Top brand speakers

Could someone with a vast experience with speakers/subwoofers say which ones are the top brands and worth the money.

Showing 50 responses by bo1972

People make it personal when I become hard on some products. It is only a personal opinion.

When people make it personal I can become hard on them as well. They just ask for it.

They cannot handle my personal opinion.
It depends Always about the price. There are exeptional good speakers in every single price range compared to their competitors.

I sold Bose in the past. They are one of the best in advertising. colleagues and I found it the worst brand in queality we sold compare to the other speakers we sold. You don't need the best quality to sell a lot.

The biggest problem in audio is that many audio lovers are not aware of the different properties of all the parts in their set.

When I did visit many sets in a period of 2 years. ( sets from 8000 till 180.000 Dollar) I was usrprised that the endresult of most of these sets was not that good.

Even the epensive highend sets were not that convincing. These days many of them buy things from the internet.

When they send me an email with all the parts of their set I knew already that it could not work.

The properties togheter make the sound and the image. And the acoustics. When it does not fit perfectly you need to adapt it. This is what you don't want.

Audio is a lot more difficult to get a stunning endresult. But only a stunning endresult gives you a sound you want to listen every single day! This is how Audio should be.
Audiokinesis wrote a nice but true story about audio. A live experience is in my perception a sound what is fully 3 dimensional and playing physical in front of you. And that it can go deep as it does during a live concert.

Music Always need to be the essential part. There is audio because there was and is music. The emotion is in the music.

People talk about brands, but at the end a whole system only could give a stunning and convincing sound togheter.

It is easy to create an average or poor sound even with a top brand speaker. In more occasions it is not that convincing.

I have proven that speakers who can give a deep and wide stage are more entertaining for a longer period of time than a 2 dimensional speaker.

A 2 dimensional sound is not entertaining you for a long period. Many people I met and who were not happy with their sound. In many situations they had a 2 dimensional image.

I had a client in 2009 and he had a Naim system. This is an almost 2 dimensional sound. First I talked about what a 3 dimensional sound is and what the difference is between a 2 dimensional sound. After he heard it he said: I never have experienced this. I like it a lot and I prefer it over my Naim System. When I would have heard this before that I bought the Naim system. I would not have bought it.

Still many people are not familiar enough what the difference is between a 2 dimensional image and 3 dimensional image.

Shows need to tell people more about the differences. I think they never will do. Because it will have a big influence on some brands. That is why audio will never be that open and honest to customers.
Naim has a different focus on sounds and image compared to highend brands like Pass Labs. It is another world. I don't say that you cannot enjoy it.

This is a matter of taste, but I have listend often to Naim equipment with other speakers as well.

The image is still a lot different, less intimate en less precise.
It is not bashing, it is a personal opinion. Audio is a free world. You made it personal.

When I am critical on some products, it is still a personal opinion.

You make remarks on me as a person. When I would do the same: I could say: that your list of stuff you own is not based on a high level of knowledge and insight in audio.
If you have all my knowledge and compared all the stuff I did you don't even want Naim for free in your house. For me personal it stands too far away from how music and instruments should sound and should be played physical in front of you.

I can easilly overrule their sound and quality. I have proven this more than ones.

This is not meant negative. Naim is a product on his own and different than many others. That's a good thing. I like to be different as well.

My way of working is comparing and choose that one what gives the best endresults. The rest I don't want and I don't use.

I even don't think that there is a person who does audio this way. For other competitors it is extreme difficult to set up a better and more convincing endresult than I can.

Perfectionism is synoniem to win. Audio for me is creating the best sound and crush everything else.

I love competition. But it doesn't mean that I want to win everything. When someone would be better, it is fine with me. If audio get's to a higher endresult in general. This is more important than my own benefit!
Naim is not crap. It is a brand what dares to be different. In how it looks and how it builds a stage and how it sounds.

What I said earlier; it are my personal thoughts and opinion that it is too far away how music could sound and need to sound as in real.

There are enough people who like it. It is not up to my to say that they cannot like it. Audio Always will be a personal matter.

The stuff I use create more resolution, a wider and deeper stage, a superior realistic and intimate individual focus of instruments and voices, better blacks and a more realistic overal sound.

