UP-OCC solid core copper for speaker cable

After reading about all these expensive cables and their extravagant claims, I decided to source the same wire that goes into many of them.

I have my monoblocs underneath and therefore close to the speakers. I ordered 8 feet of 14awg UP-OCC wire (with PTFE insulation) online. It is quite springy so I clamped it gently to the bench and cut it into 4 equal lengths. Assembling it into 2 x 24" speaker cables took a few minutes. I kept it running in the same direction, just in case. Be careful to gently slice the insulation and not to scar the copper.

Anyway, the improvement in sound quality was of a high order. Large increases in speed and transparency, more air, better definition of instruments, less coloration, backing voices I never noticed before etc. The improvement in musicality was impressive.

I urge folks to try this before spending lots of money on speaker cables. I don't bother with connectors as I feel they are another item in the way but that's your call. The wire was $6 a foot.

Available here:http://www.partsconnexion.com/wire_hookup_neotech_copper_teflon.html

See a photo of my cable here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6iot28p0weuwytn/up-occ.jpg?dl=0

After various unsuccessful trials with various wire including Belden 9497 to connect my midrange and high frequencies horn drivers to their passive crossover, I've settled on Neotech UP-OCC solid core 16Ga with teflon insulation. The wire is quite rigid and not so practical but the sound is stunning, much better than anything else I've tried in that position, seemingly just passing the signal without adding or subtracting anything. Very highly recommended!

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With respect, my thread was about saving money using great quality Neotech wire and NOT about the really high priced cable you are endorsing. Please start your own thread on the subject. Thanks.


I haven't compared the two directly but I have talked to the distributor and he says that the Amazon is much better than the Sahara and the only use the round OCC in their interconnects not in the speaker wire, the speaker wire is all rectangular o c c wire and the distributor told me that one of the retailers in Quebec put the Amazon speaker wire up against an $18,000 wire and he said that the Amazon was better, makes sense because it's OCC single crystal wire as opposed to regular silver wire.

Figured it out this @havocman man is none other than @urbie 

@tammyholt may want to just this down now. 


275 posts



MIT does not use OCC single crystal wire sorry they use cheap ofc wire cuz I phoned them and asked them.



275 posts



have you tried the neotech rectangular cable? the Amazon and the Sahara and if you have what is your opinion? there's a new company that has come into the audio industry called Infigo audio they're using ofc conductors in their wire and some of the reviews said it's better than OCC single Crystal I highly doubt it.


345 posts



the rectangular silver and copper OCC will be much better than your Zu speaker cables, they're not cheap though but I got the Sahara which is the rectangular copper and it is superb much better than the round OCC.

havocman, I have read his responses.

Your rebuttal was not a defense of your position or truth, it was the mocking of his perceived financial status. It was an attempt to belittle and demean by insinuating you’re somehow better because you can afford them. You could have stated what your perception of the truth is without your deliberate and admitted attempt at ridicule, but you didn’t.

And that is what speaks volumes about your character.

I also freely admit that I can be a colossal jerk, but I would never ridicule someone over their station in life.

There. I’ve had my say and I shall leave it at that.



Unfortunately not. Only comparison two single stranded rectangular wires in PTFE insulation (NEMOI-1220) vs. two single strand round wires in PE insulation (NEI-1002). Rectangular wire was warmer sounding but with less top end extension  

If you are familiar with Amazon please let me know some clue about Amazon vs. NEI-1001 and Amazon vs. Sahara. Thank you.  

@havocman your post says it all. Now just go away. Reminds me of another guy @millercarbon.  No one is listening to your crap or your endorsements. 

Lo Life. 



maybe you should see his responses to me and why I'm ridiculing him I don't back down from idiots all I was doing was stating facts.


gee I didn't know you were such a little baby reporting me, I'm not spamming I'm just stating facts, if you can't handle it go to another forum LOL, what a joke you are, go cry in the corner somewhere.


have you bothered to compare the Sahara or the Amazon that's the reference line? much better than the Nimoi-1220

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@hilde45 you are correct and @tammyholt is now aware of the SPAMMING that @havocman is making in favor of Neotech and if you look at his history he is spamming every chance he gets. And he is abusive. 



340 posts



do you still think junkie ofc is better than OCC and better than rectangular OCC LOL do some more research.

