Vinyl headache from hell!!!

I’ve been a vinyl user for around ten years and for the past month I’ve been dealing with various issues on all three of my turntable setup that have got me so frustrated to the point of hindering my ability to troubleshoot these issues. So I’m deciding to focus on one turntable setup at a time and turn to the many experts on this forum for opinions, tips, and ideas.

Turntable one is a TW Acustic belt drive with Morch tonearm and Benz Wood cartridge: the problem is if I play a record from the beginning and playing through the lead in grooves there is static like noise on the L channel for around thirty seconds and eventually goes away. This happens on MANY records I play. If I play the record at middle of the song, chances are it will play fine without the static like noises. Your thoughts?

Ground both the tonearm and turntable i have TW ACUSTIC RAVEN AC i have no problem.
Sorry to hear about this. My first thought would be to make sure that there's no physical damage on those records, if it happens only on some records and only at the beginning.
Mistracking on the lead-in grooves. Try increasing the VTF a bit! Make sure the stylus is clean! 
Please explain when you said, if I start it in the middle chances are the record will play fine. This makes me believe that some times it doesn't. In either case I would go through the process of resetting up your arm/cart from scratch. Good luck and enjoy the music
I will go back and recheck my settings, seems like I’ve already checked my VTA and antiskate over the last month but will do it again just to make sure. This setup was working just fine a few months ago and then all the problems with my turntables.
Left is inside, the groove wall on your left facing the turntable. So when we have L channel tracking problems we think maybe too much anti-skate. Dial it back and try again. How did you set it? If there is a gauge, the correct setting is where it sounds correct, no matter the number or setting its on.

I had the SAME exact issue and redid the tracking force and increased it towards the high end.  The cart says 1:7-1.9. I recalibrated  it towards the 1.9 and the Problem went away.  
I had the nearly the same sort of issue playing vinyl short of the static noise through the left channel for the first 30 seconds. I found my problem to be too much static electricity in the atmosphere. I bought some of those copper socks and abracadabra, no more static. Now I sock up when ever listening. Problem solved.
Not sure where the OP lives, but environmental static is a real thing.  Especially in the winter.

It is was fine a few months ago, (before wintertime), but now is an issue, makes me believe that might be the problem?
If the sound is as it should be in the middle of the record, it's not likely a VTA issue.  It's likely either anti skate, and/or incorrect overhang setup.  I wonder if by "noise" you mean distortion.  I'm guessing the latter, but if you are hearing extraneous noise it may be that these records are damaged.  A good test is to play one on a turntable known to be correct.   
Once static sees a crack in the door, it can be quite a puzzle, regular like yours or random.

Possible solutions IF others do not solve it.

1. My tonearm wires come out of the arm above the base, and go into a RCA junction box for soldering.

I found one of my litz wires insulation had become bare and was touching the tonearm’s baseplate ONLY during a certain portion of the arms arc. Tiny damn wire, I put a tiny amount of liquid rubber on the wire at the place of contact, problem solved.

2. remove and verifty tightness (or replace) all headshell wires. at least rule it out, inspect the tonearm wires connections to their connectors.

3. deoxit, contact cleaner on din pins, rca jacks, preamp jacks, make/break/make connections several times, at least to rule it out.

4. exchange din cable or rca cables, again, to rule the cable out.

If the problem relates consistently to arm position, I would check the arm wiring. 