I let people hear my sound, and you can compare it with other kinds of sound. It is that simple.

I did not jump into that thread because REL is not a brand what is interesting enough for me anymore. They still make good subs. I sold a lot of them in the past. I want a stunning endresult.

I am only interested in those who give a better endresult and integration. This is a personal choice as well.

Another person can think differently and that is fine with me. Audiogon is a place where we discuss about audio. When we would all think the same, there would be no discussion.

In our country it is not possible to talk this open and at this level about audio. For me Audiogon is a fun place to talk about audio. Nothing more, nothing less.

These days I sell Purist only cause of information and idea's of people here on Audiogon.

At this moment it are only words. I've said it many times; I am so much better in sound than in words.

The main reason why I am so direct is that in 16 years I have seen too much low level in endresults.

Audio is a very egoistic and hard world for those who work in it. This I really don't like. But I am still doing it because I want to raise the level in endresult in general.
Quality means those products which can give a more convincing and involving sound compared to others for the same price.

What is a top brand? You have top products in every single price range. The best speaker in the price range till 500 dollar is in my eyes a top speaker as well.

I use the word top speaker for the speaker who is the best in a certain price range.

Words can be read differently. That is why I said:


Even if a 3 dimensional stage with a realistic overall sound and instruments and voices with the right proportion is better than any 2 dimensional stage.

It does not mean that a person cannot prefer a 2 dimensional stage. You cannot make that decision for that person. Some people prefer a coloured low freq.

Even if it is not natural, he still can prefer and like it more.

Paraneer; you need to learn to think further before you make remarks.

The way you react is what most people do; choose for the way with the lowest resistance. You better can choose for thinking from a wider perspective.
A Denon source with Classe. This is a high level of insight in audio. Audio is all about properties. They need to fit togheter. Denon does not fit with Classe that well. I have sold these brands for over 6 years of time.

Try a different source......
Audio Is about creating the best sound possible. It is not about me. My focus is only to achieve a higher endresult than others.

This is what sells best. And giving people the best quality for their money. I win almost all battles against other shops for a long period of time. Because I use better products.

These products do the work. I only use them to the max. At the end customers choose for the best convincing sound.

People take it personal when I am critical on the products they own. But I never made any remark on them.

You where the first who made a remark on me personal. So you got it back. I suggest we stop making remarks on eachother.

And we just react on the products and Threads.
I am not the one who is crying. Other people cry because they do not like my personal opinion. So who is crying? Do not turn it around.

It is my personal opinion that Naim is not good enough in depth and wide. It is not the best in blacks compared to other brands like Pass. It is not that good in individual intimate focus. This is how I see it. I never heard any of my client when I did a demo and explained the differences between this and Naim. Never any word.

Who is cryring?

The one who become personal
I read this. Send an email to:

Ask them about the show in Veldhoven 2013. And ask them the email address of the persons who were at the show of Monitor Audio england.

I cannot make it more clear.
I asked Monitor Audio England why they did choose brands at shows ( which I never would use or sell) which are not the best options.

They said: political choiches. What can I say. This I really hate. I was asked for demos a few years as well by Monitor Audio. I only had the options to use the amps and sources they choose.

I said: even if you pay me 100.000 euro I will not do it.

I am only intrested when I have the freedom to choose. Last years I had. I used my own set. To be honest this made it very simple to win.
It is as it is. I never say things which are not true. Monitor Audio Holland has his email address.

So you want proof; just aks them. It is that simple!

Parnaneer; when you still want to make it personal. Fine with me. Pioneer makes one of the worst sounding surround amps. Poor imaging, no depth. Only people with no insight and knowledge are able to buy these kind of low level audio.

You really don't know were you are talking about.
@ Paraneer: You have a low level budget set, and you talk about the 800 series of B&W. I owned them and I sold them. This is my work.

You are a amature and you talk about stuff you don't have a lot of experience with. It is the same as you would talk about Ferrari's and Porsches when you drive a Ford.

