Vandersteen updates and amplifiers

Seeking experience and advice. I have the Vandersteen Quatro Wood (non-CT) and have enjoyed them on a large variety of music for the past 7 years or so. I have been able to hear changes with improvements in upstream gear and tweaks. I use a Pass Labs XP-27 phono - XP-22 Pre and the good ol XA 30.5 to power the Quatro. Balanced M5 boxes.  

Two things recently elevated the performance of the Vandersteen's in my room. First was the addition of Isoacoustic Gaia I footers. I was pretty skeptical about using these as Vandersteen designs to couple the speakers to the floor. These footers are supposed to decouple. But I felt is was worth trying because the speakers are positioned on a suspended wooden floor above a storage area in my house. I had to use the more expensive Gaia I because the 110 lb Quatro has to be supported with just 3 footers. Also, I had to buy 8 not 6 footers. It was not difficult to maintain the appropriate tilt angle by adjusting the footers. Be aware that the rear spike threads are different than the front. After many weeks of use, I think they are a significant improvement. The quality of the imaging and the tonal richness of the midrange expanded to my ears. More palpable presence in the room, better separation of instruments so that you can hear into the recording better. The bass quality changed almost like adjusting the Q. The bass may be a little less high impact and certainly less is transmitted into the floor, but overall bass better integrated into the music.

The second change was the addition of an HRS S platform under the Pass XA 30.5. This is the only component of the system that is near the speakers and in the high acoustic energy zone. Improvements in detail and clarity were not subtle. Very impressed!

So, fellow audiogoners, what might be the next steps for me if I choose to stick with the Vandersteen sound. I hear good things about Vandersteen M5 HPA mono's. This would eliminate the M5 boxes and the Pass XA 30.5. For the same price I could probably trade in the XA 30.5 for a more powerful .8 series amp.  Anyone with experience want to share? I would also consider updating to the Quatro CT if that would be a similar jump in performance. The Quatro seems to be the right size for my medium/large room. 
I have the Vandy 7 amps w my 7’s and a fantastic Music Reference RM-9 with my Treo... you really should hear the M5 power amp
the Ayre VXR/Twenty or MXR is a super amp w Vandy as are both Aesthetix and VTL
@karl_desch ,
I would opt for a higher power Atma amp for the Vandies.
The M60 would probably work, but I think the MA-1 would be a better choice. I would PM Ralph Karsten (Atmasphere here on Agon) and get his opinion. His phone number is on his website, and he does pick up (or his assistants).
For SS amps, if not Vandersteen, then Ayre would be 1st on the list.
Frankly, anything with zero feedback seems to make Vandy's sing.
I moved to the Aesthetix Atlas amplifier and Calypso preamp. Just my opinion, but I think Aesthetix amplifiers bring out the best in Vandersteen speakers. The Atlas also has a built-in high pass filter for use with the Vandersteen's. Punchy bass, amazing midrange and a musical presentation that works best for me! I was using Quatro's at the time. I use the Aesthetix Mimas integrated now.

You should ping JohnnyR at the Audio Connection to talk about the Quickies and the Aesthetix gear. Quicksilvers are still my favorite tube amps. He also knows a lot about Pass as he used to sell them. Good Luck!
@joey54. Thanks, I saw that they do this for a charge, but I'm also assuming that this is a transformer coupled converter, not balanced circuitry throughout.  What did you move to in the Aesthetix line and what did that change do for you soundwise?
The Quicksilver V4’s can be purchased with balanced inputs. I used a pair for 15 years before moving to Aesthetix gear. 
Just an update.  I hooked up a pristine old Marantz 8 (not 8b) and swapped out the Pass XA 30.5.  I had to do some XLR to RCA conversions in order to use the amp with my current M5-HP crossover. I used the multimeter measurements to get the appropriate voltage drop at 100 Hz.  JohhnyR @audioconnection has described the method in these forums in the past. The Marantz 8 needs a good hour to warm up and start sounding balanced. This is a very easy to listen to amplifier and I can totally see why people have described it as musical.  It has tones of tone and individual instruments are presented with more body and presence than I remember hearing with the Pass. The highs are extended enough without ever sounding etched. The bass is definitely different and a touch slower than with the Pass. But extended and distinct in a very musical way. The amp had some trouble when pressed into high volume service where the normally distinct and clear images get slightly jumbled. But this was rare.

Overall, although I don't think this is the answer for my system, I would really like to explore tube amplifier options now.  I am looking for suggestions for mono blocks that accept balanced inputs (and are preferably actually balanced amps). I currently use a 25ft run of XLR cables between the Pass XP-22 pre and the XA 30.5. Power doesn't have to be super high.

Atma-sphere M60 or Novacron?
Quicksilver V4? (not balanced correct?)
Doshi V3.0?

Anyone with experience driving Vandersteen with tubed power amps? I still want to hear what the newer Vandersteen M5-HPA sound like too.

I’ll let other Vandersteen users chime here as well.  Upper level Vandersteen’s have powered subwoofer sections and roll off bass below 100 Hz before the power amp. This combined with a nominal impedance of 8 and no nasty phase angles makes them relatively easy to drive.  However they are not efficient speakers like the Classic Audio.  I think owner’s generally have good luck with higher powered tubes like Audio Research or solid state.  I have used Pass Labs and older Threshold amps on the Vandersteens that I’ve owned. More recently Vandersteen has designed their own monoblock amps that use bipolar output transistors and no global negative feedback.

