

Discussions scar972 has started

How are you getting your surround sound?172912
This budget phono preamp continues to amaze me.24915
What room treatment product have transformed your room or audio system?247834
Vinyl headache from hell!!!417230
An EXPERIMENT for those who have never heard differences in cables673846
Why high-end cable manufacturers don't post measurements?7612150
What do you think causes the crackle and clicks we hear?442353
Why no interest in reel to reel if you're looking for the ultimate sound?22117215
Direct Drive vs. Idler Drive vs. Belt drive42122349
storage options for MacBook Air240616
Amp recommendation in the $6000 range454425
Classical music for newbie42149
questions for TW Acustic Raven One owner790911
Hum...ZYX with Tom Evans Groove Need suggestions454814
need help on transparent sounding 12au7 tubes1886526