You still may have the freedom to have your own opinion, but you are only able to tell..... what?
Today I phoned with Monitor Audio and with Onkyo. Onkyo hired me to give a presentation last year. I told them how some people react on what I wrote. Paraneer will receive a few emailaddresses and he can ask if I told the truth or that I lie.

I like things to be open and clear :)
The owner of Monitor Audio Holland will be back next week. You will get your information :)

My Onkyo contact person is on holiday and will be back next week.

How stuppid you can be to think that I would tell lies. Everything I write and say is exactly as I told.

This is how I work and think for 16 years in audio.
I will ask Audiogon to make a special site for people like you. I have a few idea's what names they can use:

- Audiobudget
- Audiolooser
- Audiolow
What I said earlier; we have a more sarcastic kind of humor. Don't take it that serious! :)

The Xi-Fi was a show in september 2013. This was the worst show I even saw. And many agreed. There was a discussion under shopkeepers that shows need to change.

This was the worst advertisment for audio since I visit audio shows.

Next weeks you will get the emailaddresses.

The show was called; Nationale AV dagen, AV2day.
Was at 6,7 and 8 ( dealer day)of April 2013.

movie of our room. In front you see my set.

My company is Sound&Vision Consulting. Onkyo hired me to do their presentation. I had all the freedom to do it my way. I also test new amps for them.
I use only 3 brands for amps: Onkyo, Primare and Pass Labs

Cables: Audioquest, Purist Audio and Kimber

At this moment I only sell Monitor Audio.

When I start projects for houses and shipyards I think I will use Sonus Faber as well. Because I do business with the distributer who sells it. And they also can give depth.

I prefer to use less brands. I am a very focussed person. This way it gives you a much better endresult in sound.

The main advantage about consulting is that I have more time for every single client. I Always had a much more personal contact with clients compared to all the different colleagues I had in the past.

The biggest advantage of Monitor Audio is that all theur speakers can build a wide and deep stage.

Do not forget that I sold many of the bigger brands in audio for a long time.

When I started in 1998 I became very addicted to audio. In 1999 it was 80 hours every week. Even on monday on my free day I visited distributers. Testing has Always been the fun part in audio for me. I never had any colleague who soend so many hours on testing. All my money I invested in audio. In 1999 I had a set of about 50.000 dollar. I was 27 years at that time.

I could test every single cable or speaker I want. I did lend many different expensive cables at that time. I felt like a kid in a big toyshop.

I always have been very spoiled with exotic audio stuff. But I wanted to create the same exitement for less money for my clients.

I know that depth and intimate sound are essential parts for highend audio. The difference between highend audio and more standard audio was too big in my eyes. I wanted to make it smaller.

Monitor Audio and Onkyo give me the freedom to create a 3 dimensional stage and an intimate stage for prices many people can afford.

There is no competition in how I create sound in these price ranges. Other shops loose because they only can create a 2 dimensional sound. Also my focus of instruments and voices is a lot sharper than what other shops create. In resolution it is the same story.

When you use tools which can give a higher endresult, togheter you will achieve an even higher endresult. Audio is al about comparing. Sending people to other shops and see them coming back laughing, is price less.

I have become dealer of stillpoints recently. They also create a bigger and wider stage. And even make the intimate stage wihtin the deep and wide stage more physical and palpable.

Review about the Stilpoints will be here on Audiogon in a few days.

Today I will receive my new Audioquest Wild Signature xlr cable. I will write a review what it does and why it is an essentail part in a highend set soon.
In the Netherlands they never talk a lot about how it is or was. Because they don't want to be to hard or negative about those who are not that special or good.

That is why I said often: audio needs to be more open and honest.

Many shops agree that the level in shows is getting worse. That there need to be a different approach on how a show is given to customers.
CSMgolf: where are you talking about? A person who has a list of not special tools. Or tools who are able to give a 3D stage.

We are talking about low level audio. Who they F.... are you to Judge about me.

Your list of stuff is created by a low level of insight in audio and video. Next time please talk for yourself!
I don't take people serious who have low level audio. He could have get a much better endresult for the money he spend.

My clients also go to other shops, they have the freedom to choose for 2 dimensional when they want to.

I only let people hear my way of sound. That is all. I can't make the decision. I try to create a higher endresult than competitors.

