What is the Best power cable for the Soulutions 540 CD player

Just bought this player and need suggestions 


Not at this time. I will contact you later this Fall.


Happy Listening!



Thank You for the follow up. Very interesting.


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@jafant they are. They are more open but still musical.  There is no background noise.  The soundstage is deeper and wider.  Image placement is better.  The highs are vapor like and extended.  Rings the band in the room 



Can you talk about the Infigo being better than K/S and HF ?


Happy Listening!



where are you with current Cabling?  Kubala? High Fidelity?

Other brand(s) ?


Happy Listening!


Thank You for the follow up. Are you going to integrate a full loom of High Fidelity ?

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Yes. Rick at high fidelity  just created a new prototype i will be trying next week 

Thank You for the update. Are you still using High Fidelity cabling?

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I made two changes. I took out the audioquest carbon for the kimber select 2436 usb. The soundscaped and clarity opened up. More 3 dimensional. Then I swapped out the clarity cable natural ic rca’s for high fidelity cables orchestral and wallah magic. Transparency increased more depth. Happy! The orchestral Cable is his new line.  I think it’s his best so far. Increased treble extension and better bass response and plays bigger than the previous higher fidelity cables.  Bigger images! Cooking! 
I will have have tried clarity cable, Clarus cable and High fidelity cables so far.  High Fidelity is winning with its pace, depth and transparency 

Thank You for the update. Will you try other brand(s) of cabling for your Soulutions 540 spinner?

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Liking the high fidelity orchestral line on the soulutions 540. It goes and grabs that last bit of depth and transparency 
Picked up the high fidelity orchestral cable line. Interconnect and power cable. Going the system tomorrow. 
I will pickup my high fidelity orchestral cables helix tomorrow. Power cable and interconnect. 
Keep us updated on your search.  I am about to buy a very high end cdp and would be curious about you piwer cable search.

Nice score!  It is really great to see an Audiophile still buying a spinner in 2020.  Have fun and keep us posted on the Power Cable (PC) choice.

Happy Listening!
This is the final piece in my system.  Excited! Just gonna cable match and I’m done 
I’m going to be trying the high fidelity orchestral line of cables in a week.  Should be interesting 
I believe Solution has their own brand of high end cables and power cords. 
Don’t let anyone drag ya down....
I have heard Soulution gear with several different looms of cable: Audioquest, Nordost and SAIN. Good luck on your journey and enjoy the music :-))))
for this one...I would go with 'Rekcus III' by Dekunff...it a bit on a expensive side, but it is specifically geared for cd players
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Anyone if you have this player and have this player or Solutions brand tell me what you paired it with. I will be trying the high fidelity orchestral line of cable in a couple of weeks 
Has nothing to do with the CD player. Has everything to do with you. Buy your power cord same as any other component. It is, after all.