"but you probably couldn't afford it anyways. LOL"

@havocman ,

So, what if he can't? I'm not saying hilde can't, but what if? Is that something for you to laugh at? Does it make you feel superior? More of a man to write that?

At those prices I freely admit I cannot afford such an extravagant expense.

Want to ridicule me, as well?

That one simple sentence speaks volumes about your character and the type of person you are.

I have directly compared rectangular NEMOI-1220 and round NEI-1002 and preferred round wire. More dynamic, transparent and accurate.
Rectangular wire have limited top end for my taste. 

Amazon is a different stuff however there is few rectangular wires and one round wire in the boundle. 


was that rectangular copper wire you tried OCC single Crystal copper or just rectangular ofc wire?

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yes you tried the one from zenwave, the Neotech reference cables are much better, the Amazon which is the silver rectangular OCC is $9,000 US for 2.5 m and the Sahara which is their copper rectangular OCC wire is 4,800 US and the geometry design is far superior to zenwave that makes a big difference. I have the Sahara speaker wire and interconnects and the grand power cables and they are far superior to all of my round OCC, zenwave is pretty good but you can't beat machine made cables for build quality and geometry design, you can't do that hand building unfortunately.

There are no absolutes in Audio, only preferences. I had a home audition of one of the companies speaker cables that uses rectangular copper. The company has been mentioned in this thread. I didn't like it in my system...they weren't as dimensional, detailed, and lacked the bass texture of my current speaker cables. 

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Depends what length you want, 2 m is 4,200 US, 2.5 m is 4,800 US and if you need bi-wire it's $150 more. that's the manufacturer suggested retail price. and the silver is double that price. but from what I've been told that sounds even better, haven't heard it myself, I have the Sahara which is the rectangular copper and it sounds amazing, better than the round OCC single crystal wire.


I have more experience with OCC single crystal wire than you will ever have in your life, when Jim Wang was the owner of Harmonic technology I was repping for him here in the Vancouver area, and his niece now is running the company from Taiwan I believe, and the rectangular OCC single crystal wire is even superior to the round OCC, will beat cables costing double and they're rectangular silver wire the Amazon is not cheap it's about $9,000 US for two and a half meters.


the rectangular silver and copper OCC will be much better than your Zu speaker cables, they're not cheap though but I got the Sahara which is the rectangular copper and it is superb much better than the round OCC.


you really should do your research better LOL, furukawa and sumitomo are no longer producing OCC and guess what Wan Lung is the parent company of Neotech LOL, so yes indeedy Neotech does make their own cables. and again you're wrong about another thing all the companies that are using OCC single crystal wire state it on their websites like zenwave, neotech, Harmonic technology, Acoustic Zen, nowhere on the audioquest site does it say that they're using OCC single Crystal, in fact in their white paper it states that they're using long grain Crystal which has 300 Crystal barriers per foot and then in their PSC+ it states that they're using a higher grade of copper doesn't say it's OCC single Crystal, there is the next level higher grade of long grain Crystal which only has 70 grains per foot so no one really knows what they're using in their PSC+because they don't State what they're using.



Neotech, MIT, AQ etc., don’t make their own cables, they are source by companies that are licensed to produce OCC metals i.e. Furukawa,and Sumitomo out of Japan and Wan Lung out of Taiwan. The reason you don’t see manufactures quote the source of their cables is so they can apply their own unique marketing spin. Re-branding is not unique to audio cables.


unfortunately you're wrong about that maybe you should go to the website and check it out it shows pictures of the cables all the OCC cables are all solid core.


unfortunately you're wrong about that maybe you should go to the website and check it out it shows pictures of the cables all the OCC cables are all solid core.