Audio is about comparing. That is the most fun part in audio. The most convincing and involving sounds Always wins.

Audio can be very smple, so keep it simple!
I hope it helps for you. Audio is about experimenting, that is for sure. In 16 years of time you see how easy people make mistakes in audio.

These mistakes are often based on properties which do not fit well. In my country you have a wedsite for Multi-channel. This is a funplace for people who are extreme good in making mistakes. They really don't know what they are doing.
In my country it is the same. In the past it was the same too. People were a little affraid when I came into their room. Most people in audio are fat. But I am big with a atletic figure. It provokes some people. But who cares.

They knew they will know if it is good or bad. You get what it is.I have proven for years that I can create a much higher endresult in sound. Some people hate it. It is not my problem that they cannot achieve the same level.

They have the same possibilities. Audio is about comparing. The one with the best and most convincing sounds wins.

Many people are extreme f..lazy overhere. It says a lot about them. This makes it easy to win. Why they do not start to invest time in testing and looking for new techniques?

The people who like me have the best :) it is that simple!
That would be a bad thing. I want audio to get to a higher endresult. This only can be achieved with many people all over the world who do the same.

There need to be more dedication and devotion of those who work in audio. Togheter only you can create a better sound quality for customers.
Hahahahahaha....3D stage is definitely not rocket science!!

But the thing is that mongols in audio still sell 2 dimensional standard audio.

It is my personal opinion that you must be a fool still to sell 2 dimensional sound.
With 320kb you still can have depth.

What I have seen in 7 years of time is that people ( many women included) enjoy music a lot more when it is being played 3 dimensional. They also spend more time on listening for a longer period.

The level of quality and intensity in how music is being played has a big influence on our emotion. 3 dimensional sound has a positive influence on our emotion.

For me is seeing happy people with smiles on their faces an important part why I am stil in this business.

And when 3 dimensional sound is an important part to create this, so I will continue to do it this way.
To be honest I use much harder words. I won't name them. People in this business know how I think about them.

I understand that they can get irritated by them. For some I am like a pain in the ass. But they also know that I can create a superior endresult compared to them. I do not have to proff this anymore. They know it!!

Maybe some more competion would be better for me. To win that easy from these mongols can get bored.
It is as it is. The audio world is a tough and egoistic world. Last year a few distributers came to congratulate me with my show.

But others were not that happy with it. It is a small world, everybody know eachother. A few days later a dstributer told me that a few distributers were not happy that I was at the show. My way of working is to beat others. In the past they were happy with me when I sold their products a lot. But now they see you as an enemy.

This I hate most in audio. Audio is in my world a free place where every person can show their skills and sound.

They have to beat me with sound, not with words. That is the most fair way to use audio.

I do consulting, that means I work in my whole country and even in foreign countries. In my country people want to work in their region. But we life in a free world!
If you would have read more of my answers you would have know that it is not about me.

This is what others make from it. I want to wake up other people to give customers a better sound.

The world of audio is big, I am just a minor fraction. People in audio have to focus more on quality instead of focussing on earning money.

Every single person deserves a sound to die for. The world of audio needs to change. This is why I write the way I write.

Just show what you can do.........

I hope people will get more emotion instead of a box!
I will try to explain how it started why my focus is on 3D sound these days.

I started to work in audio in 1998. In the first years I was addicted to it. I went to many shows, distributers and other shops. You hear a lot. You remember the things you like.

In 1999 I bought the 802 Nautilus. I bought it because I loved the sharp individual focus. I knew it did not have a lot of depth, but for me the individuel focus was more important than depth.

We sold Avalon, and I liked the deep and wide stage a lot. But the individual focus of instruments and voices was of a much lower level than my 802N. It was not perfect either.

When you hear and test a lot your knowledge and insight in music and audio grows. Audio can become quite addictive. Also for me. You want more and better. After time I had it in my head what I wanted.

I wanted a big and wide stage, but within this wide and deep stage I wanted the same sharp and realistic focus of instruments as my B&W 800 Signature.

I thought about buying the B&W 800D. But after audition them a few times, I thought; Noooooo...I want a wide and deep stage as well. As a perfectionist you want more and better. It could not give me the thing I wanted.

