Top brand speakers

Could someone with a vast experience with speakers/subwoofers say which ones are the top brands and worth the money.
Dmatt200-What's even more amazing is Bo's ability to praise himself so eloquently w his head so firmly shoved up his a$$!
"06-19-14: Swampwalker
Zd- I'm waiting for the 4D remix..."

I would too. 4D makes 3D sound like 2D.
Bo, you like Onkyo, right, what do you think of the P-3000R preamp and M-5000R amp?
Go mapman and Zd542, I am behind you gentleman all the way here!, I do not have to say nothing that the both of you have allready said!
Last year I did demo one time at the show with this combination. It is a musical combination. I talked to a some people who still owned the old Onkyo amps. They said it is still the same kind of sound.

The best cables like the Audioquest Wel let you hear differences in Heights better than I ever heard with other highend cables. This is a part what makes a 3D sound even more involving.

That is why it should be used at shows more often. These kind of level you hear not so many times at shows. But it is stunning to experience it.

@ZD542; I love depth with my screen as well. That is why I bought the Samsung 64F8500 plasma. It outperforms the Panasonic V60 and Z60 in depth......:)

3D my sound and plasma!
Cool Bo. How would the P-3000R go with one of the better Pass Labs amps?

As for cables, what do you think of Neotech?
The P-3000R also is able to create a deep and wide stage. It will work fine with the Pass Labs.

Neotech is a brand what is not available overhere. In the Us there are a lot more brands in cables then we have here.

So I have no idea :)
Ok, cool. Thanks for your opinions. Neotech is better than OFC, it's UP-OCC. It is able to transmit the signal faster and with less distortion then OFC.
Addressing the original question

Its a very difficult question to answer. First there are many speakers out there made by small manufacturers, you are unlikely ever to hear, that, to my ears anyway, simply blow away commercial stuff.

There is a guy in Sydney Australia who has a home made Axiom 80 based system that is very famous. Some guys from the US were in Sydney and decided to check it out, as well as other systems here in Aus. Their verdict was it outshone by a wide margin anything else they heard here or in the US.

But of the speakers most people are likely to have access to, my personal favourite is the Rockport's. That however is just my view. For example I don't like Magico much - too brittle in their sound for me - yet some love em. I really dislike B&W's 802D's - grungy midrange, boomy bass and tissy treble - but again some love em and really argue with me about why I feel that way about them despite I am not the only one of that view. Heard the PSB Synchrony a while ago and thought they were ghastly - but again some love em. The Martin Logans have this utterly entrancing midrange you can reach out and touch, but sound disjointed in the bass as if you are listening to a separate subwoffer. Yet some are not bothered by this at all.

I could go on but hopefully you get the idea there is really no answer to such questions except to experience it yourself.

Back to OP,

I had Avalon Eclipse, B&W 801 S3, Merlin TSMM, Spendor 7/1, Vendersteen 3a and 2Ce, NHT 2.5i, Canton Carat, and Definitive Tech BP10 speakers in last 24 years. All their mid/high freq. were faded and washed off with any powered sub-woofer. The powered sub doesn’t blend at all with almost speakers.

The mid and high freq units on floorstanders or standmounts are same The floorstander has bigger cabinet for only (low) bass. The floorstander is worse with powered subs because the juice/power from amplifier is wasted on woofers on the floorstander and the mid/high freq. are weaker.

The standmount speaker has cleaner/stronger mid/high freq. with more juice from amps. Still they don’t blends well with powerful subs. The conventional speaker doesn’t blend well with any powered-subs.

A good satellite speaker system (whether floorstand or standmount) requires vivid and strong mid and high freq. Nowadays, many high output ribbon tweeters (94db) make a good match with powered subs. However, the mid range drivers (89 db max.) are still with low output and can’t be match with powered subs.

Wavetouch Grand Teton speaker has strong and vivid mid and high frequencies to match even with multiple powered subs. Only Grand Teton offers mid range horns in their price range. OP asked “which ones are the top brands and worth the money?” Grand Teton is not a top brand, but it’s worth the money.

Alex/Wavetouch Audio
mmmm, no comments about Vapor audio speakers?, I was told by a reliable source that this was the best speakers he has ever heard, I never have listened to them, I just found out about their exsistance,LOL!
For Bhobba...

Did you ever receive the SP Tech/Aether speakers you purchased? If so, how do you like them? Which model were they again?
this thread is something out of a vintage woody allen movie at a thanksgiving family dinner. i am afraid to even turn on my amp after all this dissection. why do we even bother, lets just hum middle c and call it even
Never got the speakers. Have heard nothing for nearly a year. As you can imagine I am not feeling terribly positive towards the maker. I wouldn't advise anyone to have anything to do with Bob Smith until he has a lot better record than this.
OK, my old system works without repair :) I would like to ask if anyone can give an opinion - I am using PC optic output from HD sound card, but when listen to STEREO media, the sound is not good I mean is flat, no deep bass, etc.. Only when I listen to the Dolby/DTS media like movies the sound is far better.
What do you mean by media? If you are talking movies, they probably would sound better in surround.
By media I mean - a source like Youtube, like mp3s and stuff which is streo. The Bluray rips, etc are decoded via my decoder to Dolby/DTS and have far better sound but when the raw signal from the sound card is crappy :(
I have another question for those more familiar with the electronics - today I had some short power outages which resulted in broken audio system again - the light which indicates the power is blinking. When i got the system from the repair shop (they didnt repair it at all) I plugged it in and it was working, but since today after those bad power inputs it is not again. I wonder what that could be - it seems only after a power surge of some sort this can happen.
you do have a power strip of some sort with a fuse of some sort to avoid this? even an inexpensive one will do the trick.
Veroman - could you please translate it or refer with a Google picture since I am not so familiar with electronics :)
And then how should I perform the trick :)