What is the best doors album in your opinion?

...and why do you think that?
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My favourite is a compilation double CD titled Legacy: The Absolute Best of The Doors which came out in 2003. My previous favourite was The Best of The Doors from 1985 which I gave to my brother to enjoy. The newer compilation has 34 tracks which are all HDCD encoded and the older double CD has 19 tracks with inferior sound quality. Although my wife and I really enjoyed the older CD on our honeymoon while driving through the Grand Canyon National Park. Great memories with The Doors, my wife and beautiful scenery.
“Morrison Hotel.” IMO, a masterpiece from start to finish. It’s hard to argue against “The Doors” for musical and cultural significance, but for me, MH is where it’s at in the Doors’ catalog. That said, I like all the albums—just some more than others.
Of course there is no "best" here, just favorites. Mine are, Soft Parade and Waiting for the Sun.
Drove from Minnesota to Miami in 1968 with one 8 track tape, The Doors. 32 hours each way, don't know how many times I listened to that tape. Still like the album though.
BTW: Saw the Doors twice. 8^)
The Doors and Strange Days tied for first. I only wish Light My Fire had been recorded better.
The "Doors" followed closly by "Strange Days".I remember buying them as they came out.And seeing them live at the time in LA.I was at The Hollywood Bowl show that is now a DVD.JD, Formally a Hippie Type,Now an older Hippie type.
The doors live, I believe it was a double album. I remember the cover with Morrison with leather pants and oval belt buckle. I bought this album during my lunch break when I was working at Mr Frolich's jewelry store as a teen. When he asked me what I bought,I showed him the album. His remark with somewhat stern voice, you should listen to Gershwin and my reply must have been yeah Mr Frolich. I today still love the Doors but I also love Gershwin, thank you Mr Frolich.
L A Woman for me. Riders on the storm on LP late at night in the dark at high volume.Even better if it is raining outside. Cheers
The variety of choices show that at the very least they were truly a unique band at a time when there were several to choose from!
That's why i bought the Doors Box Set...Re-discover them all!
"Strange Days" is my first choice, very closely followed by both "The Doors" (their first album), and their last album, "LA Woman". All three are top notch albums.
Man!!! That's a very good question and very difficult to choose.
But for me, It would be a toss up between Morrison Hotel, not only for the music but also the album cover, and LA Woman.
"Soft Parade" has a special place in my memories but "The Doors" is their best work. The excitement, energy and originality in the music is still there today some 40+ years later.
In fact if the question was what is the best debut album by a band, this would probably get quite a few votes.
Tough call.

"The Doors" is pure raw energy and "LA Woman" shows the band's maturation and polish.

"Break on Through" may be the best opening cut of any debut album.
I think their first album is the best. They worked on those songs for over two years before they "blew up" and fame overtook them. They didn't have day jobs and they worked hard at their craft during that initial career phase. They could cherry pick the best of the repertoire for the first release. The second album had many of the leftovers from the first album. There is a vibrant originality in that first album that the followups never equalled to my ears (even though they made a lot of excellent music after the first release.)