Sometimes tapping cables or plugs with a lightweight screwdriver, allen key or similar whilst the amps are on can reveal faulty connections. Try with the arm in the area where the problems appear.
I also had this EXACT problem. Reset my overhang (which was off) and anti-skate, as well as increasing VTF to high side of range. Problem went away!
I really appreciate everyone who has commented and it has given me some ideas and most of all the energy to try to get to the bottom of this. As shared in my original post, I've been frustrated to the point where it has affected my ability to troubleshoot. The problems started with my Garrard 301 and 401 and when the TW Acustic issue arose, add in a hectic work schedule, I was gassed out and didn't want to deal with it anymore.
This morning I rechecked all my settings and continue the troubleshooting, what I found is the cartridge loading selector knob on my Jasmine phono stage would intermittently cause static-like noises.
At the same time, the four records (totaling 8 sides) that I've been using to test were new from my latest order. 5 out of the 8 sides had the same static at the beginning of it. Yes, embarrassing but unbelievable that 5 out of the eight sides had static-like noises at the beginning. I drove over to a friend's house to confirm the static on my new vinyl on his system. We both couldn't believe it. The Jasmine phono has been dropped off to be looked at by a local technician, hopefully, it's just the selector knob that needs to be replaced. 

Don’t leave us hanging. Did you hear the same static on the same LPs at your friend’s house, as you were experiencing on your own system?
Yes, we both heard the same static on his system, 5 out of the 8 sides all from the same order, I'm hoping to exchange these. The problematic phono is now with a local tech. I do have another phono that should be in perfect working condition, I will do more listening when time permits.
I would try checking Azimuth and for proper alignment.  Depending on your set up this can drift a bit over time.
I too have a morch tonearm.  Lovely when correctly set up, but what a pain to get there.  Those @#$%^ weights...
My guess is you might have a slight fracture in your tonearm internat wiring that is aggravated/not by the position of the arm.
If the records have been damaged it is obviously a stylus alignment issue. Easy to have with a unipivot arm. I never recommend them under any circumstance. My advise would be to get rid of that arm and get a Reed, Kuzma 4 Point or Schroder arm. You will not have this problem again.
I've updated in an earlier post and on my system page my findings on these issues. The cartridge loading selector knob on one of my phono stage would intermittently cause static-like noises. Add in a number of bad pressings on a previous order, and static on a newly retipped cartridge are the cause of all my frustration. So a few different things happening at the same time. I appreciate everyone who has shared advices here and the few who has sent me messages, I can see better days coming!
Although it sounds as if your alignment is off, I am guessing that you have checked this,  vertically, horizontally, and side to side-front to back, whatever that is called. I once had an issue with a binding wire in the anti-skate mechanism.   The owner's manual for my pal's Grace branded Rega 3, Grace 707, and Grace F-9 system has an interesting comment on anti-skating:  Watch the stylus and see if it bend either way a bit when playing a record.  Adjust anti-skate to stop this.
I must be losing my mind. Scar, you say you heard the same static-like distortions on the same LPs at your friends house using his completely different system as what you are hearing on your own system. For me, this would exonerate your turntable/ tonearm /cartridge from being the source of the problem. Seems like your problem is with your LPs. So I wonder why the discussion about what equipment you should buy is ongoing.
I experienced this same thing within the last couple of weeks. We live in AZ and the HVAC unit for the master bedroom and the library/main listening room had not been turned on all winter because we like to "sleep cold" and I'm comfortable in the listening room with a sweatshirt if needed. Unknown to me my wife had turned the thermostat to 68 to just take the chill off. This coincided exactly with the phenomenon you're describing.

All of a sudden the air was much drier and static was much more present. It took a couple of days for me to figure out the connection. As with what you describe the static would build up and be noticeable in the middle of the record. Part of what I discovered was that if I lifted the stylus and cleaned it the effect seemed to be far less. Probably this took the static off the system. I simply rehumidified the library/main listening room and the phenomenon like what you described completely disappeared and all was back to normal. 

I don't know where you live but if something like that has gone on in terms your living situation leading to having much dryer rooms and therefore more static it might be a solution for you. Hope this helps.

Happy listening!
unless this problem is happening with all your lp's i don't see how it can be a cartridge alignment/ tracking force issue or static. i have some lp's (and 45's) that exhibit the same problem-it is in the vinyl. as to new lp's, i have found most of the new lp's ("remastered, heavy vinyl") are worse sounding than the original(old) version i have.