@havocman , He is labouring under the impression that the cable that you are talking about has been listed on *Amazon.com* and is asking for a link that doesn’t exist. 


not going to be a link on Amazon for these cables sorry that's the website if you can't get to it something's wrong with your computer


if you want the retail prices I can give them to you because I have them.


wp.neotechcables.com, then click on the three lines in the top right hand corner and then click on rectangular cables the Amazon is the silver rectangular OCC and the Sahara is the copper rectangular OCC wire, I got the Sahara speaker wire and interconnects and it's far superior to my round OCC from Harmonic technology and I was using their top of the line pro nine SE speaker wire and magic ll interconnects, this rectangular stuff is a real game changer, I talked to the distributor here in Canada for Neotech and he told me that one of his retailers put the Amazon up against an $18,000 wire that he was also selling and that the Amazon was better for half the price $9,000 US is still a lot of money but all I can tell you is this rectangular stuff is amazing,far superior than anything ofc at any price on the market that companies like transparent  are charging an arm and leg for crappy ofc conductors, just so you know Neotech supplies pretty much all the companies that are using OCC single crystal wire with their conductors.



Can you provide a link for that on Amazon? I looked and couldn't find it. Thanks.


there's one thing Stephen Huang made a mistake in that interview that you put up, audioquest does not use OCC single crystal wire, I was on their website they use long grain Crystal which is an ofc wire and in their white paper it says that it has 300 Crystal barriers per foot nowhere on their website do they state that they're using OCC single Crystal conductors.


MIT does not use OCC single crystal wire I was on their website nor does it say anywhere that they use OCC single Crystal conductors, if they did it would be stated on their website they're probably using cheap junk ofc like transparent does and charge an arm and a leg for it, there's even something better out there now it's rectangular OCC single Crystal conductors and the Neotech is the only company that makes it, Superior to even the round OCC wire is check out their website and click on rectangular wire, the Amazon is there rectangular silver OCC wire and the Sahara is their rectangular copper OCC wire. I got the Sahara and I can tell you first hand it's much better than my round OCC speaker wire and interconnects and I was using the top stuff from Harmonic technology.

More information on OCC: 

An Interview with Steven Huang of Audio Sensibility - Dagogo

The rapid development of the electronics industry in Japan in the 1970’s led to the aggressive miniaturization of electronic components. This in turn drove the demand to draw wire of increasingly fine gauge. It became evident to Dr. Ohno that it would be necessary to develop metal materials with no casting defects or crystal grain boundaries to continue the miniaturization.

This became the motivation for his research which led to the patenting of the Ohno Continuous Casting process in 1986. Actually Dr. Ohno was granted five patents related to his continuous casting process between 1985 and 1981.

By using a heated mold with the temperature profile carefully selected, and drawing the material at a very slow rate it is possible to cause the solidification process to start from the inside-out resulting in the formation of very long crystals in the metal, rather than the many short crystals that form in conventional casting when the material cools from the outside-in.

Because of the requirement of very high purity metal (to prevent premature crystallization) and cast at very slow speeds, the cost of manufacture of OCC product is much more expensive than using conventional casting.

The OCC process was initially licensed to Furukawa Electric of Japan.

It soon became evident that the metallurgical properties of OCC copper were also advantageous for audio applications. The initial use of OCC copper wire in audio began in 1988 by a company called Furutech (no relation to Furukawa Electric) with Audioquest soon following in 1989 with its cables using Perfect Surface Copper (PSC).

The OCC process made a small fortune for Dr. Ohno, and in gratitude to his alma mater he made a generous research endowment to the University of Toronto in 1989.

University of Toronto OCC Research Lab

The UofT Department of Metallurgical Engineering established an OCC research lab in recognition of the donation. Today the Chiba Institute of Technology and University of Toronto remain the two leading OCC research centers in the world.

Dr. Ohno who is now in his mid eighties, is a Professor Emeritus at both Chiba and Toronto, and continues to keep in touch with researchers at the two institutions on a weekly basis. He remains in good health and was fortunately not affected by the recent earthquake in Japan.

Today there are three companies who cast OCC metals and an ever increasing number of audio companies using OCC copper and silver in their very best cables.

@testpilot he is going to hijack this thread about his OCC expertise (to wit he has none)

I have Zafino OCC The Prima MKII OCC Speaker Cable 9AWG - ZavfinoUSA

Great cable and in my main system I have all Zafino OCC OCC Silver Dart - Graphene Dielectric Speaker Cable - ZavfinoUSA

Power, IC and Speaker. 


MIT is not very forth coming about their cable composition and geometry.  Call them again and ask them point blank….does the Taiwan Wan Lung factory provide MIT with their cables/wire?  Also, look at many reviews of MIT cables where they state 6N OOC copper used in the construction.