Top brand speakers

Could someone with a vast experience with speakers/subwoofers say which ones are the top brands and worth the money.

Showing 9 responses by zd542

"06-19-14: Swampwalker
Zd- I'm waiting for the 4D remix..."

I would too. 4D makes 3D sound like 2D.
Mrc's right. We were just having a bit of fun. (at least I was). Your first post looks like a classic question designed just to get people arguing. After reading your 2nd post, that's obviously not the case. I can't tell you what the best is, buy my personal favorite is Vandersteen. There's plenty of other brands that are great as well. You just need to do some listening to find out what you like best.
"The weakest link in a Naim System is typically the speakers. You CAN get 3D sound from a Naim System, providing you don't attach Naim Speakers."

Not me. And it wasn't for lack of effort either.
"06-06-14: Bo1972
Naim has a different focus on sounds and image compared to highend brands like Pass Labs. It is another world. I don't say that you cannot enjoy it.

This is a matter of taste, but I have listend often to Naim equipment with other speakers as well.

The image is still a lot different, less intimate en less precise."

I don't think you understood my post on Naim. lol. Not to offend anyone who likes Naim, but for me it wasn't that good. I know people like it because it has the PRAT qualities that the British gear is known for, but there is other equipment that can give you that, plus a lot more in other areas.

"06-07-14: Freesoulbg
I just got "The Complete Guide to High-End Audio" by Rober Harley and will read it.
I would appriciate if anyone can comment on:
"Any suggestions about my old Creative Gigawors S750 - the build in amp was class D, I think the speakers are still good to use with an nice extarnal one, but what exactly? :)""

If you are looking for some good info to read on audio, see if you can locate some issues online for The Audioperfectonist Journal. It hasn't been published since 2009, but its still the best thing I've read on high end audio. The first 4 issues were free. Even if you can only find those, it will definitely be worth the effort. They go into great detail on things like how to set up a turntable, room acoustics, equipment matching, choosing the right gear, etc...
"So yes, it's a free world and I suggest you stop your crying about this. When you post absolute crap with no written proof to back your statements, be prepared to take the heat. Some of us may call you on it."

Without getting into who's right or wrong, what do you mean by written proof? Proof of what?
"The new surround Onkyo receivers are in stereo a lot better than the ones of last year. They also will give stage depth.

In the tests I did between the old and new Onkyo receivers. I only found out that in Multi channel with Audyssey the stage is deeper an wider. And you hear also more decay. They use better capacitors, these give a much more musical sound. The individual focus of instuments and voices with the new ones is also a lot better."

Bo, do you use the amplifier sections of the Onkyo receivers or just the preamp?
"I will do some shows this years. I will make a professional video with my Sony pro equipment."

Will the video be in 3D?
What do you mean by media? If you are talking movies, they probably would sound better in surround.