In 2007 I started to sell Monitor Audio. I bought the whole Platinum series for the shop I worked. I had all the freedom to choose my own products.

These days Monitor Audio gives me the freedom to build a big and wide stage with a sharp and intimate focus within this stage.

When you test and compare all the time. You can create much easier a higher quality in sound.

My way of testing gives me the different properties each tool owns. When you understand and know the properties you can make combinations of tools togheter.

Tools togheter make a sound and stage. You can create it as you want it to become.

I use the properties of the brands I sell. Only these togheter can give me a wide and deep stage, a stunning sharp individual focus, blacks, resolution and an involving sound.

That it why I choose speakers, amps, sources, cables, conditioners who all can build a wide and deep stage.

Because I know that there are a lot more who do not have the quality to build this stage as I want it to be.

I am Always open for new products. I like to audition new audio. When it does not give the properties where I am looking for it is not interesting for me.

Until now I did not find a better way to create a higher endresult. For me it is very effective. But I only can speak for myself.

I understand that it is a lot different than others do. But that is who I am; different!
You can give it many words as you want. When people still think that it is about me. Then you are F....stuppid!

The essential thoughts are about a better sound for everyone.

Please stop crying, and learn to think further......

Audio Always will be about the most thrilling sound. And the sound what gives you joy for every single day you use it.

When shops focus more on quality instead of more shit then people wil get a better sound.

When distributers will work more togheter instead of only giving a demo based on political choices then people can hear more quality.

When magazines and websites about audio will give a more open an honest view, people will get more quality.

There are many ways to create a better endresult. A 3 dimensional image is just one.

Audio is like a formula one car, improving it on and on. This never stops. That is why I Always will keep on testing and comparing. This improves your skills and insight in audio.

With this information you get give your clients a better endresult. Even mongols in audio can improve their skills. But when they still are F. lazy, nothing is going to change.

So and stop crying. Audio is a personal hobby, so you have to do it yourself most of the time.

I don't ask you to do what I say. I just give some thoughts you can listen at. Nothing more, nothing less.
I use also the Audioquest Slip cables a lot. They are very cheap, but mann they are awesome for not a lot of money. I used the Slip 14/4 for the bi amp configuration with the 929. 7 dollar for 1 metre.
I also had a little harshness in the mid-high freq by using Audyssey Pro in the beginning. I could not solve it, there was no information to solve it.

I started to read articles about human hearing. Here I did find the freq. I needed to adjust. At the end I solved it completely. With target curves you can adapt it.

Audio is about trying things out yourself. Don't be affraid to fail. At the end it will give you a better endresult.
I worked for a company who also had a pro division. They also made live recordings. I liked to go with them during recordings.

Wolfie our Rel specialist is the one with the knowledge. Respect for you Wolfie!!
Hey Bob,

The S8 is a hell of a speaker. It has won many tests here in europe. I don't think it has any competition for the money. For example the cabinet is 2 cm thick. The Bolt through drive system make it even all better. They use stunning crossovers as well.

In the last few weeks I sold one pair in stereo with the Onkyo TX-NR 929 with Audyssey XT-32. I used for amps of the 929. Onkyo will deliver the full capacity of the transformer is using only those 4 amps. The control is stunning. Mann, I created a stunning 3 d sound. The low freq were stunning in drive and in speed.

I also sold a system with S8, S centre, SFX and AW12 sub. Also with a 929. The person who bought went nuts. He said: the music is playing 3-4 metres behind the wall. That is not possible, but I hear it. So I said: I don't ask you to understand it. Just enojoy the music and quality.

I have my own way of measurment. This I won't share. What I can tell is that I measure at different places and Heights compared to Audyssey does. This way creates a much more musical, dynamic sound with more resolution ans a sharper focus. With Audyssey Pro I can let a 5010 sound like a Class A amp. It is like a transformation in sound.

You need to understand that a source can F..up the whole 3D sound easilly. When a source has not the property for depth, it is F...gone. When a client buys a 2D source, I will correct him. I bring in a 3 D source. That is a hard way, but I want things to be clear. Because in my world there is no room for error.

