research.
53 years old, electronic tech. I repair audio gear for Kicker.Music lover and long time audio nut!
Semi-Retired from the High Tech Industry. Have been a public school teacher (7th grade math) for the last 7 years. Age 56, Retail value of my system: $7800, if I did my mental math correctly.
I'm 35, head coach of the Duke University Cycling Team, and work with private clients at all levels of the sport.

57 yoa. Audio since 15. I’m the restless sort and never stuck to one profession. Army infantry paratrooper(82 ABN), cop, chiropractor, fraud investigator, and now a teacher. It’s been fun. We adopted 6 yr old twins 6 yrs ago and are presently adopting sisters, age 8 and 11 from Russia. Kids wear you out, but keep you young.
57...a guitar playing avid fly-fisherman that practices the art of the long-release.
I'm a trust fund baby....., sorry I was just trying to top "adult entertainment". I'm really in law enforcement (38). I am at 8K so far. Deftecs, SVS and Parasound.
My company manufactures color concentrates and additive masterbatches for all manner of plastics & plastics processing. I manage the southeast region. I'll be 47 in April.
Retired, 67. Last posting was research biostatistician. System worth $50,000 plus the electronics, which are home brew.

Beg to differ, Southern. My hearing is down 6 dB at 12KHz, and I can clearly differentiate VCap and RelCap teflons, and brands of premium resistors in a discrete-resistor gain stage volume control. My father, who couldn't hear much above 4 KHz, clearly preferred a Nakamichi tape deck to a Denon in a single blind experiment (sadly, as I thought, for one was to be a gift). A friend who was a shooter clearly differentiated digital and analog vinyl from the same performer, same era.

Are you sure you aren't underselling your abilities?