I am also heading to Classic Audio Loudspeakers at the end of the month. Getting the T1.5s. 
I have always been intrigued by the Vandersteens and their technology. What type of amplification do the Vandersteen Quattros like? High power Solid state, low watt OTL or SET, or high watt tube amps? Currently have McIntosh MC2301s. 
@audioconnection Ive got the Vandertones and will measure things out. Thanks for the advice on Marantz 8.

@gdnrbob. I have always wanted to hear Atma-spheres.  I am planning a trip up to Brightonto listen to some Classic Audio Loudspeakers. Should be fun.

@tomic601 beautiful system.
If anyone knows how to position Vandy's, it's Johnny.
As well as setting up the correct crossover values.
As far as amps go, I run my Treo's with Atmasphere MA-1's in the winter and Ayre MXR's in the summer.
A bit of overkill, but I always wanted to compare Tubes vs SS.

Glad you chatted w Johnny - I ran my 5a for a bit with my highly modified 1961 McIntosh MC240.... Vandersteen powered bass like the Quattro takes such a load off your main amp - be prepared to fall in love w tubes !!!

You can check out my placement and ARC and Aesthetix gear on the virtual system page: Poverty Bay Sound

and Zen,  Seattle style
When you try the Marantz 8b amp make sure you use Vandertones and adjust the High Pass with a Voltmeter to nail the 100 HZ point correctly Track 27 and track 30.
Noted an interesting, but I guess not surprising, change in the way the Quatros present music with some dramatic positioning changes.  I had been using the golden ratio method to position the Quatros out into my room.  They were a couple feet from the side wall and about 5 feet from the front wall.  This position really optimized the imaging that these speakers are capable of at the expense of tonality and bass response. On John's suggestion, I removed the front corner bass traps and got the speakers far back into the front corners. Instead of the triangle being 8' apart and 11 from the listening position, they are now 10.5 apart and 13' from the listening position. In this position, the bass is much more powerful but still articulate.  Upright bass playing with more presence and resonance like a real bass. Improved tonality across the spectrum. Also the overall soundstage has gotten more enormous which is great for a lot of recordings but weird for some small group recordings. I am working on positioning that will get back some of the precise imaging that is now missing.  Trying to find the correct balance.  
@tomstruck.  Thanks for the thought on Aesthetix. A good friend has one of their integrated and loves it.  As far as tubes go, I am not opposed as long as it sounds right!  I used to have a BAT VK75 SE, but never on the Quatro. Another pal is going to bring his Marantz 8b around soon.  I’ll report on how the Quatro likes vintage Marantz.
He isn’t actually my dealer!  He was just nice enough to think about my room and system with me.  I blame you guys for spreading the lore of his zen master abilities.
those are some good looking Quatros  I have Quatro woods also power with the Aesthetix Atlas if I was change my amp would be Aesthetix Atlas Eclipse stereo or mono blocks 

Thanks @tomic601 and @gdnrbob. Had a good talk with John Rutan today and I’m trying out a couple things. He encouraged speaker placement off the Gaia and on thick granite blocks given the wooden floor. Also recommended trying the speakers closer to the front wall and sides. This was unexpected but maybe this will position the speakers on a more stable part of the floor?

My TT is on a solidsteel with a Vibraplane isolating the table. Might try the Gaia screwed into the solidsteel racks if I like them off the speakers better.
Definitely want to try both the CT version and the M5 HPA in my system. Probably too much $$$ to change both at once... Nice short speaker cables and mono blocks might be an advantage over my longer shotgun biwired Kimber 12TC.

Hi Karl - sounds like a fantastic system and room treatments - fixing low bass w passive treatments in living rooms is difficult- hence the invention of the model 5 and Quattro, etc w 11 bands of analog EQ. You will still have lumps and bumps but many fewer. IF you listen in one place a scales played on acoustic bass don’t vary much ( Soular energy is a great test )
you have it dialed in ! You could add a model 3 sub or two and have a fantastic swarm
system - better bass all over the room but maybe not in the sweet spot chair.
your experience with HRS mimics my own - I have a variety of their excellent products. Your phono and TT are on ????
i believe Vandy has improved the midrange, tweeter and crossover since you got yours - I perswould do the CT before the amplifiers ( I do have the M7 amplifier )
yes I have heard the M5 driving the new Kento - stunning
best to you
@karl_desch ,
I know Mr. V. believes his speakers sound better on a granite block.
I have my Treo's on maple butcherblock at the moment.
I was going to try Townshend Podiums, but the outrigger feet made that unusable due to my limited floor space. (They went under my preamps- and made a noticeable positive difference).
In any case, I think the Gaia provide much the same 'uncoupling' as the Townshend Podiums. And, I think your observations to be much the same as my experience using the Townshend Podiums under my preamps.- A cleaner, more defined sound, with the bass tamed but not muted.
Overall, better.

Thanks Erik. I would surely benefit from both a real acoustics eval and a Vandersteen setup expert. I have employed real traps (absorbers)  in places that seem to help, like first reflection points and front corners.  But I certainly have peaks and nulls in the low frequencies.