For cables the same story. You need to understand and be aware of the properties your cables owns. These will have a big influence on the sound and image.

Your welcome,

The 929 without my way of XT-32 is huge. You have a much less sharp focus, a more clinical sound, less dynamics, less resolution, les decay.

The new Onkyo will not have Audyssey anymore. But...they sound a lot more musical. For people with less insight it is more easy to get a good result.

But Audyssey can give you an even more stunning sound. Without Audyssey the stage is less wide and deep. I Always try to use every single tool tot the max. That is why I test so much. To find out what is possible and were are the limitations.

You need to use all the good properties. And you have to limit the limitations as much as possible.
I give you a few important tips; You need to use a tripod and you need to work at mm precision. :)

The first few times I did a measurment with Audyssey I thought; I understand the benefit, but I also hear the limitations. So I started to do it differently.

Other people can try it out as well. You are not a mongol, are ya?

The new surround Onkyo receivers are in stereo a lot better than the ones of last year. They also will give stage depth.

In the tests I did between the old and new Onkyo receivers. I only found out that in Multi channel with Audyssey the stage is deeper an wider. And you hear also more decay. They use better capacitors, these give a much more musical sound. The individual focus of instuments and voices with the new ones is also a lot better.

For me personally without Audyssey Pro I never can create the level I have. I will use the 5509 longer. I also will go on for some time with the Integra 80.3.
I can tell you that I can crush all Marantz and Denon surround and integrated amps with ease.

I can achieve this with using Onkyo surround receivers. The difference are huge. Going back to Marantz and Denon with Monitor Audio you will loose all depth. These are the most common brands in the Netherlands. They also loose in sharpness in focus compared to the Onkyo

I have even proven that I beat a Marantz KI integrated of 3000 dollar with a Onkyo 5010 with Pro. It was superior in every single aspect you Judge an amp for.

I use these Onkyo surround amps also often for people who only play stereo. I can demo that my configuration wins in every single part you Judge a amp for against others.

- stunning 3d stage with a lot of depth and width. Going back to Marantz and Denon it is all gone.

- Better timing and more control compared to Denon and Marantz.

_ a much sharper individual focus.

- even in sound it is better than both brands with Audyssey

- a superior integration in every room based on the acoustics.

- much better articulation of voices and details.

* This is so much fun to do and compare. This is what I said; it is so easy to win it.
With the Onkyo PR-SC5509 with my way of pro I achieve a stunning level as a pre amp. I play about 80% in stereo.

Since 2009 I use Pass labs poweramps. I owned the Pass Labs XP-20 for 2 years of time.

With the Onkyo PR-SC5509 and my pro measurement I get a superior level compared to the XP-20 with Pass Labs.

The biggest differences are:

a much sharper individual focus of instruments and voices. This you easilly can hear in 2th and 3th voices. They are a lot more clear than what you get with the XP-20.

With the target curves I used I have a much better articulation of voices. You hear deatials which are not there or almost not there with the XP-20.

In drive it is the same thing. You also can play a lot louder without any roomacoustic limitation. Withe the XP-20 the room will work against you a lot sooner.

With the Stillpoints, Audioquest Wel, Redwood and Purist Audio LE powercables you get an extreme level of 3D sound. Instruments and voices are physical apparent at a level most people never heard. The differences in Heights give you a new level in listening to music. The air around voices make them so much more intimate.

We had a long discussion here at Audiogon about why some cables are so expensive. Audio needs to be more open and transparent.

That is why this monday I had a dicussion about cables with the head of Audioquest Europe.

I said to him; this need to be heard. This makes music so much more involving and unique. That is why shows needs be held differently.
I have many clients with Onkyo and Primare togheter. Like 5509 with Primare power amps. But also 5010 with an extra Primare poweramp for frontspeakers.
The fun thing in audio is beating the competition. When you work more precise you Always will win.

The main reason why I am so persisting in winning is based on the fact that too many people deliver a low endresult in audio.

In 16 years of time I have seen too many average and worse shows. Visit too many people at home with a low level in endresult who spend a lot of money.
The limitation of all Marantz amps is depth. This part sets music to a much higher level.

Depth makes instruments a